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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kratovil Brings In $1.23 Million In Stimulus Money To Eastern Shore

Rep. Kratovil and Ag Secretary Vilsack Announce Over $1.23 Million in Stimulus Funding for Rural Water Projects and Community Facilities on Maryland’s Eastern Shore

Rural water project will benefit Kent County while facilities funding will go to fire houses in Cambridge, Parsonsburg, and Wicomico County Fire Police Association.

Washington, DC
– Rep. Frank Kratovil and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that $1,231,000 will be made available in funding for both rural water projects and community facilities on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

The rural water funds are part of a total $175.8 million in water and environmental projects that are being funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act signed into law last February. The Projects will help provide safe drinking water and improved wastewater treatment for rural communities. Of the total, $1.1 million will be directed toward Kent County Maryland in the form of a $780,000 direct loan and $330,000 grant.

“I have said from the beginning that if a stimulus package was going to work to get our economy back on track it would need to focus on rebuilding and revitalizing our rural infrastructure in places like Kent County,” said Rep. Frank Kratovil. “What these funds will do is provide reliable drinking water and sanitary waste disposal all while protecting the infrastructure and creating jobs.”

The rural facilities funding are part of $54 million in community facilities projects that are being funded immediately with federal funds that are being provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Of the total, a $21,000 grant will be directed toward the Neck District Volunteer fire company in Cambridge, MD, the Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department will receive a $50,000 grant and the Wicomico county Fire Police Association will be awarded a $18,887 grant.

“These grants show a commitment to making our communities better. They will go toward essential services that provide for the safety of our citizens as well as revitalizing many of the buildings that serve as focal points of many small rural communities,” said Rep. Kratovil. “Through the stimulus we are creating jobs and improving services right here on the Eastern Shore in real time.”


Anonymous said...


Wow that Frank is just a great guy!!! MORE FREE FREE FREEE money!!!


Anonymous said...

Verify legal citizenship on those jobs please.

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice job Frank! Once you legalize theft, lets have at it! Awesome....Whoo Hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

That slimeball lawyer will never be able to buy my vote. The Eastern Shore needs to send all that Stimulus money back.

Ironshire said...

He should keep that in his account... He's gonna need it when we FIRE him next year!

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

Lets celebrate spending all this money that we had to borrow from china and our children will have to pay back for generations to come. Bringing home this type of money does not impress me at all. That is why I will be voting for Kratovils opponent in the next election.

Anonymous said...

That's not something to be proud of. In fact, I would be ashamed to be connected to the fleecing of American taxpayers to give away money!


Send to money back to the Marxist in Chief!

Anonymous said...

That's great, but what about economic development for the Eastern Shore? How about some decent paying jobs? This money for projects is only temporary, and isn't coming from the private sector. We will be paying for this down the road. Add this to the deficit! Is this something to appease the peasants? How about the traitors who allowed our jobs to be outsourced overseas? Will you be hiring illegals or legal us citizens for this "federal grant"?
Will this work be outsourced as well?

Anonymous said...

wow the firedept can now go fishing guys are go fishing on our buck.....i wanna go since ive helped pay for or donated...its came from our pockets shhhhhhh i dont want to hear that it wasnt tax shhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

What a paltry sum out of all those trillions. He's a lightweight even in his own party. Hope he is starting to look for a new job.

Anonymous said...

So........providing clean drinking water and helping local fire departments is a bad thing?

doug wilkerson said...

Were paying $800 million a week to China in interest payments alone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great, the Eastern Shore gets a little over a million. How much of the $787 billion came from the Eastern Shore? If the Senate doesn't kill Kratovils vote on Cap & trade (tax) what is that going to cost us? If Obamacare gets passed, how much will that cost? Talk about thirty pieces of silver.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see when it is all said and done, exactly how many "jobs" this money created. What will happen is some outfit from PA will come down here and get the contract. Your are not going to create jobs in this type of work. What a bunch of friggin idiots. I hope all the dems are happy. They are certainly changing the face of america just like they said they would.

Orsonwells said...

We get a million, and get cut 5.7 million by the Governor. that's a 4.7 million net loss that I can count. GEE, I feel so cool with my million of FREE money.

Guess what, folks? That free million is what is left of the 5.7 million we paid in taxes, less "shipping and handling".

Anonymous said...

This is how the government works. They take money away from you and give less back to make it seem like the government is helping you. For instance look at how we pay our taxes. They take more money then whats needed out of your paycheck each week and at the end of the year they give some back to you. Seriously ask someone how much they paid in taxes last year.... I bet there answer will be either 1. I don't know how much I paid but I got a refund check or 2. I didn't pay anything I got a refund check. If we were to get our full paycheck all year and have one tax payment a lot more people would realize how bad we are getting screwed by our own government.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil sold us out to Nancy the BITCH Pelosi vote him out he cannot be trusted.