(Sykesville, MD) – Baltimore County Executive Jim Smith will join Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Terrence B. Sheridan to address the members of the 134th Trooper Candidate Class at their graduation ceremony tomorrow. Law enforcement officials from around the region, as well as families and friends of the graduates will also attend.
Colonel Sheridan will also be announcing a significant milestone in the history of Maryland’s DNA database. An accomplished priority of the O’Malley-Brown Administration was to eliminate the backlog of offender DNA samples and provide adequate staffing, equipment and funding at the State Police Forensic Sciences Laboratory to make Maryland’s DNA database the efficient crime-fighting tool it should be. Colonel Sheridan will announce specific proof of that efficiency at the graduation.
WHAT: Graduation of the 134th Trooper Candidate Class Announcement of DNA Database Accomplishment
WHEN: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:00 a.m.
Century High School
355 Ronsdale Road
Sykesville, MD 21784
Liberty Road (Rt. 26) west to Klee Mill Road
Right on Klee Mill Road to right on Ronsdale Road
Upon entering the school, auditorium is on the right.
They need to be stationed in front of each bank in Salisbury, since SPD can't seem to stop the string or robberies.
This is one category I hope never sees the sharp end of a budget cut. Go troopers...stay safe.
O'Malley and crew need to pay attention to the what's going on in the State Police. They and the previous administration, as well as the last two superintendents, have greatly damaged this once elite agency.
Dave Mitchell instilled pride and fought for his troops. Since then, it has been cut, cut, cut.
If they don't start providing what they need and look at the appalling pay situation, the rest of the state will end up like Salisbury and Baltimore City - thugs in control.
2:38 - If you truly care, let your state legislators know how you feel.
State needs more revenue!
what better way to get it than have more state police generating more cash by wrinting tickets!
When was the last time you saw a state trooper actually arresting someone other than a motorist?
Great! more idiots with a badge and a gun to go along with their napolean complexes riding around and writing tickets to hard working men and women! while every bank and convienence store in the state are being robbed and the gangs and drug dealers along with the illegals run rampant!
What a lovely state of affairs!
Christmas is coming and people will be getting even more desparate! the robberys will increase!
I dont think bashing the Troopers is needed here. They do a great job out there.
They do what Omalley and Sheridian tell them to do. The majority work hard.
Funny the guest speaker is from Baltimore County. Wow Sheridian just cant pull himself out of the shitter can he. If he likes Balt. County so much go the freak back your Troopers would applaud you.
Enjoy your brief stay you suck and so does Martin O'malley.
Anyone here a peep out of the Trooper's Asssssssssssociation ??? Drunks and Dinosaurs mix to well together. WTF is wrong with you guys get you heads out of your ass and make some changes.
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