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Thursday, October 29, 2009

America's Most Unused Phone


Anonymous said...

Its' unused because it probably isn't plugged in.

Alex said...

I would be more disappointed in the Obama administration, if they actually paid attention to Glen Beck's idiotic publicity stunts.

Anonymous said...

One day you will wake up Alex and find Glenn Beck was right and it will be too late! What does Obama pay attention to other than other peoples money to give to deadbeats!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Alex! Our President has more important things to do than pay attention to that egomaniac!

Anonymous said...

Alex the FBI seems to give Beck a lot of credibility why don't you ? From the times I've watched his show he asks a lot of questions of the Administration they don't seem to want to answer . The White-House says they watch the show and want to criticize him but won't answer his criticism . Glenn Beck breaks down his reasons for asking those tough questions and from what I've seen, I'd like to hear the answers doesn't it seem odd the Administration who was supposed to be transparent are silent ?

Anonymous said...

Obama seems to want to fight a war with Glenn Beck instead of the Taliban .Another example of weak leadership !

Anonymous said...

publicity stunt??? dispute the facts. you can't. so you attack glen beck. that is the best you can do. all the white house has to do is proove the man wrong and he will be discredited. instead all you can do is attack the man. the facts are that obama surrounds himself with avowed communists. he has from his youth and he still does. his policies are straight from the communist playbook. i do not want to live in a communist nation.

NoName said...

First two words are "Glenn Beck", so consider the source.


Anonymous said...

9:43 Sorry but you will have to do better than that ! Dispute something Beck said or something besides burying your head in the sand so you won't have to learn something negative about your Messiah !

Alex said...

Anon 9:42 I lived in USSR/Russian Federation for a number of years. Trust me I know what a communist/socialist nation is. What we have here isn't it. Before your start going crazy, I am here legally, I went to college, I work and pay taxes. I served in the USAR for 6 years because I felt that I owed back to this country. Plus I feel that every man should serve.
I would actually consider Mr. Beck, Mr. Hannity, etc. to have more of a socialist/communist agenda because it starts with brain washing and that is exactly what they do.
Just because people like me support this President doesn't mean that we don't love this country. Look objectively at Mr. Obama's policies. You will realize that he is far from being liberal. I would consider him a moderate democrat at best.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Why then Alex was Obama voted most liberal member of Congress ? Your words have NO truth .

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is nothing more than a pimple on Obamas a$$. Purely irrelevant.

Alex said...

10:25 First point is voted by whom?
Second point is even if he was a liberal senator it does not automatically mean that he is a liberal President.

Anonymous said...

10:10 I am very greatfull that you served for this country but I am going to have to disagree with your views on communism. The Russian Federation is what you call an extremist communism. Basically they misinterpret (excuse my spelling) what communism actually is and stands for. Communism is a socioeconomic (meaning the study between economic activity and social life)structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. (definition straight out of wikipedia) Now with that said, Obama is in the process of making the U.S. classless with this healthcare reform correct? If you disagree I would like to know your thoughts but the healthcare reform is the start to a classless society giving everyone (even unemployed) free healthcare. We are not quite to the stateless society and we will not know for a while if that motive is even in his agenda. But we are promoting the establishment of an egalitarian society by the motive of attempting to remove all economic inequalities amoung all classes. I am not saying that we "are" a communist government but from the looks of things with obama's high up administrators having communist views and admiring communist extremist leaders, the sad attempt to create an equal economic society, and the start of brainwashing, as you mentioned.We are almost there. We should all know the strongest word in the english language in this day in age is the word "free" and that word can change alot of the "weak-minded's" (which the U.S. unfortunatly has alot of) outlook on our leader. Feel free to disagree and let me know your ideas. Hope you do not take any offense, I am not an extreme republican that hates Obama. I am just not a suporter.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not Glenn Beck is irrelevant is not the question, why does the Obama admin continue to attack this man's show and politics but not dispute the facts? That's for DJ, Alex and other brainwashed trolls who think they are helping their own cause instead of what they're actually doing which is turning normal and reasonable people away. For Alex, I doubt everything you say...the Democrats campaigned on Bush deficits and conservative ideas and have now done a 180 turn by promising larger gov't and trillion dollar deficits, there's no way you are a reasonable person and there's no way you would stick to the truth. YOur Messiah's philosophy is "the ends justify the means." You don't have to believe an anon comment though, just take a good Look at his campaign and then look at his current policies. If you can't see the forest thru the trees, then you can't see Obama for anything except what he promises to be.

Alex said...

10:10 USSR never achieved communism, no society ever has. Read 1984. The whole idea is utopia. Humans cannont co-exist in a communistic society where everything is equal. That is the whole reason why USSR collapsed. Also politicians in USSR never said that USSR achieved communism. They called it "developed socialism". The idea was that eventually there would be no need for money and people would just barter their services. The idea of communism; EVERYTHING is equal.

I do agree that the healthcare should apply to everyone regardless of their social or economic status; education too for that matter. I don't see a reason as to why a minimum wage employee or someone who is self-employed cannot have access to the same health benefits as you or I. Is this a socialist idea? Perhaps.

I am strong believer that in the country as great as this one access to healthcare should even be up for a debate. If the current state of our health care is so great, how come we're 37th in the world. Just above Costa Rica and just below Slovenia. So to go back to your question; Is Obama making the US classless when it comes to healthcare. I certainly hope so!

Thank you for a good debate.

Anonymous said...

You all are right wing nuts. Anita Dunn talked about him in a joking way, in the same sentence as Mother Theresa. So while true, look at the context. Same with Ron Bloom's. Lloyd's comments are not a glowing admiration of Chavez, he was pointing out the facts. Beck is a nut. Bush asked Rove to read Mao Tse Tung's biography because he enjoyed it, and McCain and Gingrich have quoted him. So here are the facts, so disprove any of that. But keep living in your own little world!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the misinformation on the USSR, what I was trying to say was that their goal was the extremist communism. You are absolutely right in the since of noone can successfully acheive a communist government. Everyone that has tried has fallen. And thank you for the more in depth information about the USSR, I love to learn more and more about government and I really appreciate your knowledge. People like you and I (that love to learn more and more about different types of government and their motives) we need more of. The only people I can find 100% disagreeable that are Obama supporters, are the ones who voted for him simply because his skin tone matched theirs which I could care less about. If my president is successful and helps my country I don't care if he is purple lol. But every president we will ever have is not going to be 100% supported because the U.S. is so diverse, which is what makes our country. Now if people can get off the racist bandwagon and realize slavery cannot be blamed on anyone living here today simply because none of them are alive today they are just merely ancestors to us now, our country has the possibility to grow and move on. But again thank you for your insight.

Anonymous said...

one of the leading causes of death in the soviet union is alcoholism, the folks are miserable. the brits and the canadians are running from their health care system because it is a failure, yet we as a country are considering these options. glenn beck simply shows evidence (ie tapes, videos) of these radicals and he is demonized (straight out of the playbook. debate what is and is not communism all that you want, but i was always taught thast i was to rely on myself to earn a living, to put food on the table to pay for my own health insurance if i wanted it not to sit there and expect it from some government. no one is being denied health care (ask the folks in california). this is not about health care this is about control and beck is sticking his nose into the grand scheme.

Anonymous said...

1:28 PM

You can not use the video clips beck shows you as your basis on which to form your opinion. They are 30 second clips with no information given to the viewer regarding the context in which these videos were taken. Go watch the full videos then get back to me.

Beck loves to point out these people who talk about Mao or Chavez or anyone else who is viewed as evil. Now if Ms. Dunn came out and said she supported Mao killing people, thats one thing. You can not just look at people in history and say "oh they did bad things,that means everything about them is bad"

Some of the most brilliant minds in the history of the world have also been some of the most brutal and evil people to ever live. You cant bash someone for calling hitler brilliant for being able to take over an entire country just becuse he did terrible things. Someone being brilliant and worth studying and being a mass killer are not mutually exclusive. Most people fail to grasp this concept.

Now this Ron Bloom guy is 100% correct and I dont see how you can not agree with him. I believe his quote was along the lines of "im not going to pretend we have a capitalist free market system" guess what WE DONT. When you have companies spending billions on getting bills written to help them or prevent bills that hurt them from getting passed you dont have a free market system. You have a bunch of large coporations working to keep taking as much money as they please.

Anonymous said...

To all of you out there with your heads in the sand-if Glenn Beck is so irrelevent and Fox News isn't really an news organization, then why is the white house so intent on shutting them up? This is a typical communist tactic-silence the opponents to keep the people ignorant of what is really going on. Did you ever think about that, or are you too stupid to think outside of your little liberal box?

Anonymous said...

if you wish to call hitler i prefer insane, if you wish to call mao brilliant, i wish to call him insane, he brutally murder 30+ million people, if you wish to call mao some one you look up to i begin to wonder if you also are insane and i certainly do not want you to be a close associate of the the president of the united states. i have seen the entire clips you wish to ignore and once again you wish to minimalize the thoughts of the people that obama hangs out with. once again this country was built on the backs of the people who worked hard to get where they are not on the government providing the necessities of life. no one is ever denied health care ask any doctor. health insurance is not a right, welfare is not a right, obama cash is not a right. you do have a right to get up every morning go get a job and work. the money you earn whether or not it is one dollar or a million dollars is yours to keep not for the government to take. the word profit is being demonized by this president and that is a disgrace. remeber the government does not create jobs it is the private sector. hopefully there are still those that are willing to risk everything to create new jobs

Anonymous said...

To Mr. 1:55pm

How about you think outside of your little box? Im going to make a Glenn Beck argument for you. This is how his logic works.

In 1992 there were some young girls raped and murdered.

In 1992 Mr. Beck was a drunk and addicted to drugs

Rape and Murder are horrible things

Drug addicts and drunks often do horrible things.

Im not saying Mr Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1992... But if he didnt why doesnt he come out and prove he didnt do these things!

He creates giant logic circles and then comes up with some off the wall claim.

Anonymous said...

2:16 beck does not create circles and claims he presents evidence of what people actually have said. that is more than the msm presents. they make up evidence.

present the facts and back them up with evidence. stop trying to destroy the people that present the arguments attack the facts that they present. that brings us back to the beginning of this discussion which is if the white house disputes the facts then all they have to do is proove the man wrong and discredit him.

Anonymous said...


You can call those people whatever you would like. You just can not ignore everything a person of history did just becuse they did other horrible things. Agian they are not mutually exclusive. Following your logic, anyone who is catholic is insane, becuse over the course of history the catholic church has killed just as many people.

Anonymous said...

the holy wars were not just the catholics, there were the muslims (and they were wars about beliefs not just the power of one man) they were very similar to what is going on in the world right now ie fanatics trying to wipe out the world if we don't agree with them. nice try

Anonymous said...


I use one of becks arguments so you can see what I mean.

Ok Here is a clip of Anita Dunn saying she admired Mao. (this is were people freak out cuz they instantly go oh god mao communist that killed millions he must have had no good ideas)

Ok here is clip of Obama saying you can judge him by who he keeps around.

Ok so Anita Dunn is around Obama and likes Mao

Mao is a communist

Since obama likes mao becuse anita likes mao and she is close to him obama must be a communist

now im not saying obama is a communist trying to take of the US. But if he is not why does he just not prove it?? How can obama dispprove this by what just saying he is not? That wont end things becuse they will start the circle right back over again. You said your not but u also said judge you by who is around and anita is around and likes mao.... so on and so on. There is no end jusy stupid BS

That being said I dont like obama, I just dont like people being told how to think by some talking head on tv. rep or dem

Alex said...

12:59. I actually meant "Animal Farm" not 1984, I believe both were written by Orwell.
I did not vote for Obama based on his skin color and I resent those who did. However, what I resent even more are people who critisize him based on his skin color, no matter what spin they put on it, it is obvious. Despite what some may believe I do not drink the Koolaid. I disagree with the President on his position on Israel. I disagree with repealing don't ask don't tell policy. I disagree with his view on gay marriage. One who agrees with the politician on all issues is either brainwashed or plain dumb or repressed.
I want to elaborate on the idea of him being a "socialist".
Due to years of Cold War, Cuba, China, etc., I believe that it is not easy for people to realize that the word socialism comes from social which is not a bad word. There are a number of programs here in the states that were promulgated by both Democrats and Republicans that are social in nature: welfare, pension, medicare/medicade, postal service, SSI, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, the list goes on.
I just don't understand why people resent the healthcare program so much. It could be you that will lose your coverage.
It could be you that may be railroaded by the health insurance companies due to prior condition or exhaustion of allocate coverage.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...


Fact: As was stated before George W. Bush read, liked, and recommended Mao's biography to Rove. He was your president. I am sure that Beck will not tell you that. And you are correct people are not denied health care, just the insurance that covers health care. Why don't you try paying out of pocket for everything without insurance. And how come the money I get up everyday to make, gets taxed and then more taken out for social security.


Why would the president or white house waste their time. They have important things to do and anyone, as we all have proved can disprove Beck. Remember him bringing that amazing story of the cash for clunkers website: LIE. Or US only country with natural birthright provision: LIE. When he said the president is a racist: LIE. I could go on, but I will finish with my favorite. Take a look at Beck's video crying about how compassionate he has become after being failed by expensive private health care then just disregarding that. That man is an imbecile, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

if a social degenerate brought you videos of your wife sleeping with another man would you not question begin to start doubting your wife. then if he brought in tapes of your wife having obscene conversations with another man would you not start questioning your wife. no one is telling anybody what to think. if you simply watch, listen and think about what beck is saying maybe you would understand. just listen to the facts. the evidence is there for you to make up your own mind.

Anonymous said...


Ugh, you failed to see the point I was trying to make. I know the holy wars were not just the catholis, I never implied that. I was simply trying to make the point that becuse a group or person has done terrible things it is not logical to assume that there is nothing about them that is important to learn, understand or even appreciate.

I will sum it up again.

Being Brilliant and being Evil are not mutually exclusive. Alot of people are able to look past the evil to understand the brilliance others are not.

Anonymous said...


I didn't mean for it to sound like I meant you personally voted for him because of his skin color. I respect your views completely and have already stressed that I don't mind the Obama supporters like you. When you have valid points for supporting him then im free to listen. (like you actually do) But the people out there that have no valid points and resort to flipping it around on the people that don't support him by using racist terms, I really think it is pathetic that alot of Obama supporters that are quick to defend him have no knowledge on politics or government as a general subject at all. It makes me wonder where education has gone. Obama has more people on his bandwagon than supporters like yourself that voted for him because of his knowledge and ability to run a country over the other candidate. McCain would've been a horrible president, he was clueless. (reason I did not vote, both candidates I just couldn't find myself supporting). I am two sided however on Glenn Beck, sure he does say whats on his mind but on the other hand, if your not part of the Obama administration, you might know about the highlights of what is going on but you will never know everything. For all we know Obama has this master plan to fix the country completely or he could be trying to destroy it. We will never know simply because half of what goes on in the white house doesn't make it out of the white house.

Anonymous said...

i see nothing brilliant in hitler or mao. there is nothing to apprecaite in people that feel the need to kill millions because they do not conform or disagree or do not meet ones standards. dunns comments were about appreciating mao's philosophy. even if bush read maos books he did not extol his philosophy

good discussion got to go

Anonymous said...


I agree with you 100%

Too many people on both sides simply devolve into name calling idiots at the first sign of thoughtful debate regarding politics. It sickens me to watch people just scream and yell armed only with the facts they "learn" from reading just one website or watching just one news show ( not attacking fox, I hate them all equally. I feel that it will only get worse as the standard of our education system continues to decrease.

Anonymous said...

3:44 while partially agree, I wonder where do you get off making a blatant statment that "Obama supporters that are quick to defend him have no knowledge". The way you have written this implies that Obama supporters don't have the facts while everyone who doesn't support Obama usually does.

Are there uninformed people. Yes, there are plenty on both sides of the debate. Just check this blog everyday, you'll see plenty of dummies on both sides shouting.

Alex said...

3:44 I do not take anything personally. When one personally attacks another, in my opinion response is simply not warranted. Why put yourself on their level?
I completely agree with you that Sen. McCain would have been a decent president. I strongly considered voting for him until he picked Palin as his VP. That did it for me. His campaign manager should be fired for incompetence.
In any event it does not matter who you vote for in Presidential elections. Democrat will always win.
As for Beck, I view him simply as an entertainer, just like Keith Oberman or Bill Maher.
I personally prefer to get my news from BBC or other international news sources.

thank you,

Anonymous said...

4:46 There was nowhere in my comment where I stated that "all" Obama supporters had no knowledge. I said the ones on his bandwagon that voted for him because of his skin color typically have no facts nor resources to back up their idiotic racist rant of what they call a debate. There are plenty of knowledgeable Obama supporters out there trust me I have had long discussions with them and I enjoy it. I myself am not about downing someone who supports Obama, instead I like to hear their input and points as to why they do. Typically the educated people I debate with bring up some really strong arguments. Where as the supporters that I mentioned as "uneducated" resort to calling anyone who doesn't support Obama "hicks", "rednecks", and ect. Those usually are your people that do no research, nor paid the least bit attention in history class. I'm not on here to say ignorant things about our president, I'm here to see what everyone's views in my area are. I will have to admit while some are just off the wall stupid opinions, others are very very tough to debate with.