A. Public comments should be directed to the agenda item under consideration. The Council President shall rule on the germaneness of the citizen comments.
B. A citizen who has been recognized by the Council President to address the Council shall state his or her name, address, and organization affiliation, if they so choose.
I have provided clear and exact evidence proving Louise Smith violated the City Council's Rules of Order and Louise Smith owes Ann a public apology. Of course, not only did the Daily Times completely ignore this incident, they had the same opportunity to research it and instead chose to bury it once again.
Again, this is exactly why Salisbury News is so vital to this community. Mayor Ireton needs to also become familiar with the rules and not jump the gun by telling Ann he won't have this drama during Council Meetings. His statement should have been directed at Louise Smith and not the other way around.
I see a RECALL in the making, how about you?
Louise Smith, Salisbury News is asking for your resignation.
I could be wrong, but the way I read sub section B it only applies to the organization affiliation as far as the "if they so choose" part
Sbynews is not the only one calling for her resignation. Many of us taxpaying, VOTING, citizens have as much said so in the hundreds of comments posted on this subject.
The most disturbing part of this story is the mean-spiritedness with which this person "runs" meetings. This wasn't just a mistake of partliamentary procedure, this was CLEARLY an attempt to block this lady from having her say.
I don't live in the city, don't regularly attend these meetings, but I can tell you I've been to many Cub Scout meetings which are run better. As if the citizens don't have enough to be embarassed about, now we have "drama" from the council president, and, sadly, from the Mayor himself. You guys stink, and should be ashamed of yourselves. If you could AT LEAST run the meetings properly, at least we'd know what really IS going on. Otherwise, I'm considering this censorship of the worst kind.
I hope Ann is filing an ethics violation against Smith.
Recall huh I doubt it. You cant even get the citizens of Salisbury to vote!
anonymous 2:00, you're wrong!
IF that were the way they wanted it interpreted the proper way to have done so would be to say,
If they so choose, an organization affiliation may be provided.
Ask ANY lawyer!
Taken from the text: A citizen who has been recognized by the Council President to address the Council shall state his or her name, address, and organization affiliation, if they so choose.
2 p.m., I agree with Joe. I'm not English major, but where that is placed, that's how I took it. If they meant something different, it's badly written.
BTW, Joe, I asked my cousin who does a lot of work for big organizations and governments out West about the adjournment and termination issue.
He laughed about the termination part and said of course Smith didn't resign or terminate herself by adjourning like she did.
But he did say that adjournment by Roberts Rules requires a motion, a second and a vote.
Does the city council go by Roberts Rules?
I would love to see Ann get that stupid women out of there. She has the ability to do it. She should do it as terribly as they treated her. There were a lot of other people there that night as well. I wonder how many of them wanted to discuss issues and didn't have the opportunity because of the way this was handled. Ann is a victim and they should have shown her respect.
Jay, they're supposed to follow Robert Rules and this exact topic has been brought to Louis' attention in the past for pulling the same crap. She continues to ignore the rules, therefore it should be reported. Thanks for the help, by the way.
RECALL?? Never happen. The citzens of this city and county aren't aware enough to get out of their own way. Look at the fools that are voted in time after time. Not enough people care to change anything.
Joe we all would be in the dark if you didn't have the balls to expose losers like her and bubba. Hopefully the Salisbury residents will get behind you once and for all. Great work.
She is a mean, nasty woman, isn't she? Her way or the highway. Pathetic!
Enough people DO CARE to get things changed. Where's the petition???
Recall is the answer and I believe we could get the needed signatures.
This women and the rest of the monkeys must be stopped in their tracks right now! Ann, you get the petition started and quite a few ofus will be willing to help get all the signatures needed, I believe. This crouchetee old lady needs to be put in her place soon!!
Tell me again what the percentage of renters in the city are.
I was there and I still can't believe what I witnessed.
Many thanks, Joe, for your good work!
Joe, thanks. I know nothing about this stuff. My cuz is the family brain.
Gotta leave for work. Keep on them.
Just a Question, how many signatures does it take?
Nothing will happen, never does, never will... NO ONE is for the people anymore... It's all about ME ME ME... I.E. the govt officials...
A good portion of Salisbury doesnt have a vested interest, they rent.
2:59 it takes 20% of all registered voters in District 2 to run a successful recall of Louise.
I don't know how many registered voters there are at this time but I'd venture to say approximately 2500 +/- signatures would be needed.
Thats not that many is it?
If enough names were gotten what happens next? Who takes her seat on the councel? Does the Mayor appoint someone? Do they have an election? Where would it go from there?
2:59 and 3:29, not sure, but I think it's 30%. Remember when that kid from SU was doing the fake recall? I remember the number was big. There's something like 10 or 12 thousand voters. Wow, that would be 3 or 4 thousand signatures. Uggg.
She is a power hungry b!tch .
She is a mental case and should be refered to a mental hospital ,
St. Elizabeth in D.C. should do the trick , 150 miles from here.
3:56 the only time 30% is required is if the mayor is recalled and then it is 30% of all registered city voters.
I think if she is recalled there has to be a special election. If she up and quits then the council has to appoint someone. Not sure if the mayor has any say in appointing councilmembers or not. I'll have to go read the charter again.
3:56 my apologies, you are correct, it is 30% of District 2 registered voters to recall Louise. Then there would have to be a reaffirmation vote, if she were to be removed after that then there would have to be a special election. Information can be found in the Charter SC 6.
The former mayor made it extremely hard to recall anyone after the attempt to recall her from office.
5:15, you're right. Here's the charter link:
A decent person would hang her head in shame and just resign, saving people the effort and cost.
Lets get started!
I am an English major /former English teacher. 2:08 is correct. The clause "if they so choose" is in the wrong place if one is referring to the option of stating one's organization. By placing the clause at the end, one infers that it refers to one's name and address as well as affiliation.
Those rules were made to be broken IMO, and the real problem is Ireton not putting it on the line for this lady, but instead attacking her like he is Louise Smith's lackey. Disgusting, to say the least
Too bad that somebody doesn't leave Louweasal in a hot car all day. Can't do anymore brain damage than has already been done. She's ready for a nursing home. Someone there can listen to her then forget 5 minutes later.
Thats a lot more than some of their families do.
Go now!
I would love to know how they ran Brenda Cox out of town. I wish she had succeeded. Did the Dunn council change the recall provisions during their term in office, and if so, is that legal?
if only a MUCH HIGHER percentage of the registered voters in salisbury would have turned out on election day, we may not have had this problem. With all due respect, if you did not vote, DO NOT BI...opps, COMPLAIN!!!!
RightCoast,,,Your eye candy! Back on point,,,I still cant get over seeing that. The mayor just sat there! No B*lls! Oh man that makes me mad. And to top it off, had a SPD Det tell her to leave. urrr gess what is this area coming to? The crimanls have better respect than council.
Can someone tell me what the woman did wrong? What crime did she break? Why did a city police officer escort her out of the building for? Was her civil rights violoated?
Civil and Constitutional rights were violated, as I see it.
Then who do we file the complaint with if her civil and constitutional rights were violated?
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