
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


How do you think he's doing.

Do you have any suggestions for the Mayor.

Do you believe the River is more important than other issues currently facing City politics.

Let's hear what YOU have to say about the state of our City and its leader.


Anonymous said...

After monday nights fiasco I've seen just about enough of Salisbury's politics and how they treat the taxpayers. Mayor Ireton impressed me as the kind of man who would defend victims like Ann whatever her name and address is. The drauma wasn't the citizen. The drauma was the council president.

Anonymous said...

"do you have any suggestions"?

Hell yeah, RESIGN.

Anonymous said...

Rome wasn't built in a day, and Jim has three City Council members, a majority, that will not work with him. Why not a forum on Smith, Comegys, and Shields? I'm willing to wait the two years if that is what it will take to really bring about change in Salisbury.

I voted for Smith, after calling her on the phone to discuss my concerns with crime. She assured me that she was all about crime.

She lied! She would not support Webster's request for more police or anything else police related.

Bring back Tim Spies, he'll have my vote next time.

Anonymous said...

Teach fulltime and leave politics to those who can handle it. You're in over your head and need to resign.

Anonymous said...

I dont care who the politican is, they will lie and do anything to get elected. Ireton is just the same.

Mary Croswell said...

My impression is that he is quickly turning into the same old politics. The police Chief is going to stay and crime will continue to rise. He has let him cruise along and has not touched him. The fire department will continue with the Gordy regime of Hoppes and friends with all the wild spending. Public works will work their behinds off and get paid a fraction of their worth. HR will continue to blunder cases and answer to nobody.

You can only clean the Wicomico so much. Between Perdue and the WWTP they account for most of the problem. The biggest chunk comes from runoff from our storm drains. This city is so nasty and unattractive because the bulk of the citizens dont care. They are come heres and it doesnt concern them. The handful of citizens that do care get frustrated trying to keep it clean. Thousands have been wasted on studys on the downtown area. The answer is simple. Clear the street of everything there now and open the street as it once was. You will see a difference and businesses will prosper.

The mayor has an awesome task ahead and I wish him well. He has the tools and the energy to make it happen with the help of our citizens. It will take the help of many to fix whats wrong. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Crime reduction is more important than the river.

Anonymous said...

Like many, I voted for Jim Ireton. Before he ever announced, I asked him informally if he were planning to run and that, if so, he would have my vote; he told me then that he expected to run.

I don't know how much time he should have to "get his feet wet." I think, at least in the minds of perhaps the majority of Salisburians, crime is the primary issue of concern, not the river. It is incumbent upon Ireton to make a definitive decision on the future of Chief Webster. By now he should know if he stands behind the chief. While it appears that he does, he needs to come out and say so. If he and the chief have a meeting of the minds on how crime might be addressed, then they need to make a joint appearance (press conference) and be specific. Right now, we feel as if we're in limbo as crime appears to be escalating.

When I voted for him, I thought that he would be able, perhaps, to have the Council working together. His approach and personality seem quite different from Barrie Tilghman's. He is much less acerbic. One wonders, though, whether it's the "majority" or the "minority" on the Council who are giving him trouble.

In short, I haven't given up on him. It's much too early in his term for that.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayor,

You can not move our city foward and implement change by being quiet or a friend of everyone.

Your promise of change will not come without a fight. So fight.

Talk to the citizens in a candid manner, explain your stance and fight.

I sit by and watch my city fall apart. Crime. Political gridlock. No fiscal responsibility. Don't be my friend, I didn't vote for your friendship. Be my/our "responsible" mayor.

Carol and Darryl's Travel Blog said...

Thanks 10:06, I agree.

Anonymous said...

People need jobs, no one is doing anything to put people to work.
Until someone at least makes a motion toward putting people to work crime will only get worse.
As far as the river, why try to clean up a multi million gallon sewage pit, it has been a sewer for how many years, and picking trash up on the surface is not the answer.
Dave winslow and his friends down at the sewage plant are the problem.
I remember hearing him say, well the tanks are going to overrun , just dump it in the river.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 9:40. I think we seen the true colors of this mayor. Ill be damned if I let something like that happen. Im not the one to cause trouble but will stand up for anyone who gets mistreated. This mayor lost a lot of respect from me and prob most of you. Animals take care of their young better than people do. Salisbury is in need for change and help. This guy promised, shook hands and smiled too long, now get to work!

Anonymous said...

He is doing as well as can be expected with the hand he was dealt. Things would be alot better if the people weren't so stupid to re-elect Shanie.

Anonymous said...

He is doing a great job and we are lucky to have him.

doug wilkerson said...

I think you could compare it to a baseball team. You might have the best pitcher in the league or the best hitter in the league, but if you do not take the field as a TEAM you will never win anything.

Anonymous said...

If weasel would get a life. She seems to be in this for herself..ego. If she would only look at the issues and vote responsible we would not have the problems we have. She has her head in the clouds and votes for anything the two responsible council persons vote for..she is just ignorant! If these people would only work together for the betterment of the city not their own egos we would see a hugh difference. Hang in there JIM...

Anonymous said...

10:21 and 10:23
Why are you making excuses for him? Where was it guarranteed that he would have a majority on City council? And no we are not any better, not even close.
I believed and supported Ireton, but now I feel cheated and lied to.

Anonymous said...

Sadly he's got an adversarial city council working against him. Having said that, it would be nice if he would regularly address the people to update on whats going on and why. Maybe every Monday from 5-6 he could hold a forum before the council meeting. Giving the people a chance to tell him their concerns and answering their questions would be a good start.
There is also a need for new business and job opportunities, which will improve the local economy.
He also needs to, somehow, get rid of the Chief Webster. Whether he's a good or bad leader, there is clearly no confidence in his ability to do the job. It's time for him to go.

Tee said...

we saw who's 'side' Ireton was on Monday, he walked with the rest of the klan and basicly he called a citizen that has been the victim of a horrific crime a "drama" queen.

Throw'em all out to the curb or at least sell the silver out of their hair, the pig iron out of their head and the lead out of their a$$

Anonymous said...

Anyone saying the "minority" is against Ireton is a fool. The Daily Times asked this same post question. Cohen responded positively about the mayor trying to be cooperative with all. Loser Comegys was Mr. Sour Grapes and complained.

I'm still giving Ireton time. He's head and shoulders better than Crybaby Comegys.

But his actions Monday night have me worried. Why couldn't he handle this poor crime victim with the same great sensitivity he showed the homeless man that barged into his office?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:57, Ireton is in over his head and certainly not doing as much as he had promised us. yes, he is stuck with the 3-2 votes on the Council, but he does have the power of the Veto!!

Anonymous said...

I think as long as everybody is taking potshots at each other nothing will change . Reduction in crime should be his first priority.Politics should come second not first.He needs to read the council the riot act .

Anonymous said...

Maybe every Monday from 5-6 he could hold a forum before the council meeting. Giving the people a chance to tell him their concerns and answering their questions would be a good start. (11:18)

This is a great idea!! I hope he does it.

Anonymous said...

He should switch from underooos to boxers.

Anonymous said...

Considering the Council Council he has to work with, I think that overall the Mayor is doing a good job. Many things he is determined to do will take time. However, I must agree with many of the comments already made regarding Monday's Council mtg. He was gravely mistaken in admonishing the citizen who wished to speak, but was reluctant to publicly announce her home address. She had written her address on the speaker-signup list, so the Council President should not have tried to force her to state it on public TV. Furthermore, the President (Ms. Smith) was rude and out of order to immediately adjourn the meeting due to the fact that someone "spoke over her chair." How childish! I've often wondered why on earth she was selected to be president.

Anonymous said...

MR. Ireton,

Don't take this post by Joe Albero as being an attack on you. It is clearly a wake up call for you. We the people want you to do the job you promised us. We the people want you to do the job we elected you to do. If you attacked the woman at the council meeting like everyone is saying you did then SHAME on you.

Get off your lazy a$$ and clean this city up.

Anonymous said...

Mayor, once school starts you will be there 1/2 of the day. You've had all summer at city hall yet nothings happened. How can you get anything done once school starts. Even if your there 1/2 of the day you'll still have homework to grade, lesson plans to work on, etc. I think you got in over your head.

Anonymous said...

Don't you all get it? When she saw that woman's name on the paper she planned to shut it down. They had preplanned to not let anyone speak poorly of Chief Webster, the shootings of Friday night or Shanie's grandstanding and misplaying of the race card. It was all staged, it's what they do best.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Rome wasn't built in a day....

Is anyone else getting tired of this stupid cliche?

Jim, you need to sign your name next time.

joealbero said...

The only thing that comes close to Rome in Salisbury is the high taxes!

Anonymous said...


I am not Jim! And I stand by my comments. We may have a new mayor but we also need to end 3/2 deadlock on the council. Louise and Gary should be ashamed!

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a guy who was supported by the 2 Dense crowd?

Anonymous said...

Weezie was responsible for any drama. The QUEEN of drama!!!
She thinks her BS doesn't stink, but alas, we all know better.

Anonymous said...

render unto caesar that which is his...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I am not Jim! And I stand by my comments. We may have a new mayor but we also need to end 3/2 deadlock on the council. Louise and Gary should be ashamed!

7:51 AM

I agree with you, but he needs to grow some nads and make an effort to fulfill his promises.

To keep saying he doesn't have the votes to do what he promised he would do isn't cutting it with the voters. We want action. Get the job done before a recall petition is circulated. I know that is a lot of talk, but it will eventually happen when the citizens finally realize they are tired of putting the wrong person in office.