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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nazis Fear An Armed People: Schwarzenegger’s Ammo Law

Second Amendment advocates and other defenders of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are outraged by California Gov. Schwarzenegger’s scheme to force all law-abiding gun owners in the state to submit data to be inserted in a database when they purchase ammunition.
Schwarzenegger’s SS Totenkopf death’s head belt buckle displayed on the cover of Time Magazine.

It makes sense California would enact such a law. The state is lorded over by an avowed Nazi.
”I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker,” Arnie said in the documentary Pumping Iron. The producer of the film, George Butler, considers Schwarzenegger a ”flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler.”

In a book proposal, according to the New York Times, Butler also said he had seen Mr. Schwarzenegger playing ”Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home” and said that the actor ”frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer.”
In response to Butler’s accusation, Schwarzenegger told the newspaper in 2003 that he despises Hitler.

He does? If so, why does Schwarzenegger wear a belt buckle bearing the SS Totenkopf, a Nazi SS insignia? Schwarzenegger appeared on the cover of Time Magazine on June 25, 2007, with Michael Bloomberg — who also has contempt for the Second Amendment — wearing the death’s head belt buckle. He wore it again nine months later in the March 2008 issue of Esquire Magazine.

Schwarzenegger proudly displayed the death’s head buckle a few months ago at the CeBIT 2009 IT conference in Hanover, Germany.

Schwarzenegger’s late father, Gustav, voluntarily applied to join the Nazi Party in 1938 when it was still illegal in Austria. He also voluntarily applied to become a member of the Sturmabteilung, the Nazi paramilitary wing, on May 1, 1939. He was a Hitler-worshiping brownshirt.

Arnie invited Austrian president Kurt Waldheim to his wedding in 1986 after it emerged that the former UN secretary general had long concealed that he fought in a German army commando accused of atrocities.

All of this may be incidental to Arnie’s signing of AB962, the California ammo bill. But then, considering Arnie’s flagrant display of an SS insignia, it does not seem likely.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Schwarzenegger's father's affiliation with the Nazi army combined with Arnold's own words lead me to believe he is a Nazi sympathizer.

Karl Rove's grandfather, Karl Rover was also a governor in the Nazi army.

Prescott Bush, Geroge H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are all Skull and Bones - an extension of the Thule Society in Germany. Hitler and Goebbels were from the Thule Society. Skull and Bones ensignia include the Death's Head, Crossbones and the number 322 below. The Nazi Death's Head, Crossbones carried the number 32 below them.

There is a lot of evidence that the Republican Leadership in America today are left-over Nazis who desire to destroy America. They are also members of the infamous Bohemian Club in northern California.

Americans know very little about the corrupt individuals who operate our government.

Anonymous said...

You are correct in all counts. We need to think about the implications of these facts.

Also we should consider the relevance of many individuals in our government who have dual citizenship with Israel. Many of these individuals are in powerful positions within the current Democratic Administration such as Rahm Immanuel.

Israel has exerted undue influence over our media and government for many years. They are the key members of the Federal Reserve as well and control our monetary policy.

The movement towards a global government and global economy is largely encouraged by people who have an allegiance to Israel.

Anonymous said...

Hitler was an avid fan of the Occult and the imagery of Satanic worship was strewn throughout the Nazi Empire.

Anonymous said...

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Crazy Delmarva loons.
Crazy Delmarva loons who?
Crazy Delmarva loons who perpetuate ridiculous rumours about a politician who has absolutely nothing to do with anything here on the Shore! You dummies are all cuckoo-bananas!

Anonymous said...

I hope 4:14 knows what he is talking about. I hope these other guys are completely crazy. Otherwise, they are right and we are in trouble!

Anonymous said...

I love this. Let the Redumblicans continue to eat their own.

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM

they like people who keep their head in the sand

Anonymous said...

4:14 is in a cult and doesn't know it yet . lol