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Friday, August 07, 2009

Reserve A Seat to Speak with Sen. Ben Cardin

Like so many Democrat congressmen, Sen. Ben Cardin isn’t looking forward to explaining his pro-ObamaCare stance to constituents.  That is why Cardin is making constituents make a reservation if they want to see him.

Want to ask a question?  You have to submit it in writing; in advance.

Cardin will be at SU on August 13, from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM.  Call 410-546-6001 to request a seat.  If they won’t give you a seat, show up anyway.  Many of your fellow citizens are planning on being there to give Cardin a piece of their mind anyway.


Anonymous said...

Whats next? They going to charge you.

Anonymous said...

Citizens can't even be citizens anymore and just show up if you want to and ask some questions. You have to make a reservation and write your questions down - how ridiculous. And like 9:41 AM said - what's next, they going to charge you at the door to go in? Cardin how about just staying in DC and voting the way you want to cause that is really what you're going to do anyway.

Anonymous said...

Give it a rest about the democrats that's a lie.

It is a very smart move on his part.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh Joe, you're the organizer behind all this-telling people to show up anyway and be heard, what's wrong with you? Don't you know only left leaning liberals are allowed to organize and they don't even care if they have to pay their much are you paying seniors to show up with their walkers? The MSM wants to know.

Anonymous said...

So he's going to dictate to us what questions we are allowed to ask him? And when and how we are allowed to ask them?

Yea, 10:24 - it is a smart move for a slimy politician. You forget HE works for US, we are NOT his subjects.

Anonymous said...

Guess he learned from the master .... Everything organized ,questions in advance, knowledge of who is asking the question so he can be prepared . Teleprompter available with answers to questions? No "Fishy" questions allowed.

Chimera said...

Guess what?They want you to reserve a seat so they have time to check you out before the event.I would be willing to bet on it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:49am

If my so called "boss" asked me a question and wouldn't let me respond or screamed in my face becuse he didn't like the answer.

He'd have to pick his teeth off the floor.

Since no one want to really hear congress peoples answer at these things, it is a great move aon his part to actually get something done.

Anonymous said...

Precisely, 1:01. These tea bagging extremists won't listen to an answer after they scream out their questions.

joealbero said...

SO EVERYONE KNOWS, anonymous 1:38 is JT.

Never man enough to use your real name anywhere, pussy.

Anonymous said...

1:01 - I'm shaking in my boots, you are such a bada$$

Anonymous said...

Reserve your seat means we are going to pre-determine before hand WHO gets in.

Anonymous said...


Typical dumbocrat response. You would hit your boss in the mouth and then you would be in the unemployment line with the rest of the government dependant losers.

And the unemployment line is where I suspect a lot of these dumbocrat congressmen will be after the 2010 elections. It is almost a sure thing Kratovil will be gone.

Anonymous said...

Guess he learned from the master .... Everything organized ,questions in advance, knowledge of who is asking the question so he can be prepared .

So, your saying he learned from GWB?

Anonymous said...

So do what they do...write down one question, ask out loud what you really want to know.