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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Glenn Beck Spewing Hate Speech About Obama

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Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is an idiot. He doen't even believe half of what he says.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck has a set and is one of the few that will tell it like it is. He has a very large following ,
much larger than Obama. Thank God!

Anonymous said...

If the left disagrees with your opinion it's hate speech. The fact of the matter is if the state run media actually did their job there would be no need for Beck, Rush or Hannity.

Henry said...

Glenn Beck is entertainment, not news. It's just sad that millions of Americans mistake him for news. The only difference between him and Howard Stern is that Stern actually has a college education.

Anonymous said...

JOE, Must be wheel bound JT.

Anonymous said...

Beck backs up every on of his allegations with facts. The Obama sheeple are just to blind to believe their own eyes and ears.

Somone must be watching his show however, because he beats all other dhows on MSNBC combined as well as CNN with viewers.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, what Glen Beck construes as facts - are not!

Anonymous said...


You are a sheep. Facts, ha. What about when he compared the health care bill to the Nazi programs. Or the 2008 election was a coup by Obama. Or calling the president a racist. I am sick of talking about this lowlife.

Anonymous said...

If the libs disagree with ANY statement, it is a 'HATE' statement!
Or 'racist'.....

Van Jones should be removed as czar as well as Mark Lloyd. An avowed communist has NO place as an advisor to the pres.
Speak up!

Anonymous said...

Someone speaking the truth and questioning the left is news.

Anonymous said...

How can you liberal idiots dismiss Glen Beck just because you don't agree with him. Didn't you see the video. Van Jones admits being a communist it comes out of his own mouth. But all you do is say Oh yeah Glen Beck that is just bull.
How can you be so narrow minded. Glen Beck did nothing but state facts and say you should question why our government is doing all of this. Believe me the Obama administration was watching Glen Beck also. And guess what they never refuted one thing he said. Why? Because it is all true. And all a person has to do is take their head out of the sand and you can see that they are destoying our country so they can start from scratch with total government control.

Anonymous said...

You guys have drank the con kool aid. beck speaks the truth? do you really believe that? you guys need hepl.

Anonymous said...

12:13 You are so typical of left wing radicals. Shoot the messenger,Make a smoke screen deny the truth,change the subject. VAN JONES admits he is a Communist! He said it with his own mouth. Beck did not make that up. We have Communists in our Government brazen enough to admit they are! How many more are there we don't know about? WAKE UP!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:05 If Beaks statements are lies then back it up with proof!

Anonymous said...

Never confuse a liberal with facts. Their teeny tiny little minds just can't handle it. They probably hear voices and those are not from above.

Anonymous said...

The Obama administration did not respond to Glen Beck because he is an entertainer.

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you BeckObots, but a lot of Republicans are turning their back on Beck. He and Rushy are nothing more than shock jocks.

I have no problem with honest criticism, but Beck is a kook. Keep on defending the nutjob so you can snag a place at the asylum.

joealbero said...

The lefties are out in full force. I just put up at least 8 comments in a row, (of course they were anonymous) but we know cents and chuck are behind them. Check out my Alexa rating now Boys, then check out yours. That's right, Salisbury News is now playing with the big boys and you're still only getting about 50 hits a day. Meaning you have 15 people going there 4 times a day and some others only going once a day. It's a chat room and that's about it. Nice try Boys but you have failed miserably. Now we'll have to see if I allow you to use sbynews as your sounding block because you can't achieve a real audience. ROTFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

There is not ONE single thing that Glen Beck has said about Obama, his past, his associates, or his policies that isn't true!
Notice how they attack Beck but can't dispute the facts that Beck has brought to light?
Face it lefties, you elected a bastard commie for President and now the whole country will suffer, and everyone will loose freedoms!

Anonymous said...

Van Jones said he was a communist or had some beliefs in it. All that was as a young man. He has never been in jail or convicted of a crime. Oh, and could it be that Beck never talks about how Jones, as a part of Color of Change, is leading the effort to get sponsors to pull their ads from his show. Pull some more wool over your eyes.

Anonymous said...

2:57 contradicts himself in one sentence . He says he's for honest criticism as he calls people Beckobots and Glen Beck a kook without one bit of evidence to show Beck was wrong on anything. The left is desperate .

Anonymous said...

Whether or not Glenn Beck is an entertainer or not is not in dispute. He is telling the truth, is there some spin? of course. Because he said it does that mean that it's no different than Cameron Diaz saying Bush would make rape legal in America and this was during his re-election. Can you imagine the campaign speech that got him elected mentioning this stuff. He never even touched Roe vs Wade, he could never overturn it or see it was over turned, that was for the Supreme Court. She was lying and some people believed her, others called her out on it. If Beck is lying then call him out with proof. VAn Jones is a Communist. Bill Ayers is an unrepetant terrorist. These guys have no problem admitting it-actually they're proud of it- and the MSM and prominent liberals don't get tired of spinning it like it was in the past.

Anonymous said...


Van Jones that in 2002 at the age of 34. He has if fact been arrested twice, once in San Fran and once in Seattle.

Jones is a radical and has no business advising any president of the U.S. Of course he fits right in the this White House, which is full of radicals.

Anonymous said...


Once again find where he has been in jail or convicted of a crime. Also, Beck got worked on The View! Imagine him trying to go any any real show and what would happen to him. HA!