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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Air Public Edjucation Sistum


Mike said...

I don't get it...

tracy said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm PERspective student as opposed to PROspective student

Anonymous said...

I received one too! My teenager decided on the spot NOT to attend WorWic.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are offering a course in "Perspectives" (maybe on illiteracy).

Anonymous said...

The fact that many won't "get it" is further indictment of the broken system.
Spell checkers are fine, but they're only as accurate as those using them.

Anonymous said...

Make one wonder. Was this done by a full-time employee, or a workstudy student? Whichever it was, it's obvious that they need to have their work checked by a superior before it's released to the public.

Anonymous said...

Meh. It's not that big of a deal. I'm sure it was typed in by a student working off some tuition.

Raise your hand if you have never misspelled a word, or in this case used a correct spelling of the wrong word.

It is funny coming from a college but it is not a reason to think any less of a Wor-Wic education.

Anonymous said...

9:50 my guess it was a student. I used to think that you "applied" for college acceptance/entrance but at WorWic, as long as you have "funds", then you get enrolled. There are many students there that shouldn't even have graduated for high school, let alone be allowed the privaledge to attend an institution of higher learning. It has become a joke whereby a person can get an AA degree but still be stupid as heck.

This type of "mistake" doesn't surprise me at all.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree 9:56. Mistakes are easy to make. Who of us hasn't made one.

Wouldn't you agree 9:50? (Work-study)
And 10:10? (priviledge)

People in class houses....

Anonymous said...

10:10 One may assume you got your AA from Wor-Wic (and therefore are stupid as heck) because if not your misuse use of quotations and the misspelling of privilege as you try to make a point about these students being stupid kind of takes away from any validity from your argument. It is a spelling mistake, not a condemnation of the entire college. Plenty of good students come out of Wor-Wic and go on to four year degrees. This brochure probably was printed by a printing company and not the actual college anyway.

Wor-Wic Community College said...

We, at Wor-Wic, are embarrassed and disappointed by this error, which was made by the printing company’s mailroom personnel, not by an employee or student at the college. As can be seen from the typestyles on the address panel, the mailing information was not part of the publication content. Consequently, we didn’t have an opportunity to proofread this part of the job before it went out. This is not to say, however, that we have never made an error. It’s just that we’re not responsible for this one.

Anonymous said...

10:10- you spelled Privilege wrong.

Bryan Fykes said...

Perspective depends on how you look at things. Maybe its a deep way of saying they want you to "look into college"?

Anonymous said...

Back in the 80s, I attended a college in Kansas City that had on the back of their Catalog:

"Excellence in Edication"

They blamed it on the company that printed the catalogs. But every staff and faculty member had a month to proofread the draft version before it went to press ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:10 If you're going to throw stones then you might want to proof read your own post.."graduated FOR high school" first. I wouldn't go warming up that pitching arm quite yet.

Anonymous said...

10:30 spelling mistake or was the pun intended "class houses"

J said...

Wor-Wic is a great school and for those of you who apparently "never make mistakes" go screw yourself. nobody cares about your opinion anyway!

Anonymous said...

11:14 - pun. Just wanted to prove I'm as fallible as everyone else.

And I thought it was "punny"...

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:30, you spelled "privilege" wrong yourself when you were correcting Anon. 10:10 LOL LOL

Student of WWCC said...

I would love to know why Wor-Wic sends out all these class schedules to EVERYONE when they just raised Wicomico Counties tuition? I would also like to know why in past years these schedules have been made on what appears to be recycled "cheap" paper but yet this year they made them out of nice glossy paper. I know as a student and a paid employee at this college that we have had to cut our budget drastically and don't have a lot of funding. So why is it necessary to waste so much paper and upgrade to something better? Do they think that since the schedules look more professional that will make someone attend the school??

Anonymous said...

Nothing bad to say about it when I attended except they make you write a report in every class no matter what the class is about. I need a two page written report in Algebra. Well that is silly.

Dee said...

lol...we will debate

Anonymous said...

11:35~I agree...My was 1 mistake....

Anonymous said...

I used to work at Wor Wic Community College and I can assure you that these are wonderful people who must feel terrible about a mistake like that. They would never knowingly allow a mistake like that to go out and I'm sure someone in the Administrative Department is addressing the issue to prevent it from happening again. Give em a break, please.

Anonymous said...

9:38 said it all. A large percentage of this country is functionally illiterate-a real testimony to the quality of government run schools and a welfare system which pays the ignorant to multiply.

Anonymous said...

*snickers* Well at least the hyphen was put in the publication. Selected individuals at that school would have a seizure if the hyphen between Wor and Wic wasn't there.

Anonymous said...

12:51 makes the best point here.

With the internet, we can all get this info online. Why do they send 40 pages of waste to my 70-year old neighbor? She has zero plans to attend Wor-Wic. Anyone who does can certainly go online to find out and register.

I usually flip through them just to see what's offered and what's the latest education fad, but I have no interest other than that (I have two degrees already) so I toss it in the trash within 5 minutes of pulling it out of my mailbox. What a waste of paper, ink, and postage.

Anonymous said...


You write well. See, it must have worked.

I used to teach college classes in the Midwest. The school had a policy that every class had to have at least one writing assignment per semester -- even the P.E. classes.

If you learn something, but can't effectively communicate it, then you've not benefited anyone but yourself.

Anonymous said...

Go on craigslist and search for jobs... Employers expect perfect applicants with years of "exsperence" and professional "reverences". I've been unemployed for a month and I can't even count how many job posts I've seen where the employer can't even spell or use basic grammar, yet applicants are weeded out for the same mistakes.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

2:35 start recycling and it won't be as much of a waste...just a thought

Anonymous said...

My first thought when I saw this post was: the mailing company made the error. It's so obvious! Why trash a wonderful school? Wor-Wic also offers many classes that senior citizens may be interested in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Nothing bad to say about it when I attended except they make you write a report in every class no matter what the class is about. I need a two page written report in Algebra. Well that is silly.

1:03 PM

Isn't Algebra a high school course? What kind of idiot is taking Algebra in a so called College?

Anonymous said...

Only an idiot would call someone an idiot for taking "Algebra", no matter where they take the course. Some people did not take it in high school, and to get a college education, they need it. WorWic provides the course, you moron. Yes, moron...only a moron would put down another's hard work to better themselves with a higher education. I would venture you are one who believes nobody is better than you just because they worked and sacrificed to better themselves. Your comment is one of an uneducated person, unenlightened at the very least.

10001110101 said...

8:15~I agree. 10:03 your a close minded A$$. It is never too late.