Here's your chance to win tickets for Seacrets and Chuck Campbell’s Fundraiser. The pair of tickets are worth $60.00. the answer can be found by visiting http://HOPEentertainment.org.
Salisbury News will be giving away a total of 10 tickets over the next few days, so stay tuned. Remember, you must give your full name on your comment and you can only win once. Thanks for participating and helping out Chuck.
Question 1: What does COPD stand for?
chronic ongoing pulminary disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Kendall Richards
chronic obstructive pulmonary (PULL-mun-ary) disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
chronic obstrutive pulmonary disease.
Joanie Baker
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Elaine Long
40,000 tickets you need national coverage.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPD? You have have a computer...ever hear of Google?
chronic obsturttive pulmonary disease nancy booth
anon 2:28
you are correct. which is why Chuck was on the CBS Early Show and Good Morning America back in May. This event is separate from the car/condo raffle. We only need to sell 1,000 tickets to this event. Just FYI. I hope you can make it to the event.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic Obstructive pulmonary Disease.
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