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Thursday, September 03, 2009

An Important Message Of Reality


In the past I believe our county executive gave the employees of the county extra paid holidays (12/8/08)(12/24/07).

I’m not sure but I think they were paid for these days.

If so , in 2008 , the state was taking unpaid days to help our sick economy.

The cost of a day to the county , with over 500 employees must be tremendous.

He is now talking about taking away from the employees , I don’t understand this move.


Dear Wayne, there's more to it than just that, allow me to explain. Mr. Pollitt stated this morning that "you're not going to be able to enjoy those things we had in the past." Well Folks, that was the WHOLE POINT of the Revenue Cap in the first place, to eliminate such LUXURIES and over spending!!!!!!!!

Now the County Executive, (who has been dying to repeal the Tax Cap) want to repeal the Tax Cap and raise your taxes. Let me explain a little something to Mr. Pollitt, with all due respect.

If the Governor has reduced County Roads funding by 90%, reduce those in that department by 90%! This is LIFE Folks, with all due respect. I keep trying to explain to everyone, we're in a false economy and our Government keeps making it worse on us.

If you get such a reduction, you must also reduce. You don't steal from another department to keep some of the people on board simply because you have a heart. If a Cheetah gets a meal and a very hungry Lion comes along and wants it, he takes the damn thing and that's a part of LIFE! You don't step in, (like Governments try to do) and cut the kill in half and say, you get this half and you get the other half, now play nice. That's Ireton style and that doesn't work. You stay the hell out of it and the strong will survive.

Pollitt and Ireton need to face REALITY, make the same cuts O'Malley has forced down every one's throat and guess what, when the next election comes along we'll throw the bums out of Office who put us in this position and maybe, just maybe America will get back on its feet. In the mean time, don't keep these people working just because you want to cut the meal in half and tell everyone top play nice. That just means the TAXPAYERS will once again pay for that meal and eventually ONE of them will die anyway.

Quit bellyaching Pollitt & Ireton, this is the real mans world where real men make harsh decisions. Get on the freakin ball, cut jobs immediately and the sooner we stop cutting meals in half and interfering, the quicker this economy will rebound. Now grow up and act like men.


Anonymous said...

"If the Governor has reduced County Roads funding by 90%, reduce those in that department by 90%!"

100% of that budget does not come from the Governor. Duh.

joealbero said...

That's exactly right. Cut those jobs by 90%. If the County can fund the other positions, so be it. Again, let it reflect back to O'Malley and soon enough we will get leadership that can actually run a business and be prepared for such financial losses. We're expected to do so in the private marketplace, why not government!

Anonymous said...

For about the millionth's not a TAX's a REVENUE cap. The two are entirely different and Don Coffin did a great job of screwing up the initiative.

doug wilkerson said...

Water pipes are bursting everywhere arent they.

Anonymous said...

Look-- how much of the county budget goes to schools?
MOST of it, right?
Now-- let's ask the question again.. how much is being spent accommodating illegal immigrants?
I remember seeing a number like $7.5 MILLION just for FOOD in the BOE budget.
How much of that are we spending to provide FREE/Reduced breakfast and lunch to school children?
This is WELFARE.
How many extra teachers/staff are there because of the hundreds (or thousands) of illegals getting a free education in the system?
This issue alone is BIG $$$.
But we will continue to ignore it, and cut vital, basic services to citizens to accommodate our welfare spending.
And don't get me started on O'Gov's cutting state funding in order to expand healthcare and the like.
If you REALLY want to fix the problem, face the FACTS and deal with them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah 10:07! Boo Don Coffin! Joe, I think you missed the point 10:01 was trying to make. O'malley might cut his funding to our roads by 90% but his funding is only a portion of roads funding. Do you even know how much was cut from county roads this year? What %?

Anonymous said...

Start getting rid of the fat cat positions in the main offices.

Anonymous said...

Why is that question going to Joe? I can think of a million better, not knowledgeable, people to ask that question to.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a tax cap in Wicomico County, Joe. It's a revenue cap. That means that we can never grow as a county. I would support a tax cap, but not this stupid revenue cap.

Anonymous said...

11:15 statements like yours are historical bullsh--. The cry always goes out to "cut the fat" or cut the "big wheels out".

Just what the hell is your definition of "fat cat positions"??? County Executive? Detention Center Director? Planning and Zoning Director? WHO? Who would run the place if you cut the "fat cats" out?

You act like these so-called "fat cats" hired themselves and are sitting back with a fat stogie enjoying life. What a clueless individual you are.

Chimera said...

I dont know about Wicomico,but in Somerset County,the public schools had food programs all summer long where carloads of kids were dropped off for "free lunch" everyday YET the same county school system had to raise the price of school lunches this year to cover a shortfall.So people like me who "make too much" for free lunch programs and actually pay for our kids lunches have to pay even more.Make sense?
It is MY job to feed my child,not the BOE or anyone else.The majority of the kids who participate in the summer programs come from families who receive food stamps so people like me are paying twice,and it makes me ask why the hell their mothers are not feeding them at home in the summer?Before,anyone bashes me,these are NOT kids that are starving,in fact alot of them are on the way to obese.

Anonymous said...

I ask the question directly to Joe
because it seems like he can get things done . If you ask a politian , they will avoid the answer and feed you a line of BS.
Who the hell do ask when you have
a complex question ?

Anonymous said...

Just because the stream of funding that was cut, happens to be a stream of funding for a particular department, it is a COUNTY PROBLEM, not just that one departments problem. If the department was a non essetial department that operated on grant type funding, then I may say "Yes, close the doors". The bottom line is that the roads department is a necessary function of government. The county must find ways to fund the department. For those who are saying it is funded also by the county, it may be somewhat this year, however, as a rule, this department has always been funded by the highway user revenue from the state. The county has just been fortunate to not have to use their operating budget in the past. Well, times have changed and now the counties property taxes will have to start funding roads. Or else make some kind of road tax since apparently the tax set forth by the state that is to go to highway maintenance can now be used for other things. I find it appalling that the board of public works which is comprised of 3 people, Omalley, Franchot, and some other woman, have that much authority that they can circumvent a fund to that degree. The law should have never been changed to allow that fund to be used for other things. It was when it went from the roads commission to the transportation board. Maryland is the only state in the union that can happen in. If you cut 90% of that department, how many people would even be left to do the work? BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hypothetically, If the counties general budget was in shambles but the roads still had the highway user revenue, I am sure the road workers would have to take furloughs along with the rest of the county funded workers even though their funding was still in place.
The idea to just let the roads department be reduced by 90% is just plain stupid and shortsighted.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Rick is not trying to fund the roads because "He has a heart", he is funding it because it is a responsibility of government. Isn't that what Omalley did, rob from one budget to fund another. Why are you people so hard on the county all the time, when the real waste and problem is at the state level? What, too big of a fight for you?

Anonymous said...

You are wrong about the "extra days" given off. They were given the day after xmas because it was on a friday, and there would have been so few people at work it wouldn't have made sense to turn the lights on. How many private businesses were giving out xmas bonuses of some sort during all the "good" economic years. County employees don't get bonuses, so why make a huge deal over them getting an extra day off without pay?