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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Public School Speech


As a concerned parent I am at wits end this morning. We have been hearing about the President making an address to all public school children. In my opinion the Administration has no business addressing my children. It is my job to raise my children.

The white house is telling us that this speech is solely a pep rally to keep kids in school and to do their best. Which is fine, but I want to see what my kids are going to be exposed to. Why is the President bringing children into the political realm? Indoctrination? I have visited the link but have not been able to find this video. I am assuming it will not be available until it is broadcast live. I am curious if your readers have found any links to this speech or is it floating around on the web already. Perhaps I am overreacting? Maybe it is non-political, what is my assurance? Where do we as parents draw the line?

What is the pulse of Delmarva on this topic?



Anonymous said...

Obama and his admin. are working their way into every part of our society. It is so obvious , socialism at the highest level.
They are doing it as fast as they can , before people realize what
is happening. Lock and load!

Anonymous said...

Oh the horror! The President speaking to kids about doing well in school. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

I am too, I dont trust him at all and would not want him addressing my child either without me knowing the content.

Anonymous said...

I would say it depends on the context of the speech. Like it matters, he didnt write it.

joealbero said...

anonymous 11:57, I would have to disagree with your statement, "it would depend."

For me, I would like to know in advance as well and I would not rely on "depends."

Mind you, he is our President and we should be in a position in which we could TRUST they would deliver exactly the message of staying in school. However, times have changed quite a bit and Americans just don't trust what they're being told by our President, like weapons of mass destruction, Iranian's were involved in 9-11, I was born in Hawaii and here's my proof, I did NOT have sex with this woman, I am not a crook, the list goes on and on.

And many of you wonder why so many others are so paranoid!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whats funny is you people could careless what your kids are watching on TV at home. What they are looking at when they surf the net, or even the themes behind some of the games that they are playing. Now you want to show interest in an annoucement that you already know is about keeping kids in school, and encouraging them to do better. What next tea parties about the DARE program, or or Just Say No.

Like someone mentioned above...."get a life"

Anonymous said...

I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one, I cant judge it before I have heard it. Do I think he will try to twist it to his benefit, yes. But we will see & so will our kids.

Anonymous said...

Good points, Joe.

I don't let my kids watch a movie before I know what's in it so the President is no different. We should be allowed the option of "parental guidance" just like tv and movies.


Anonymous said...

Right on Joe.

If you're not paranoid, then you aren't paying attention!

Anonymous said...

Gheez..this poor man does not stand a chance. Everything he does he gets picked apart. President Obama is a father of two little girls, it is assanine to think this man would say anything out of the way to the millions of children that will be viewing. Because President Obama promotes taking care of each other is that so bad with our economy suffering as it is. The U.S. sent aid to a third world country within the blink of an eye when the Sunami's hit, but our own people in New Orleans suffered for days before any assistance came when Katrina blew over. To think that YOUR President would stoop as low to intentionally offend you or your children displays a great portrait of racisim.

park-n-ride-al said...

It's been called off. See

Anonymous said...

Lets break this down a little...

"In my opinion the Administration has no business addressing my children. It is my job to raise my children."

So, maybe you should home school your child? Is he really "raising" your child or trying to ensure that today's kids make something of themselves! Is that so bad?

"The white house is telling us that this speech is solely a pep rally to keep kids in school and to do their best. Which is fine, but I want to see what my kids are going to be exposed to."

So you are making personal assumptions? Since you are fine with what the White House is stating.

"Why is the President bringing children into the political realm?"

How? For showing interest in this country's future? I took politics and US history in school, which focused on our past Presidents. Never heard any complaining then.

"Where do we as parents draw the line?"

I would draw it when a President is passing along a message to drop out of school because you won't need it in life!

Just another point of view/opinion!

Anonymous said...

yeah, over reacting

Anonymous said...

Joe. Nice list there. But "I was born in Hawaii" is a pretty weak argument. The others are much more worse!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with ANYONE doing something to ENCOURAGE our youth!
Get a grip Lady!
What have YOU done lately to encourage our youth????
I get so sick and tired of people jumping all over something positive such as this and then some of them turn around and complain that things are so bad.
Don't complain about how bad our youth is and then turn around and slap someone who is trying to do a good thing for them!
This person sounds to me as just being an Obama hater. It doesn't matter to this person what good this man does. I'm not saying he's perfect, NOBODY is but to knock someone down at every turn just because you don't like them (for whatever "justified" reason you have, which you probably don't have any) is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

The problem is not that you aren't raising your kids but the many children that have no one. Sadly,this is the facts of the world we live in. Too many single
parents and too many people on welfare.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe, some of the young black kids who have no male role model and no chance to see what a well-educated, articulate black man looks like might see him and believe that they should STAY THE HELL IN SCHOOL.
Please stop your never-ending fault finding where Obama is concerned. He's a good example, at the very least.

Anonymous said...

12:03 I dont have that type of relationship with any of my kids. They actually try to protect me. Im sure the six grand babies will do the same when Im old and wrinkled.

Anonymous said...

Most people don't recognize propaganda when they see it or hear it.

They have eyes but do not see.

They have ears but do not hear.

ladoylemd1961 said...

12:02 p.m.
Excellent post Joe! Couldn't have said it better myself..

Anonymous said...

You people really need to find a hobby!


Anonymous said...

I most surely am not an Obama supporter. I shudder at almost everything he comes up with. However, I'm trying to figure out how in the world he could indoctrinate students. I think that it's a wonderful idea for the President, any President, to address the country's students. Like Obama or not, he is a fine example of what an education can do. He would be an inspiration, particularly to minorities, on the value of doing well in school. I cannot see anything negative that could come from a Presidential address to the schools. I don't think that parents have to "monitor" what he says! Obama would not be taking the parents' job away; rather, he would reinforce the parents' guidance.

Chimera said...

My kid is 5 yrs old,I would be concerned if at that age she even cared what the President had to say.Besides,its my job to be the role model for my kid,not Hannah Montana,Obama or anyone else on TV.Got it?
All you people screaming racism need to get a life.For the last time,Obama is biracial.That means he is black AND white,okay?

Anonymous said...

Obama talking to the kids is like having Hitler come in and recruit. Save the kids!!

Anonymous said...

This brings out the real problem with our current president....most people in our country do not trust him or believe him and many feel he is against the traditional american way of life that hard working citizens have historically enjoyed.

and..a good role model at the very least? give me a f*ing break.

Mrs. Tom

Anonymous said...

You are nuts. If you are so sure that a 15 minute address by the President of the United States will undermine everything you have taught your kid, then you are a terrible parent. You are probably teaching your kid to be paranoid.

Anonymous said...

"My kid is 5 yrs old,I would be concerned if at that age she even cared what the President had to say"

There's your problem right there! The kids are eager to learn and probably hear parents views when at home!

Oh my... could it be a problem if ANY aged kid showed interest??? It just might light a match in their brains to become President some day. I know, it's not fair for kids to have dreams and goals! Stop them at 5 yrs old!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, I hope the anti-Obama crowd are never called on to defend our country, they seem to get the vapors and panic attacks pretty easily.

Anonymous said...

(1:24)The anit-Obama crowd would be the only ones defending your country. The rest dont believe in war...remember?

Anonymous said...

hasnt anyone noticed that our country is going to hell in a handbasket. no one is held to any standards, it might hurt their feelings. boo hoo. its about time someone stood up and told the kids what is expected of them. public schools in this area are unacceptable for farm animals let alone children and I blame the parents and their lack of motivation and inspiration. no one cares and it shows.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you are referring to the fact that we disagreed with Bush and Cheney on their illegal war. Don't ever get us wrong that we support our troops and have no problem going to war to protect our freedoms or others in the name of justice. Our fears of ware come from what your man did in office, so blame yourself for voting for him.

Anonymous said...

"The anit-Obama crowd would be the only ones defending your country."

Yeah right! That is evident every day on this site! I can see how much you care about this country. Complaining isn't accomplishing 1 friggin thing!

Chimera said...

Anon 1:22 PM

I assure you I have no problem.My child can tell you the full name of our current President and who ran against him in the election which is more than most kids her age can.I keep my negative thoughts about the Prez,such as how her generation will be paying thru the nose for all his stimulus handouts,to myself so that she can form her own opinion when she is mature enough.I expect her school to stick to curriculum that is appropriate for kindergarten-reading skills,math,science,etc. not politics.

Anonymous said...

Obama has been a flat out liar. He's lied about everything and he's much better at it than the run or the mill politician. He's up to NO GOOD, you just want to HOPE he's going to do a good thing....your in denial and just fooling yourselves. Isnt this exactly what Hitler done?

Anonymous said...

This is the one of the busiest times of the year for teachers. President Obama should not be intruding in the education system using this type of vehicle for the above reason and that no matter what, it is the symbology that is of concern.

The President has enough to "say grace over" without usurping parental and teacher authority to expand his philosophical indoctrination of our youth.

Anonymous said...

Thats right lady keep your kids ignorant and bias.

Anonymous said...

It's a sad day in America when people are up in arms about the President of our nation addressing our youth. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I think it's time you all left our country.

Anonymous said...


Then I assume you are against Osama now because he is keeping the illegal wars going.

Anonymous said...

4:09 = screw you. Maybe it's time for you to leave the country.

As a parent I have the right to see what my kids are viewing in and out of school. That's the bottom line - no matter who the president is.

Anonymous said...

You people who argue that 15 minutes isn't going to change a child's mind are correct, except one problem . . .

If the video is allowed in the classroom, the teacher probably supports what's on it.

The principal most likely supports what's shown.

No doubt the school district is behind the indoctrination.

Absolutely the Dept. of [mis-]Education is drooling over the chance to get into your kids' minds this way.

15 minutes on day one, 20 minutes on a different day, now a 3 hour period on how the evil gasoline engine is killing baby polar bears, then a whole week on how the wicked industrial-military complex is to blame for all of America's ills.

Years ago my wife and I made the decision to homeschool our kids. Our oldest now homeschools our three grandkids. Our youngest earned her M.D. from a top medical school in 2007. We've never regretted our decision.

RFGAIN said...

My country tis of Thee, Sweet land of Liberty of Thee I sing, Land where our Fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims Pride, From every Mountain side Let FREEDOM RING!!!

I honor and respect the office of the President. I Love this Country and ALL of its People.

However, the President has done some things that make me question his motives. At the very least a speech like this comes with strange timing even if it does have the best of intentions. He has lost my trust with his actions unbecoming an officer let alone a President.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, Osama. Are you calling the president of the United States a terrorist? Do you know how dumb that makes you sound? He decided to do what was best for the troops stuck their by your president. He has started a slow pullout of the troops which is the best he can do.


I believe that you might need some anger management.

Anonymous said...

You all are prejudice. Obama is black racially, Islamic in faith and has risen to the top job in America. You elected Obama knowing these facts,so, now let him spread black culture over America and encourage others to follow the Islamic faith. You elected and got what you wanted. Stop being critical and all rally around our people's choice. He needs and deserves our support.