
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last night Glenn Beck asked an interesting question. "Does it matter ? We have all heard or seen the Obama administration and the Congressional leadership accused of being Marxist. A detailed study and explanation would take volumes, so I have taken a look, and present to the reader, just the high points. It is for you to decide if the current government actions are Marxist. If they are, does it matter ?

1) Humankind's history is fundamentally that of the struggle between social classes.

2) In a capitalist society, an economic minority (the bosses) dominate and exploit the working class majority. Without the elimination of the fetter of the private ownership of the means of production, human society is unable to achieve further development.

3) In order to overcome the fetters of private property the working class must seize political power. A social revolution would expropriate the capitalist classes and place the productive capacities of society into collective ownership.

Class consciousness denotes the awareness -- of itself and the social world -- that a social class possesses, and its capacity to rationally act in their best interests; hence, class consciousness is required before they can effect a successful revolution. In Marxism, political economy studies the means of production, specifically of capital, and how that is manifest as economic activity.

That, in a nutshell, is Marxism. Do you think any of the governments statements or actions fit this ideology ? If it does, does it matter?



Anonymous said...

Are you an idiot?

Anonymous said...

Socialism is a government where in no body owns property. The purpose of the government is to "take care of" the people. If the government leaders are benevolent - it works out just fine. But they never are benevolent.

Free Market Capitalism is a structure where the richest people run the business and they compete against other rich people for a built-in price control. They compete with retail prices and wages. The idea was a good one until the rich elites stopped competing. They instead formed monopolies against the people and do not compete with price or with wages. Again the leaders are not benevolent.

Communism was created by the Ashkenazi Jews to begin the process of Zion. It is a government where all property is owned by the government. Again the government "takes care of" the people and provides the structure for common ownership of property so that everyone is equal. However, the banking class (rich elites) once again took control of the government and impoverished the people.

Christians are people who believe our Deity took human form and allowed the Zealots to kill him. He was raised back from the dead by His Father and the Holy Spirit. Christians realize the futility of ALL GOVERNMENT because they know Satan always gains control of the powerful few through money and greed. Christians are the only ones who know the truth about government and no longer live "for the world". Anyone who lives for the world will be caught up into one of the 3 primary governments.

The belief in Zion is a religious belief expressed in political terms. It entails the deep seated belief that the Deity has chosen a particular blood line of humans to rule over all the other humans. The humans who are chosen to rule have used the name Jews for many years now. While they are not decendents of the bibilical Israelites, they lay claim to the Old Testament doctrine of being the "chosen ones".

The movement of Zionism is now quite widespread in the world. It appears that only the Muslims fully understand the implications of Zionism and have openly rebelled against it. The modern Christians have taken up with the Zionists as the military arm of the "chosen ones". The poor so-called Christians who do the killing have no conscious because they are completely convinced that the "leaders" have been "chosen" and therefore can only do what is right. The result is indiscriminate killing of Muslims in the name of a Deity.

The owners of the Federal Reserve and other major Central Banks are Zionists. The British and American populations are now mind-controlled zealots who have forged themselves into a military tool of the Zionists.

Religion is real. Politics is an illusion designed to hide religious beliefs of the few powerful elites.

The United States of America is a Zionist government / military the purpose of which is to exterminate the Muslims. Our government is an extension of Royal Family - or, the House of Rothschild. We are Zion and we will collectively kill 1/3 of the world's population before we are stopped.

Come quickly Oh Lord

Alex said...

Looks like both Joel and 9:33 are idiots.

Somehow, I am reluctant to accept the explanation of a complex philosophical theory (Marxism) from and an alcoholic imbecil Glenn Beck

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't matter. Someone will always be screwing someone else for a few greenbacks. It's the human condition.

Anonymous said...

I watched that show. Wonder if that red phone is really hooked up. If so, I wished I had the number. I have to agree on what he said. BTW, we dont watch the show because he sexy lol.

Joel said...

It is difficult to believe that some of the people making comments, ever passed a reading comprehension test. I deliberately attempt to provoke thought, but it appears in a battle of wits, some come unarmed.

Anonymous said...


If you are going to bring up reading comprehension tests you should also bring up writing comprehension tests. And if we are bringing those up we should probably talk about your post. Your first comma does not belong there. It makes the sentence grammatically incorrect, and therefore makes your post and unfortunately yourself look idiotic. See how I used a comma in the last sentence. If you are going to try to put others down, first make sure you don't look uneducated doing it. This blog may check your spelling in posts but you should be smart enough to handle the rest. After all, you watch Beck!

Anonymous said...

For all those obsessed with grammar.... get a life. We are expressing our opinions not editing a manuscript. If you can't think of anything relative to say about a post, keep your insults to yourself. The rest of us don't care about grammar, we care about the views being expressed.

Joel said...

Thank you 5:18 Pm, If I were a Journalist or an English Professor, I would write with a Liberal perspective. I would then be like 3:16Pm and not be able to post an original or objective thought. Glenn Beck makes no pretext of being an intellectual. All he does is present factual evidence and ask for answers,which never come. The reason they don't come is the facts can't be refuted by the Kooks.

Anonymous said...

The irony here is that those among us who are most opposed to Marxism are those who plant the seeds and help it grow. I'm speaking of the Glenn Beck followers and their mentality. How do they do this? By supporting tax cuts for the wealthiest members of society and helping to divert 90% of the nation's personal income to 1% of the population, telling us that the wealth will "trickle down". This imbalance in resources and wealth continues to grow exponentially until the masses become angry. Then, when people propose a peaceful revolution to rebalance the playing field, the Glenn Becks among us call it "Marxism". In a sense, it is. Marx the philosopher once said, "Capitalism, if left unfettered, will devour itself." Think about it.

Anonymous said...


You brought up grammar so don't run and hide when it smacks you in the face. Your post is just idiotic, and really beyond words. If you believe this country is a Marxist government, I do not believe you have done enough research on the subject to even know what you are talking about. Your talking points are absurd and many posts have already countered your stupid, stupid argument. Next time think for yourself and don't just post what Beck puts in your mind. You tried to slam the posters here and got yourself slammed, deal with it.


I was not talking about anyone else but the posts that Joel put on here. That is how this internet works. Someone posts their point, and then someone can counter post. And your post had very little to do with the subject. Maybe you should take your own advice.

Anonymous said...


HaHaHa, A battle of wit. How much wit did it take for you to take what Beck had said and turn it into a post? You are a sheep! And as for arguing it, you need to post something that actually makes sense to provoke people to respond. No one wants to respond to something so stupid, no one sees the point. I am sure you googled Marxist before you posted, but I believe that might be the first time you have actually heard of it.

Joel said...

Absolutely remarkable ! Attack the messenger, but not the facts presented by Beck. It amounts to a confession that the facts are accurate.I can only conclude that there are quite a few Marxists defending Obama.
This has become a common tactic of the folks on the left. It might take some time, but truth will prevail.

Anonymous said...


I believe that dumbest statement you made, was after your 3-4 small paragraphs. "That, in a nutshell,is Marxism". Marxism is a complete and complex theory, which would take pages of material to understand, if you could even understand it then. It is easy to get talking points about social class struggle, and a revolution. Then try to turn these into how our government is Marxist. My god, I have a boss, I live in a crazy Marxist country. But it is apparent that you do not understand the actual subject matter.

Joel said...

9:16 AM, I pointed out that it would take volumes to describe Marxism. Some of which I have read. What I pointed out was the basis for all the detail that follows. If the Obama administration continues on its current path, those details will become clear to all. Perhaps, if you were not so busy defending his extreme positions you would see what he intends to transform this country into.

Anonymous said...


Get it through your head, no one is going after Beck or the posts because they are absolutely baseless. Yes, I am coming after you, you started this so finish it. You do not understand any of this subject matter anyway. Try to explain any of this in your own words, I will give you a few days to do some research. You are a dangerous person to just blindly follow whatever someone tells you. When you have something to add pointing to the fact that we live in a Marxist society, I will be happy to respond.

Joel said...

As one who is dedicated to restoring the principals that made this country great, I have no intention of engaging in a debate with a student of Karl Marx over the merits of Marxism. There is also nothing to be gained in a discussion with someone that denies visual evidence that does not confirm his very limited views.

Anonymous said...


Still waiting on any evidence visual, written, or spoken to prove your point. You are very good at trying to skirt around the issue. It is a shame you put this post up and then cannot even follow through with explaining or proving it. Maybe you should think before trying to post things next time.