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Thursday, October 29, 2009

West Ocean City Paws & Claws Parade

A Halloween parade for people and their best friends.


Anonymous said...

for tax payers of wicomico. JOE Im sending you a message on this let you know there is justice. in today daily times is a trustees sale on Kenneth@Deborah Townsend house.

Anonymous said...

I know some of these costumes are cute but these are your pets...not dress up dolls. Any real animal lover will say the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm a REAL animal lover and I would dress my dogs up if I had the time and patience. Maybe 10:59 should try "lightening up".

Anonymous said...

I love to dress up my doggy for Halloween or in the winter with cute little sweaters and on her birthday I take her to Petsmart to pick out an outfit for her party. Lots of Fun. She is not really a pet, she is like one of my children and a Huge part of our family.

Anonymous said...

1:20, this is what I don't get about the AL crowd. If you want to support a child, why not do something to help support a REAL child. A dog doesn't care about the money you spend on clothes and special gourmet treats. But right here in this community, you have kids who really would love and need that attention.

It's a free country so do as you will and be happy but this is just a thought to keep in mind.

Anonymous said...

1:53 a lot of it has to do with the fact that your pet shows LOYALTY, will NOT turn on you, can be DEPENDED on, will NOT cheat, lie, or steal on you (unless you counting stealing your heart). Most of us pet owners trust our pets a heck of lot more than people nowdays. YOU keep that in mind.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 2:02 I wouldn't be so fast to say that your pet will "NOT turn on you". Waste your money you wish luckily in this country (so far) it's yours to do whatever. But while your buying a cutesy outfit for your pet just think of the kids around here that wish they had clothes.

Anonymous said...

thanks 2:52pm. 2:02, I'm sorry if your own kids have turned on you or if you've experienced the worst of humanity but remember that there are plenty of deserving kids out there who are starved for this kind of attention. But its your money, do as you will.


MC said...

1)I don't trust people who don't like animals.

2) I really believe that is does not matter what the subject is, there will be some negative person to point a finger, place blame, or complain. Instead of simply saying, in this case, how cute.
Glad I don't know you people. What a bunch of downers.

Anonymous said...

1) 4:08, I love animals. I'm a scientist; much of my work goes into determining how we can best care for our living natural resources.
2) dogs in costumes is soooo not cute.
3) its kind of sick how you guys try to humanize an organism that was created by God as a dog. It's not your baby or your child. It's a dog. Love it and let it be a dog.
4) you should probably work on your relationships with people

MC said...

How ironic, I too am a scientist. However, you seem to be making several false assumptions, something most scientists are trained not to do. Assume, that is. Firstly, you assume that I am dressing up my dogs, or even that I have dogs, and then refer to me as behaving in a "sick" manner because of this. You have assumed wrong on both counts. Then you assume that I have relationship problems, all based on my opinion that a few pictures were cute. You know nothing about me. My work and opinions are typically based on fact, but let me make the assumption that you take yourself way too seriously.

Anonymous said...

4:38, this is more fun than any kind of serious debate.
The story is about people dressing their dogs for halloween so obviously I am speaking more to the people in the story, not necessarily you. As far as relationships, I'm speaking to the comment from 2:02. Sorry you took it so personal.

Anonymous said...

It was a fun time for families and their pets. How about a little fun? many of the costumes were home made, all were creative and it was a nice opportunity to meet people who are creative and like animals. Thank you Paws & Claws for the Howloween Pawrade. We were there. My family made a fun project out of making a costume for our dog that seemed to suit what she likes to do. It was fun and funny and we had family time at little to no expense.

Anonymous said...

How pathetic that something innocent has to be disected and turned into an argument. Dressing up pets & having a get-together like this doesn't mean we don't ALSO remember children who need clothes & food! We can't do both? (The animals may not love the costumes, but it certainly doesn't hurt them - all they know is they are loved.) Use of the word "sick" is way off base, 4:32.