On October 23, 2009 at approximately 2:00 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Royal Farms Store on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of a robbery. Upon arrival the officers met with an employee of the store who advised the officers that a lone suspect entered the store and indicated to the employee that he was armed with a handgun. The suspect was given an amount of U.S. Currency then fled from the store and entered a late 90’s Cadillac with unknown registration. The suspect fled from the area in the vehicle.
On October 24, 2009 at approximately 9:35 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Shell Station on Snow Hill Road for the report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival the officers were advised by an employee of the business that a lone suspect had entered the business and produced a handgun. The suspect was given an amount of U.S. Currency then fled from the business on foot.
On October 26, 2009, Salisbury Detectives identified the suspect and obtained a search and seizure warrant for the suspect’s residence. The search and seizure warrant was executed at a residence on Magnolia Drive in Salisbury early on October 27 with the assistance of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. The suspect was taken into custody at the residence and Salisbury Detectives were able to recover the handgun, the vehicle and additional evidence. Upon recovery, the handgun was revealed to be a BB pistol.
The investigation revealed that the suspect had committed the first robbery within twenty-four (24) hours of his release from the Wicomico Co. Detention Center.
ARRESTED: Arlie Ralph Kiser, III, 35 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Robbery (2 counts)
First degree assault (2 counts)
Second degree assault (2 counts)
Theft (under $ 1000) (2 counts)
Reckless endangerment (2 counts)
Theft scheme (2 counts)
Use of a handgun in a felony crime
Possession of a dangerous and deadly weapon
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
How can we get the SPD to partner with SBY News? There should have been something here to create interest in what is working. That being sbynews and its involved community of readers. How can we make nice and still save face. Something has got to be done to make SPD utilize this blog and not feel like they are eating crow. I just can't believe we tolerate the insecurity displayed by not partnering with the sbynews community. It's almost like the dept is being run by an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.
Ray. you need to send that question to the chief, not Joe
Dear Ray , The SPD isn't being run by anybody. That's the problem , no leadership.
Perhaps if the Chief was not attacked almost daily by the blog (not saying I'm a big fan of his) he would be more apt to partner with Sbsy news.
It shouldn't matter whether he is "attacked almost daily on the blog" or not!
He was sworn to protect and serve!
THAT should be the only thing that matters, but it doesn't matter anymore. Not just in Salisbury either. It's happening all over.
How safe do YOU feel in Salisbury?
If crimes were being solved and the city was being cleaned up ie, he was doing his job, then Sby news wouldn't have any reason to "attack" him, now would they?
I'm almost 100% sure Mr. Webster reads this blog. I sent it to Joe because I believe him to be the one that has the confidence to "man up" and stop this feud. Trying the same thing over and over, hoping for a different outcome is insanity. To stop the insanity requires flexibility and an admission of less than perfect practices. Mr. Webster has displayed the capability of neither.
This blog could be a neighborhood watch, police sub station, informant safe haven as well as a public relations builder for the police, if we would all stop looking for a pound of flesh. We understandably want to lash out on Joe’s behalf. I mean, who else has freely given of their time and intelligence in the same manner? None that I know of anyway. I don’t know that the verbal slams are getting through. (The twist on names is rather humorous though.) Plus Joe’s shoulders are fine he told us so! I do know this…. My wife and kids are not any safer, of those involved; only this cyber community appears to have the capacity to change.
anonymous 3:33, I'd love to share with you some of the many ways I have tried working with old Chiefy in reference to a better understanding and working relationship but as a man I signed an agreement that I would not discuss our legal case and I will live up to my word.
However, I'll simply say this. Last year I invited Chief Webster to join me during December to stand side by side and ring a bell for the Salvation Army and put our differences aside, he refused to take me up on that. I will again make that same offer, shake his hand and I can assure you it would be a very pleasant experience.
I don't want to say do so man to man as I wouldn't want him to feel threatened by me.
It's NOT about me being nice to Chief Webster. You have no idea how many times I have been nice to him when I could have bashed him to no end.
However, Webster can't stand it when someone doesn't treat him with respect. He is NOT my Father. He is NOT my Boss, He is NOT a God. Webster is a man that runs a Police Department during the day and puts his pants on the same way I do every day. I do NOT demand respect from Webster, he should NOT demand the same from me.
So to sit out there and act as if it should be me doing all of the bending when that Idiot forced me to spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers for a frivilous lawsuit, he can kiss my A$$.
If he wants help, he's going to have to come to me, that's all there is to it. In the mean time, just look how it's working for his record and them look at DE. State Police, MSP, Delmar, Fruitland, Ocean City, WCSO and others. HELLOOOOOO!
I feel perfectly safe. I'm not a poor person who lives in a bad part of town. I don't frquent convenience stores. The poor and drug addicted are attacking the other poor and drug addicted. No one in authority will change that.
Joe: You mean he's running SPD and the city into the ground.
Oh, and I forgot to mention (3:53) I grew up with a father.
Joe I agree with you. I see the cooperation from all the different agencies. I think the kettle thing is a great idea. What a message. How can we help make it come to fruition??
I'm not at all asking you to bend. You may be better served to try to forgive though. We all know there is no way you can get reimbursement. Unless a fire truck ride or future boat ride is of value to you :0) you were abused period no arguing that. But you had to expect some repercussions when you took on our cause right?
Albeit I have limited personal knowledge of Mr. Webster. Based on a failed “hello chief” and a few lamenting sessions either part of or overheard from officers. I think you are being generous with you respect thought. I don’t think he understands the concept.
Seriously the newspaper, Mr. Webster and for the most part our city government are all antiquated good ole’ boys trying to hold on.
How can we help you for once?
anonymous 3:33
3:53 tell that to the man that died on the convinence store floor, tell that to Anitras family, tell that to Mr Shea, tell that to all the bank ladies who are scared to death, tell that to the college kids getting robbed.
3:53 please re-think what you just said. What about bank tellers, Stray bullets, convenience storeowners and operators. This Not my problem is what we are all tired of from the top down.
anonymous 4:40, your comment has to be one of the most enjoyable ones I have ever seen on the Blogs for the past 4.5 years. First of all, Thank You!
I will state this publicly right here and now on my word, IF Chief Webster wants to put EVERYTHING aside, I will do the same and work 100% WITH the SPD and help them in any way I possibly can to better our community.
I truly believe there is no one better than Salisbury News to achieve lower crime in Salisbury, 2nd only to the SPD themselves.
However, there's no denying any more that we have achieve the biggest audience on the entire Eastern Shore and we have proven to make a difference. Now, some might say I'm patting myself on the back. Well, you're wrong. I'm simply stating facts and truth and sometimes that hurts.
The most important thing for me right now is to complete the goal I started out with referencing Salisbury News and that is to make our lives better. I have had to expose many things that have made even more people uncomfortable. Many sit on the sidelines and have to wonder, will joe Albero go after me next?
The reality and answer to that is, unless you lie to me or break the law, probably not. I can assure you, I have more political friends who appreciate what I do than Webster or Tilghman ever enjoyed.
It just took longer for them to listen or trust me because Webster and Tilghman had their ears for the longest time. The evidence and photos have been the answer to those challenges and proof I was in fact telling the truth.
Anyhow, I could go on forever with information of such. What's most important is to make things right and help our community. If you or anyone else would be willing to contact Chief Webster and let him know you are aware I am willing to make such a move, see how he handles you. I hate to say it but over all these years all of you have asked ME to do all the bending and negotiating. I think if you, (for once) actually try to see how this man works you'll quickly see what I have been up against for all too many years.
Nevertheless, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. The ball is in your court now. Let's see what happens.
Anon 3;53
I find it kind of funny that you think you need to live in a bad part of town in order not to feel safe in Salisbury. Interesting really.
I don't live in Salisbury, but I can tell you when I have to go there I most certainly do NOT feel safe! I'm talking middle of the day, running errands for work, not feeling safe!
Maybe you should open up your window blinds and take a look outside your four walls every now and then. You probably have crime happening right around your home but you don't see it because you don't want to.
That is part of the problem. People nowadays get off work, go home, close the door, close the blinds and try to forget about he rest of the world.
Let someone commit a crime which affects them and all of a sudden, they are on the bandwagon saying not enough was done to prevent it.
People need to wake up NOW. Start looking at your surroundings NOW.
It's happening all over Salisbury.
Arlie Kiser III was arrested and has 14 charges placed against him. The question is...how many of those charges will be dropped, merged with other charges, or nol pros? If the courts would get tough on crime maybe we could reduce the crime rate.
Ppl around here are to caught up in their own agendas to think about others. "Whats in it for me" is the local slogan. We cant even get ppl to vote. Voter turnout sucks around here. Thankfully I dont live in Salisbury, but the amount of crime that takes place here is laughable. Its every man for himself around here, no unity, no sense of community and overall little to no common courtesy amongst the general public. Ppl here dont like change, just look around.
I heard a former spd officer still has connections and gave a few tips leading to this arrest. Word on the street.
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