Dear Friend,
The National Republican Congressional Committee just launched a new television
attack ad here in Maryland's First District, distorting my record in an attempt
to score cheap political points. This latest attack is just a reminder that our
opponents will say or do anything to win... no matter the truth. Just a few
weeks ago, one of them even went as far as hanging me in effigy outside of my
office in Salisbury. We expect these attacks to continue in the weeks and months
ahead, and so it's critical that we have the resources to fight back. With this
in mind, I'm writing to personally ask you to give today to make sure we have
the urgent campaign resources to spread my positive message and set the record
straight. Will you give $50 or $100 or more today to help me? Contribute today
to help fight back.
I know this is a lot to ask in these tough times, and it's not a request that I
make lightly. But I also know that this latest attack ad means the Republican
Party has singled me out for their smears. We fought hard together to win last
November, and we can't stand idly by now in the face of these attacks. Help me
fight back.
Contribute today to support my efforts.
Thank you for all you have done so far to stand with me. Your support means the
world to me, and I hope I can count on you again today.
Frank Kratovil.
PS: Pundits are already predicting this is going to be one of the closest races
in the country next year, so it's important that we don't let any attack go
unanswered. With your help, we can send a clear message that we're prepared to
fight back. Thanks for your support!
Copyright 2008 Kratovil for Congress Committee. All rights reserved.
The purpose of Campaign Notes is to provide current information on the Kratovil
for Congress Campaign.
"Will you give $50 or $100 or more today to help me?"
LOL, now that's funny!
Kratovil has worked hard to earn the contempt of the voters. He went to Washington claiming to be a fiscal conservative. All he was, was a Pelosi Poodle. I wouldn't give him the sweat off my b---'s.
Wrong -- he was one of those who resisted the Pelosi-Hoyer cabal to push ObamaCare into law before the August recess.
Frank Katovil is a good man that won an election. I'm sure that he will face a stiff challenge for re-election bu will ultimately prevail. Like it or not the Republicans are out of ideas and facing extinction.
Frank is using an event he finds so distasteful to raise money? I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I say.
He must have bumped his head.
YOU want people to donate and you back changing our health care system?? Bring on Andy!
Well he is wrong about one thing. Especially with it being a mid-term election all the welfare people will not vote and he will loose by 10 points.
What differance does it make who you elect, none of them give a sh!t about any of us Americans. What differance does it make.
I wonder what these lies are?
Sadly, Frank, It just the truth.
Please stop wearing out the photo. Joe you are so two faced and always trying to stir up problems. I see nothing wrong with posting the article but enough of the picture already. You lost your credibility with me the first time you posted the photo.
Please take some time to visit to see a Wicomico man running for the 1st Congressional Distric Seat against Kratovil. If any body needs donations to fight Kratovil and keep Shore Conservative voices heard it is Grady Rombald!
Kratovile fooled us once. It won't happen again. The race won't be close maybe 58% - 42%
Do any of you Kool Aid Drinkers understand his votes on the stimulus bill or Cap & Trade (tax)? Only after people got angry did he back off on health care, but don't bet he won't vote for it when Peolsi orders him to.
Grady is just one a few few people from the shore running!
Give YOU $50 or $100 ? Are you out of your f&*$%#g mind?Krat,you are soo out of touch with mainstream Americans who are fed up with liberals.
Jeesh, could you people disagree with the man politically without being so personal and, well, violent about it?
You give the rest of us opposing the bill a really bad name.
Pack Sand Kratovil! Your a hypocrite and a liar, and your not even good at THAT! In fact, I'm changing my registration to Independent because you wont listen to your constituents who voted you in!
That protest will help Kratovil fill his election money chest. You guys helped him out, big time, thanks.
I went by the Kratovil fundraiser the other day, it was pretty funny, there was like 19 people there.
This woman stood up and sounded like a complete moron.
All I could think of, was, THIS is the kind of person that votes for Frank Kratovil.
Frank lost me when he voted for CAP AND TRADE
Frank seems to be well intentioned, but unfortunatley, his liberalism seems to take over his political decisions. It is hard to tell whether it is self-motivated or he is so politically weak he succumbs to likes of Nancy Pelosl, Steny Hoyer and Gov. O'Malley! Either way, voters need to terminate him next year.
This photo reminds me of what happen to black men in the south during the fifties, hanging from a tree. And, a bunch of white men, women and children looking on getting photograph with smiles on theirs faces. Why don't he just ask the KKK for the donations.
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