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Friday, August 07, 2009

Letter To The Editor:

Letter to the Editor:

Is this from Cuba, or Venezuela, or Iran?
No, it is on the Official White House website of the United States of America!!

“There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.  These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation.  Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

Under the thin guise of wanting to correct ‘disinformation’, the White House is asking American’s to report to them anyone who has an opinion or interpretation different than what the White House and the Democrats want us to believe?

Does anyone else recall a similar tactic used by Hitler prior to WWII where brainwashed youths reported their parents and citizens reported their friends or anyone who dissented with or criticized Hitler or Nazism?

What are they going to do with their compiled list of dissenters?
Are they going to do what they did to Joe the Plumber? Investigate the ‘perpetrators’ background? Initiate an IRS probe? Provide their names to ACORN, the Black Panthers, or Are they going to unleash “Chicago style” intimidation on American citizens for excising their First Amendment – Freedom of Speech?

This is unthinkable. Is this the “Change” Obama supporters voted for?

Are we going to just stand by while our Republic becomes an Oligarchy?

Where is the outrage?

I can assure you, I am outraged!!!

Shari S. Wilcoxon


Anonymous said...

That word keeps popping up doesnt it?,(RAGE).

Anonymous said...

The plain fact of the matter is that there IS a great deal of misinformation being spread about the health care plan. I can understand why the White House would want all this misinformation, twisted interpretation and information taken out of context resolved.

Curb your hysteria and educate yourself on what the health care bill REALLY says instead of relying on other people's comments on the internet as being the truth of the matter.

Anonymous said...

10:17 Obviosly YOU have not read the bill!
Denying & rationing care, debiting bank accounts, and advocating euthanasia is not misinformation. I wish it were.

What about the $500,000 grants for english proficiency? (page 405 sec.1222, line 9)

This must be to communicate with the illegals that will not receive free health care under this program. No less than 24 three year grants up to $500,000 for language services.

Oh, the lack of income and citizenship verification will attract populations from Central and South America.
Welcome ALL, the doors are WIDE open for the next wave of invaders.

Anonymous said...

11:02, the difference between you and me is that I have read the sections that are causing the most controversy WITHOUT trying to read between the lines and add my own context.

Nowhere in the bill does it say that non-US citizens will get free health care. In fact, the bill prohibits federal money being used for health care for undocumented immigrants.

Nowhere is euthanasia mentioned. What the bill actually says is that older people will be reimbursed for VOLUNTARY end of life counseling, including information living wills, etc.

Oh, screw it. I could go on, but why bother? You're not willing to listen; your mind is made up, and I don't want to burden you by confusing you with facts.

Unknown said...


How would ENGLISH proficiency classes enable healthcare workers to communicate better with illegals? Most of the illegals don't speak English.

Chelsea Reid said...

11:53 and 12:14

THANK YOU. Finally a sane comment.

Did anyone else see the irony in an article complaining about reporting misinformation. Some of this article is just that.

Anonymous said...

What about the section saying our government will have access to all of our bank accounts? Invasion of privacy?

What about Obama and Barney frank both saying they want single payer healthcare?

Obama kool aid drinkers are helping destroy America. Turnabout is fairplay, the truth will come out, but not from Washington, but from the people.

Anonymous said...

I would take your "outrage" a little bit more seriously if you had actually been "outraged" when Bush spied on American citizens without a warrant. Until then, I think I'll just call you a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I am simplfying this too much but it seems to me they can save a lot of money by making the elderly go for consultation about end of life planning. That saves them paying both social security and medicare if you can convince us it is easier to give up and die.

The young adults don't go to the doctor because they are for the most part healthy. But since EVERYBODY has to pay GOV will get money from this group who may or may not use it. Money they haven't been able to get their hands on before.

Then there are the unborn that are going to be destroyed and not have the chance to live... your taxpayers dollar paying for it . GOV won't have to pay anything on them . As one Justice said" I thought Roe vs Wade was passed to get rid of the undesirables".

Savings all around... More bridges to "Nowhere" can be built. More gas for the limos and free trips for the Senators and Congressman.

Every life has value and these people don't give a "Rat's ass" whether we live or die. It is all about MONEY and they want Yours in their pocket.

Anonymous said...


Your Obama worshipping mainstream media searched and searched and was unable to find a single case of any American being spied on during the Bush admin. Oh and by the way your boy Obama is still using the same programs that Bush had in place.

Anonymous said...

2:06 Name one person who got spied on, whether you read it on Daily KOS or Huffington Post or NYTimes or whatever. There isn't one. So much for nothing, hypocrite, you take a talking point as true and then do no research for yourself, on this issue or on healthcare. You don't have to agree but at least make sure you're informed.