Location: Christiana Hospital, 4755 Stanton Ogletown Road, Newark, Delaware, New Castle County
Date and Time: September 29th, 2009, at 3:00 a.m.
Suspect(s): depicted below
Resume: On September 29th, the below depicted individuals responded to Christiana Hospital to seek treatment for a facial injury. During the check-in intake procedure, where the hospital staff records one’s information, the subjects provided the name and insurance information of someone other than the actual patient.
As time past, it became apparent an identity theft took place the State Police were called.
Anyone who can identify these subjects is asked to call 302.633.5000 ext. 744 or Crime Stoppers at 1.800.TIP.3333.
"As time past,"
That would be "passed."
Those black people are always stealing.......oh, these folks are white.
Not to bring in race but I'm sick and tired of the commenter(s), whether is one person constantly or several people, that always scream "black people always..." every time we see the mug shot of a black criminal (see this morning's robbery post). I hate crime in this area! Lets come together to do all we can to snuff it out whether the perps are black or white.
Don't you have anything else to complain about? If you will read the postings,they always list white if the suspects are white. For God's sake is it really that important? If color wasn't an issue to you then you wouldn't be rambling about it. Who cares?
Anon 4:45 - Don't even!!!! There are constantly comments on this blog like "I'm not surprised the perp was black!" If you were a regular here, you'd know that. Apparently many readers and commenters on this blog CARE!
Thanks 5:22 for pointing out what should be obvious to any other reader of this blog.
4:45 in case you don't get it, I'm not saying that Joe singles out blacks committing crimes. I'm saying that whenever there is a black person who committed the crime, it is often followed by an "anonymous" commenter screaming that "blacks are criminals!". This is a statement that we should all be outraged about because it is not true and it hinders the debate over what is the best strategy to rid this area of crime.
Actually, I am a regular here. Clearly you don't get my point and you made that obvious with your statement of "there are constantly comments on this blog like I'm not surprised the perp was black!". Again to clarify what I was saying, White, Black, Green, Purple I could really care less and I would venture to guess that I am probably not the only one who is sick of hearing about race, day after day.
4:26, 5:22 and 5:39
GOOD JOB. You just brought yourselves down to the level of the people you are trying to bash.
I think there might be a little black paranoia or at least over sensitivity which I think is understandable to a point , but on the other hand crime statistics don't lie .
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