Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. announced today that, due to a contract with a new electric energy supplier, the county saved taxpayers $173,132 in electric bills in Fiscal Year 2009 (July1, 2008 – June 30, 2009).
According to Pollitt, the county’s contract with Direct Energy has a rate of $0.0947 per kilowatt hour versus the old average rate of $0.117579 from Delmarva Power. The lower rate covers about 75% of all county use. The remaining 25% of county users will be buying power from Direct Energy as of July 1, 2010. “This should yield even more savings,” said Pollitt.
In FY 2009, the county used 7,567,306 kilowatt hours from Direct Energy @ $0.0947
per/kwh for a total cost of $716,624. Under the previous electric supply contract, that usage would have cost $889,756.
Executive Pollitt said, “We have had very little good financial news lately. I am pleased that we are able to inform our taxpayers that our Purchasing Department, at my request, sought and found a way to save them money.”
Money saved! Blame Obama!!
Who owns direct energy?
How can consumers sign on?
That's what we pay these guys in the government to do. They should always be looking for ways to save money. , bad economy or good economy. That's what they get paid to do!. Sorry , no pat on the back today!
It would be cool to see the County use some of its land acquisitions to produce its own energy and perhaps make money by selling into the grid. Wind farms and solar fields seem like a good idea-when the budget and financial situations permits, of course...
haha...word verification: WEENIES!
I love it!
Delmarva Power has been ripping off consumers for years. I love the fact that the county went with someone else. Sad part is to make up for the money that they lost with the county, they just charge us additional rates. A$$holes.
Sorry 11:16. You can't honestly put "Obama" and "Money Saved" in the same sentence.
They are also in a lot of trades and service industries. I sure hope they dont come here and pull a BG&E and take the few service jobs there are away from us.
They are a subsidiary of Centrica plc, a british based company with investments through-out the world. So now your telling me Wic-O-Mic-O county cant even buy power from a USA company. How many Americans jobs were lost there, fools.
Mr. or Ms. Know-it-all --
How do they get the electric power here from Britain -- ship or plane?
They bought a energy company in Texas, who do you think they hire there? Ill give you a clue, whoever is cheapest.
Just more out-sourcing to me.
robert... well he is blamed for everything else on this site... might as well blame him for money being saved too!
1:29pm yes because Mexico and South America produce the best river-swimmin' gate-a-hoppin' engineers. An energy company doesn't go to Home Depot every morning for it's employees....
Its called capitalism ,people-free trade.If one company can provide the same level of service for a better price,they get the job,or in this case,the contract to provide electric power.Thats how our economy grows
Truth is the money saved is masked by line charges and other things already in Delmarva Powers energy bill. The big question is this who maintains the delivery system to get the power to these county buildings or sites. Better known as line charges or delivery charges. Further more who is going to repair the line when they malfunction. The question is are the taxpayers going to end up footing a larger bill for maintaining the system.
3:40 They will sub-contract alot of the services out, then they can say its not us.
The facts are the county purchased electricity from a broker who negotiated the rates for them for a fixed term. DPL only transmits the power over their lines. The bill will still come from DPL. This is not yet available to homeowners.
With all of these postings the entity that really deserves credit is VOICE.
I remember quite vividly during the budget hearings whereby VOICE President John Palmer proposed Wicomico County take the action to solicit an Aggregator.
(VOICE)- stands for Voters Opposed to Increased County Expenditures
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