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Monday, August 31, 2009

Congress Once Contained American Patriots

Believe it or not, congress was once made up almost entirely of American patriots. On December 8, 1941 congress passed a declaration of war against Japan. The vote was 388 to 1. The one person voting against it was never re-elected. The entire legislation was comprised of two short paragraphs. There was no doubt as to its meaning and the only speech was from the President. No one later said, "I voted for it before I voted against it." No one claimed the President was lying. If special interests existed, they had no input.

In the ensuing, almost, 68 years it now takes over 1,000 pages to write legislation that is nowhere near as important. We argue over the meaning of each paragraph. Liberals accuse opponents as misrepresenting the meaning and intent. Conservatives bemoan the meaning and intent. Both are probably equally right and wrong because congress now writes deliberately confusing legislation and blame it on the other guys.

Yes, I am saying that most members of today's congress are not American patriots. They are simply people trying to maintain their jobs and power. The sooner voters realize they should not be voting for labels or defending the guy they voted for, but instead insist on electing people that are American patriots, working for the common good, the sooner we can claim to be part of the greatest generation.

Joel Brandes


Anonymous said...

As it turns out even the bombing of Pearl Harbor was known in advance, but allowed to happen in order to get into a War the people did not want. Sure they supported it once declared, but never knew they had been duped. All of the wars have been for profit and funded by the big banks.
America was hijacked a long long time ago.
Our problem now is the media. The media doesn't investigate the government, it serves as a propaganda tool. Some believe the television was invented to be a mind control device. It seems like it has become such even if that were not the original intention.

Anonymous said...

Corporations are the ones we should be focused on, they are destroying this country.

Anonymous said...


I think I hear the theme from yhe Twilight Zone playing

Anonymous said...

If corporations or banks are the culprits, it is only because the congress choses to look the other way. Madoff embezeled 50 billion dollars because the SEC created by and overseen by the congress failed to act. The whole mortgage fiasco was created by Clinton, Bush and the congress.
Presidents, Senators and Representatives have a primary purpose in protecting the American people, from all enemies foriegn and domestic. They had no problem fireing the CEO of General Motors for his failure. I hope the voters will have no problem in getting rid of those incompetents in Washington.
The first step in problem solving is to identify who owns the problem. Blaming banks and corporations for the failure of government to enforce the law makes as much sense as blaming the moon for the sun not shining at night. But then I'm not a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Lobbyist work for big corporate companies, they control every politician out there. The goverment works for them, not us. I am no Democrat, I am a Lunatic, I could be the nicest person you ever meet or the guy that can bash a skull in with a shovel if need be. We all have a destiny to fulfill.

Anonymous said...

Im to angry I have to go.

Anonymous said...

Vote out every incumbent in the next several elections.