Incident: Possession of Marijuana
Date of Incident: 31 August 2009
Location: W/B Ocean Gateway at Queen Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Darren G. White, 37, Delmar, DE
Narrative: On 31 August 2009 at 4:13 PM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Darren White for a traffic infraction on Ocean Gateway. While speaking with White, the deputy received consent from White to search his vehicle. During the search, the deputy located a key holder in the center console that was found to contain what the deputy recognized as marijuana.
The deputy placed White under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, White was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Assault First Degree
Date of Incident: 31 August 2009
Location: 6700 block of Levin Dashiell Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Wyatt A. Young, 16, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 31 August 2009 at 6:03 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office investigated an altercation that occurred on Levin Dashiell Road. The deputy located a victim who stated that while driving on Ocean Gateway, the victim was being followed by another subject, Wyatt Young, who was driving erratically and attempting to run the victim off the road. The victim pulled off of Ocean Gateway onto Nanticoke Road then onto Levin Dashiell Road where the victim stopped. Young also stopped, exited his vehicle brandishing a baseball bat and began threatening the victim. The victim stated that Young threatened to kill him and began chasing him. When the victim stopped, Young wound up with the bat and struck the victim in the leg. Witnesses called 911 to report what was happening.
Young was gone upon the arrival of the deputy. The victim required transport to PRMC due to injuries sustained in the assault. The investigating deputy located Young at his residence in Hebron where he was placed under arrest. Due to the nature of the crime, Young was charged as an adult.
Young was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Young was detained in the Detention Center by the Commissioner in lieu of $25,000.00 bond
Charges: Assault 1st Degree
Assault 2nd degree
Reckless Endangerment
Carrying a Deadly Weapon
Not surprised. Wyatt was an idiot at Mardela when he was there. Always bullied me and my friends. Best day ever was when he tranferred in town.
Maybe this will hit home and make him realize that he has to own up to his actions.
Too bad...so sad...not!
Why did he even stop? He should have at least gone into Hebron and stopped at the firehouse or IGA, some place where there were people. Maybe the assult would have never happened.
Yeah and people who get mugged shouldn't have been walking on the street either, right? I saw and reported this incident and no, I don't think the victim should have stopped. But you swing a bat and hit someone who is defenseless, you get charged. Period. Here's a clue--the suspect was not wearing a baseball uniform. Do you ordinarily carry a bat around in YOUR car? You know, just in case a pitch comes by.
Why would a police officer "ask" to search a car during a stop for a traffic infraction. Was there probable cause which the officer can put into words in a courtroom?
Seriously people: protect your Fourth Amendment rights.
LOL remember when Joe said crime would lower when Ireton stepped in. That was soooooooo funny!
To 11:09 pm,
Wyatt is a baseball player and if he isn't playing,he is practicing.So yes it would be normal for him to carry a bat.He is a good kid who made a very bad choice.
Yeah Wyatt sounds like a real prince.....
Why don't you people stop crying about and get lives because you sit here and look at crimes and leave unnecessary comments, so stop getting your nose into everything and let him be.
"OH, but he's a good boy. He would NEVER do that...or that....or that....or that....or that"
i myself know wyatt pretty well and he is a good kid that made a bad choice. noone thats posted a comment on here can not act as if they haven't made "Atleast" one of them in their lifetimes. And good for him for standing up in what he believes in...he and i grew where any male who beats on females gets justice served to them. unfortionantly wyatt felt that he had to put that in his own hands. maybe if the deputy or reporter that wrote about this did their jobs to investigate more into the problem that happened they would learn to know about that fact as to why everything happened.
i myself happen to know wyatt pretty well for the most part. for you people to sit here and comment on how he's such a horrible person have you yourself ever made bad judgments? and good for wyatt...anyone who stands up in what they believe in are much better people than you hipocrites who sit here and talk bad about peoples decisions as if you yourself havent done the wrong thing. he hit someone with a bat for beating a female. maybe if the investigators would do a better job of finding out the whole truth and nothing but the truth the coward who got hit with the bat would have a little article about himself written on here and everyone could write smart remarks towards him and his bad decisions
I've known wyatt for a 3 weeks and he would never do this.
i've known wyatt my entire life, and i know for a fact that he wouldn't do this sh*t intentionally. and before you judge him about what the outcome of everything was, find out first what made him do it. hmm, ever think of that one? didn't think so! because everyone who looks at these pages and stalk every case that comes out only judges it by what these say. you guys don't know what the hell happened before this, so you should probably just shutup before you make yourself look even more dumb then you already do. he is an amazing baseball player, so of course he is going to have a baseball bat in his car. i have a softball bat in MY car. so am i going to be suspected for doing something like this? common sense people, seriously. get some.
Uh.. I know the person that wyatt BEAT, very well and he would NEVER beat a lady, so yeah wyatt is wrong and deserves/deserved to do time.
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