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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

More Evidence Of Gay Promotions


The Liberal effort to ram gay-ness down our throats is shored up by Hollywood and now the ice cream maker Ben and Jerry. More Zionistic (World Government) free thinking. Here they laugh in our faces as we react to their all-out assault on human nature and decency."


Anonymous said...

who cares????? let people live their own lives!

Marc said...

"Zionistic (World Government)", Joe? That's code that anti-semites use when they talk about how the Jews want to take over the world. Do you really want to be putting something up on the site from this kind of person?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is part of the Zionist effort to spread gayness through ice cream! There have been a lot of crazy posts here, but this has to be one of the craziest. Joe, I believe you count some gay people as your friends--do you think this cooment from a reader is right?

joealbero said...

I know, let's ONLY post what YOU want to hear. The idea of a Blog is to let up all kinds of information and YOU get to decide if you agree with it or not. How about I remove YOUR comments like the Daily Times does and only promote one person's agenda?

Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Well put 2:20. Whatever makes you happy. Aren't we all entitled to the pursuit of happiness?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what they put on their ice cream? Don't buy it, no one is forcing you.

Anonymous said...

Well since Ben & Jerry's was founded by free thinking liberal hippies in Vermont and Vermont just enacted gay marriage, I'd say this move was appropriate, not a "Zionistic" effort to "ram gay-ness" down anybody's throat. Furthermore, the Zionist movement is one in which people support the re-establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palenstine. It's also a movement which supports the establishment and continuation of the modern State of Israel. I really don't think gay people have a plank on the Zionists' platform. I'm not saying there aren't gay Jews, just that the Zionist movement is about Jews and their homeland, not about gays. The ignorance of your post is amazing.

Anonymous said...

This product isn't even being sold outside a very small area in Vermont, so it sounds like someone's got their panties all in a twist over nothing.

Remember, homophobes are the ones most likely to have kids who turn out gay! haha ...

Anonymous said...

The sexual behavior between two, three or more consenting adults done in private is their business and between them and their God. As for myself and the God I believe in and worship a vast array of sexual activities outside of marriage is sinful, along with homosexual and sex with animals to cite a few, and I will be judged and held accountable to Him for my sins.

However, please do not publicly promote and support these kind of behaviors as being acceptable and encourage the participation therein, for they are a violation of instructions from my Father...and He knows best!

Anonymous said...

Mother Nature will do what it has to to protect humanity. Let me see
now , HIV or AIDS , whoops ,she has
already started. Mother Nature is great!

doug wilkerson said...

I think the ice-cream is over rated.

Tee said...

ya see it's ok when a liberal does it... where were the same comments of support when Prejean said she didn't believe in gay marriage?

It's just exactly this hypocritical attitude of the left that is moving the people from the party.

Promoting perversion is not ok even if you are one.

Anonymous said...


What the heck are you talking about? You make no sense. What is hypocritical about consistently believing in the freedom of Ben and Jerry's to call their ice cream whatever they want (freedom of speech) and the freedom for consenting adults to do what they want? The hypocrite is people who want liberty, but only for themselves. And I'm not even going to go there about Zionism. The person who wrote this post and sent it to Joe clearly has no idea what Zionism is. Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are an idiot than to open it and prove you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Not only is homosexuality in the animal kingdom but there are animals that have both male and female reproductive orgins. Im not a liberal and Im straight, little crazy but straight. Mother Nature huh?

Anonymous said...

dude, if you dont want gayness shoved down your throat, what DO you put down your throat?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:44 - well you and your god are welcome to your beliefs, just don't expect the rest of us to live according to your beliefs if we don't attend your church and don't believe in your god. If unmarried gay people are "living in sin," first, that's your opinion, and second, then let them get married and they wouldn't be living in sin. Duh! My God is male, female and non-gendered and my God created all of us in His/Her/Its image and we're all perfect the way we are, male, female, hermaphrodite, etc. God doesn't make mistakes, so I believe the vast variety of human sexuality is evidence that God intended this variety.

Anon 2:45 - Mother Nature will do what it has to, to protect humanity. Did you ever stop to think maybe people who can't reproduce, or even homosexuality are Nature's ways of reducing the population? Prior to medical science's figuring a way around that, that is.

Anonymous said...

Tee is talking about Ms Prejean's freedom of speech was bashed because she doesn't support gay marriage even though she was asked for her opinion. It goes hand in hand when Ben and Jerry's names their ice cream. Liberals can't bash her and support the other, they should support both-but they don't which is hypocritical, makes perfect sense. I don't know about Zionism, no going to touch it.

Chimera said...

Ben & Jerry are corporate sellouts,they no longer even OWN that company.Frankly,the ice cream is overpriced,overrated and all the cutesy names are nauseating(chubby hubby?).Appeals to the whole ex-hippie ankle length skirt wearing granla munching Volvo driving demographic,which happens to include the kind of chicks who dont shave their legs lol.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it...don't buy it. Seems simple enough. Maybe you could even organized a boycott.


Anonymous said...

This post definitely has garnered some comments. The purpose of a blog is to provide the public a voice. Joe has done a great job here.

I have never heard Joe express any anti-homosexual thoughts.

I have never heard Joe express any anti-Zionist thoughts.

Topper said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mother Nature will do what it has to to protect humanity. Let me see
now , HIV or AIDS , whoops ,she has
already started. Mother Nature is great!

Too bad mother nature didn't start with you

DuckAround said...

3:31: Ms. Prejean exercised her freedom of speech and it was protected. The federal government did not interfere in any way in her making her statements, nor took any action after she made them. Her federal right to freedom of speech was honored by the government.

Now, private citizens objected, made their objections known publicly in legal ways, and applied pressure to the private corporation that owned the pageant to have her removed, which was done. None of that involved governmental action, hence her freedom of speech was protected.

She is not protected from the reaction other private citizens may have and the lawful actions they may take. Seems to me we've had a debate about that lately and conservatives have been very interested in making sure opponents to ideas are being heard. Imagine that.

Anonymous said...

When I hear some crackpot trying to "normalize" being queer, I just very briefly think of a mental image of Barney Frank.

Makes you realize how discusting and revolting queers really are!

Anonymous said...

Zionism is a political goal of one world government. It is identified with Jews because so many of the Illuminati are Jews. Also because Judaism identifies the blood of Israelites to be more pure (better) than the goyim. The Jews believed they would be the chosen people to "rule over the earth". Hence, Jews are at the epicenter of Zionism.
More recently, the Christian Protestants have been recruited into the Zionist Agenda. They have been duped into believing America specifically will help bring about the Utopia which is to be Zion. The Christian Leaders who espouse Zionism are very much active in political movements. They basically embrace an American Empire as Zion. The Zionists Jews are OK with this misconception because it lends itself to their goals.
Zion is to be managed by Jews. There will also be crypto Jews who participate (those who hide their identity). This is what Senator McCarthy was attacking when he went after crypto communists. The Zionists established communism during the Bolshevik Revolution. Zionism is Communism. Karl Marx was a Zionists.
Many of us believe Barry Soeroto is also a Zionists. He has surrounded himself with Zionists. It is a politcal movement based on theology of the Old Testament.

surfer said...

Awesome. Thanks for pointing that out. Too bad you are too afraid of gay people to enjoy the ice cream though. Maybe some vanilla pudding?

SAM said...

Ha ha, I think that's awesome. What's the big deal? How is this a liberal effort to ram gay-ness down our throats? Who ever wrote this needs to take a trip off of the Eastern Shore for a few days.

Anonymous said...

I have female gay couple friends who have managed to hold their relationship together and outlive most of the heterosexual couple relationships. They are probably the most warm and loving people that I know. Most heterosexual relationships end up breaking up due to promiscuity. If two people love each other and can manage to respect and remain faithful than kudos to them. Whatever floats their man in the boat.

Anonymous said...

Our zionist plan is working. Now there will be more ice cream for us! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

That's like saying that chocolate and vanilla icecream makes or promotes white and black people to date. Very stupid for those who believe this.

Anonymous said...

To 2:45-
Just so you know, HIV is not a homosexual disease...there are far more heterosexuals with the disease that homosexuals. The #1 means of transmission the world over is heterosexual sex. Just thought you should know :)

Anonymous said...

5:21, you been reading havent you.

Anonymous said...

I'll never buy it again.

Anonymous said...

Your statement is completely false!
The number 1 group of HIV infected people is Gay male drug users!
It is not Hetero sex as the number 1 transmitter, it is intravenous drug use.
Get you facts straight.
Not only is being queer biologicaly wrong, vile and discusting, it is also dangerous!

Anonymous said...

Such small minds here. You can all continue to live in your vacuum - I'll hang with the rest of humanity that doesn't have all these stupid hang ups.

Anonymous said...

Good comment. Worrying about the dissolution of our mores and values is a pathetic waste of time.

We are so above that.

Live free, do whatever you want, be who you want to be . . .

unless the government says it is illegal. Then, for god's sake put that doobie down!

Anonymous said...

I like your comment. It is interesting that Jesus Christ never mentions "ruling over all the peoples of the earth". Instead He spoke of an afterlife utopia. The kingdom of heaven would occur after we die. It is spiritual.

You are suggesting the Jews still believe they can and will establish the kingdom here on earth. That means they still seek the Messiah.

If so, then the Christians would refer to this Messiah as the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ would come to power within the political world.

Why would Christians become Zionists? That doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

If people consider themselves conservative why do they care what people do in their private life. I thought conservative was about letting people live their own lives.