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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Gay Family Kids 7 Times More Likely To Be Homosexual

But report shows researchers concealing information

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A licensed psychologist with both clinical and forensic practice outreaches is warning that it appears children of homosexual couples are seven times more likely to develop "non-heterosexual preferences" than other children, but lawmakers establishing policy often don't know that because the researchers have concealed their discoveries.

"Research … although not definitive, suggests that children reared by openly homosexual parents are far more likely to engage in homosexual behavior than children raised by others," said the online report by Trayce L. Hansen.

Studies she reviewed suggest children raised by homosexual or bisexual parents "are approximately seven times more likely than the general population to develop a non-heterosexual sexual preference."

The "studies thus far find that between 8 percent and 21 percent of homosexually parented children ultimately identify as non-heterosexual," the psychologist wrote. "For comparison purposes, approximately 2 percent of the general population are non-heterosexual. Therefore, if these percentages continue to hold true, children of homosexuals have a 4 to 10 times greater likelihood of developing a non-heterosexual preference than other children."

However, those researchers who found such differences "nonetheless declared in their research summaries that no differences were found," the report said.

(Story continues here)


Anonymous said...

WorldNetDaily is a joke. Basically its just the National Inquirer.

Anonymous said...

Can you offer up an example of false or erroneous reporting??? Or is this another typical liberal drive by hatchet job.

Anonymous said...

I think there might be a lot of things that influence the kids. The music, videos, tv, everything seems to be right in the kids faces from a way to early age. One heck of a society we have created here.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality is a perversion just like pedophilia .

Anonymous said...

I went looking for the "studies" and couldn't find them. I want to know who the researchers were, their training and background, their findings, the pool of persons studied, was the study peer reviewed, etc. The thing that stuck out for me as a red flag was that 0% of children from straight parents identified as gay in any way. Where do you think all the gay people came from for thousands of years? Straight people gave birth to the gay people. Now gay people can give birth as well via invitro and other methods. Both my parents were straight and out of 9 kids, three of us are gay. My partner's parents are straight and out of four kids, 2 are gay. Gee, how did that happen?

Anonymous said...

All the homosexuals I know were raised in a hetersexual home.

Anonymous said...

what crap, could you please provide a real source for this information?

Anonymous said...

Joe, could you please cover the massive firing of planning staff that occurred in Worcester County?

Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with being gay in the first place?

Anonymous said...

If it is nurture not nature, what is going on with all the gay children of heterosexual parents. Let me guess, it is research to prove sexuality is choice. If anyone out there thinks in today's world people are choosing to be gay or straight just look inside yourself and ask...when did you make the choice?

Anonymous said...

This "study" is full of crap!I agree 10:57. It's just the way we madeup before we were born. Thats why some of us have dark hair, some red, some girls are tom boys, some are feminine, some are muscular some are gay some are what ever. We can't change how we were "made up" so worry about it. Live life to the fullest and make that life count for something. We are here only for a little while!

Anonymous said...


I grew up in a typical 1950-60's home. My mother was a stay at home mom my father an athlete and steel worker. Both my sister and I are gay, neither of us had anykind of sexual abuse. It is just part of who we are.

Anonymous said...

What absolute BS!!!! 10:55 Most people who say that are pedophiles themselves. Let me drive a white conversion van filled with candy and balloons? Oh wait that a stereotype isnt it?! My best friend is a gay man and has probably done more for securing safe homes for children in the inner city than you've read bible verses. If people would gently remove their heads from their rear ends maybe they would realize that the only way to solve any problem is for diverse groups of people to come together to find a common solution. JEEZZZ!!!! Haters be hatin'!!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Eastern Shore 12:14, where hate is for breakfast everyday.

Anonymous said...

Being gay is a freak of nature maybe more likely a perversion if you feel nothing is wrong with that that's on you. But why do gays always position themselves around children??? Probably do to the fact most people who turn gay are victims of child molestation and the victims become the perpetrators in later life.

not gay but don't care if you are said...

12:32-you are insane- why do straight people always position theirself around chilren. why don't you take your bible thumping self somewhere there is no "gays" . You my friend are the freak of nature.

Shannon said...

Anon 12:32 you are an idiot! While there is really no need to elaborate I will! Whether you know it or not the great majority of homosexual people do not want to be homosexual because of stereotypical comments like yours. Where ever you got the information that gays "position themselves around children", is a complete misconception. Do you have any gay friends, very likely that you do even if you don't know it.

There is a large majority of men and women that try to live life as people like you preceive they should.. marrying the opposite sex, having children, and settling in a job that will pay the bills. They live knowing that others would never accept or understand the feelings they have hidden for the majority of their lives, they live knowing if they were to finally admit to their homosexual feelings they would hurt the people they love, they would devistate family members that have the same narrow view as you.

Do you have any idea the suffering many people go through in life in order to be a part of what is expected of them? Do you have any idea the struggles many gays must compete with every single day of their lives? Stop being so darned self righteous and see that many people do not chose to be gay they actually fight the feelings day in and day out so people like you do not attack them for being true to who they are.

I am a straight female, married to a wonderful husband, with 2 children. If at any point in time my children, friends, or family came to me to say they had homosexual feelings or had been in a homosexual relationship I would love them as much after that conversation as I did before. I would have a huge amount of respect for that person to be honest with themselves and others. I have a cousin that is gay, he was raised by a homophobic father that completely disowned his son. He loves his father and tried for years to fight his own feelings in order to please his father. He is now true to who he is living with his boyfriend and is happier than he has ever been in his life.

Don't judge because you may be looking in the eyes of someone you hold very dear as they tell you they are homosexual. What happens then? Do you support that person and love that person or do you turn your back because they are deciding to admit to their inner feelings?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:32 your last statement, "Probably do to the fact most people who turn gay are victims of child molestation and the victims become the perpetrators in later life." Is completely unfounded.

It is something you heard and decided to believe rather than research to find the real truth. It is common for people who are convicted of child molestation to claim they were molested, however the actually statistics prove otherwise. The vast majority of child sexual assault victims do not attack children. Often non-victims claim they had been assaulted in order to hope for some sympathy of jurors or judges. The #1 child molester is middle aged straight males... think about that for a bit, then if you don't feel like an even greater arse get back to me....moron

Anonymous said...

Worldnet may be a joke, but I don't doubt this finding. It's nurture not nature. People aren't born gay, they choose to be so. If you're in a gay family, you're just more likely to "accept" that avenue.

Two Sentz said...

"People aren't born gay, they choose to be so."

Tell me 1:23, at what age did you "choose" be be straight. By your reasoning you couldn't just "be" straight, you must have had to choose between that and gay.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are ignorant morons. How do we know if people are born gay or just choose to be that way? If you are not gay then how the hell would you know?? Furthermore, who are we to judge people for who they choose to love or be with?? I agree with nurture over nature but there are all kinds of environments that a child can grow up in that will determine their future and who they become. Is it better that a child grow up in a home with two parents that are straight yet are abused or neglected rather than a home with two parents who are gay but are loving and nurturing? There are many different types of families and all that should matter is that the children are loved and raised they best way we can. I am a straight woman raising two children yet one of my best friends is gay. She is a good woman and is one of the kindest people I have been lucky enough to have in my life. Her and her partner are raising two young children and they are two of the most happy, well behaved and well mannered children I have ever met. And who cares if they end up gay or straight when they grow up? Who are we to judge people or try to tell them how to live? If people stopped trying to tell people how to live or if people minded their own damn business and worried about living their own lives and being happy in their own lives then maybe the world would be just a little bit better. There's too much hate in this world. And before people start quoting the Word and what the Bible says don't forget that we are ALL sinners and no sin is better or worse than another one.

Anonymous said...

Now your just teasing him TS, HA,HA...

Anonymous said...

As far as Nature is concerned there are animals with both male and female anatomies. They need no partner.

Anonymous said...

Did you choose to be straight?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with being gay. We can choose to be gay or straight, or simply refrain altogether. Of course, children raised by gay parents are more likely to be gay later. Duh? Did you know that children raised by blue collar workers are more likely to be blue collar workers? Its true. Also, children raised by white collar workers are more likey to either become white collar, or choose not to work at all. We all have choices. We aren't concerned about children becoming gay because obviously our entire culture is somewhat gay. We have chosen that also. We like being gay. We despise the ridiculous macho masculine traits of redneck, blue collar straight men. That's why we are all becoming quite gay. Gay is better. Yes, there I said it. Gay is better. America is proud to be gay. We just don't talk about it on the front lines. Give it 15 more years or so, then we will have a don't ask don't tell straight person rule. Ie. If you don't discuss the fact that you are straight, we will let you remain in our gay army. Get used to it - we aren't going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I don't know of any religion that
accepts gays. Doesn't that say something about what is right and wrong?

Shannon said...

anon 3:26 LOVE your post. While I like my redneck truck driving man I do think it is hilarious all the same. I don't know if straight or gay is better but all should be equal with equal rights because what gives anyone the right to deny someone anything based on sexual preference? Maybe I am a lesbian since I decided not to be a blue collar worker like my parents! Haa kudos to you!!

Anonymous said...

anon 4:10 - in the good book Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who are born thus from their mothers womb, and there are eunuchs who are made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who are eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens sake. Let those who can accept it, accept it".

Also there are gay supporting buddhist, jewish, and (get this) christian churches that do accept gay people and relationships!! WOW go figure another misinformed sole (misspelling intended)

Anonymous said...

I cannot respond to just one post - I see the crack pots are out in full force....I apologize in advance but I think I will be all over the board on this one.
I am a straight married Christian woman. I was born that way. There is nothing that has happened in my life that has ever made me want a woman. It is my sexual preference to be with a man...nothing will change that.
Sound like most heterosexual people?
So tell me, why is it not the same for a homosexual? I believe that you are born with a sexual preference, whether it be the opposite sex, the same sex, children, or animals. I believe that pedophiles cannot be rehabilated - they were born attracted to children. Sick as it may be, so is the case. A homosexual is no more a pediphile than I fact, statistics show that most pediphiles are STRAIGHT MALES - and truth be told, most homosexual pediphiles you can find in the Catholic Church!
To say that all people are born the same is ludicris - if that is the case why aren't we all just God Loving White People ruling the world???
To throw the church into it just shows that you are afraid of a little indifference...and quite frankly, as a Christian woman, I can throw a monkey wrench in it too. You say the church does not welcome gays...then you need to run from your church. My church welcomes all - unchurched or churched, poor or rich, gay or straight...hell my church even welcomes those pediophiles you mention. Are you telling me that God will accept a pediphile preacher b/c he says he seeks forgiveness but will not accept the law abiding do gooder homosexual because they feel their sexual prefernce is not wrong?
Not my God.

Anonymous said...

It's basic Bible teaching. Homosexuality is a sin in the OT and NT. God wouldn't set someone up for damnation by creating them with a gay preference. We are born with the inclination to sin (through our ancestors), but have the strength, through Christ, to live for Him. Over and over again homosexuality is condemned in the OT and NT.

And for those that say racism was also allowed, that's wrong. Inter-religious marriages (which are also condemned in the NT) were condemned in the OT, not racism. It just so happened that more often than not race presupposed one's religion during the OT. However, Ruth (a moabite) and Boaz (an Israelite) were allowed to marry. Further, Moses (an Israelite) married a Black woman from Cush. Finally, the Song of Solomon captures the courting of Solomon and a Black woman.

Further, please don't quote the OT's banning of eating certain foods or growing your sideburns. Those were all addressed in the NT.


Anonymous said...

Goals of the Gay Movement

The gay movement is forthright about seeking to legitimize child-adult homosexual sex. In 1987, The Journal of Homosexuality – the scholarly organ of the gay rights movement – published “Pedophilia and the Gay Movement.” (29) Author Theo Sandfort detailed homosexual efforts to end “oppression towards pedophilia.” In 1980 the largest Dutch gay organization (the COC) “adopted the position that the liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue… [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished… by acknowledging the affinity between homosexuality and pedophilia, the COC has quite possibly made it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to erotic desires of younger members of their sex, thereby broadening gay identity.”

In 1990 COC achieved a significant victory: lowering of the age of consent for homosexual sex in Holland to 12 (unless the parents object, in which case it goes up to 15). (30) In the U.S. and Canada, the North American Man-Boy Love Association marches proudly in many gay pride parades with the stated goal of removing the barriers to man-boy sex. Note the phrases “oppression towards pedophilia” and “liberation of pedophilia.” It is clear that those who advocate the legalization of sex between adults and children intend to argue that such conduct is a “civil right,” deserving of the same legal protections afforded to other minorities. A large proportion of Americans regard that argument as a mere pretext to giving “sexual predators” free reign to take advantage of vulnerable children.

Not only is the gay rights movement upfront in its desire to legitimize sex with children, but whether indexed by population reports of molestation, pedophile convictions, or teacher-pupil assaults, there is a strong, disproportionate association between child molestation and homosexuality. Ann Landers’ claim that homosexuals molest children at no higher a rate than heterosexuals do is untrue. The assertion by gay leaders and the American Psychological Association that a homosexual is less likely than a heterosexual to molest children is patently false.

Steve Schulin said...

Someone asked what studies this psychologist reviewed. The WorldNetDaily story provided link to an article which provides link to another article with the info about the 9 studies reviwed and how the researcher selected them:

Anonymous said...

well " two cents " were all born straight it's unhealthy upbringing and abuse that turns people gay and or weak role models.

Anonymous said...

What if theres NO GOD and your wrong, lets twist this lemon a little harder.

Anonymous said...

anon is another Bible teaching for you (its me, the Christian straight married woman again)
Jesus was quoted as saying "Let he with no sin cast the first stone." Christians are sinners and because of this should never judge anybody based upon the lifestyle they lead, even if it the lifestyle is questionable. Who is to say one lifestyle is better than another one? Jesus hung out with the prostitutes, thieves, and other various outcasts because He loved them unconditionally even though He didn't agree with the lifestyles they may have chosen. He never told any of them that they were going to hell because of the sins they did. So why should we judge if someone is going to hell? The simple answer is that we shouldn't.
I would like to hope that just as the thief on the cross next to Jesus didn't go to hell, neither will a homosexual go to hell.

Anonymous said...

anon is another Bible teaching for you (its me, the Christian straight married woman again)
Jesus was quoted as saying "Let he with no sin cast the first stone." Christians are sinners and because of this should never judge anybody based upon the lifestyle they lead, even if it the lifestyle is questionable. Who is to say one lifestyle is better than another one? Jesus hung out with the prostitutes, thieves, and other various outcasts because He loved them unconditionally even though He didn't agree with the lifestyles they may have chosen. He never told any of them that they were going to hell because of the sins they did. So why should we judge if someone is going to hell? The simple answer is that we shouldn't.
I would like to hope that just as the thief on the cross next to Jesus didn't go to hell, neither will a homosexual go to hell.

Anonymous said...

I guess now you want proof of GOD ? seek and ye shall find !

Anonymous said...

Jesus also fathered a child out of wedlock with Mary.

Anonymous said...

Very funny when the homosexuals start trying to quote from the BIBLE. or misquote is more like it.
Go to church first you might learn something like a better way it's been known to cure homosexuality.

Anonymous said...


I don't understand your point. Are you saying it is OK to sin? Jesus clearly told those that sinned to sin no more. He was not a liberal person who was cool with everything. He was very clear on what was wrong and what was right. Further, Paul, the man who authored, through God, 80% of the NT clearly condemned homosexuality. Yes, sin is sin and none is worse than another, but remember this, there is only one sin in the entire Bible that is called an abomination in God's eyes: homosexuality. Yes, Jesus spoke to prostitutes and the like, but He did not lessen His standards. He came to break their enslavement to sin and release them from their perversions. Should they then continue in their sin?

Jesus is the ultimate judge; hence my opposition to the death penalty, abortion, and war. But, at the same time, Jesus commanded those that truly follow Him to speak truth to power and acknowledge His teachings. We only do a disservice to the lost when we try to sooth their minds by OK'ing their sins.

P.S. Jesus talked many times of Hell and said that those that committed sins, and failed to repent would be punished in hell and eventually cast into the lake of fire.


Anonymous said...

hey 6:07 and what was that child's name ??? Let me guess the child started the gay movement. you watch to much TV through the Hollywood filter.

Anonymous said...

I never watch T.V.

Chimera said...

10:55 Anon
The DSM (diagnostic manuals for psychiatric disorders) stopped classifying homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder decades ago.
Perhaps you do not read much,but there are just as many straight pedophiles as there are gay ones,so there goes your theory.
While we are spouting statistics,try this on for size-many of the teens who attempt and/or commit suicide do so because of homosexual feelings,not because they hate themselves but because of the grief they get from their parents and their peers.If my daughter was to be gay I would still love and support her.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Im a gaurdian of the Grail my friend.

Topper said...

those facts are way off. Look at all the ads on craigslist by married men and women who are looking for same gender, I doubt they are honest with their kids about their sexuality if they aren't honest with their spouse.

Anonymous said...

This post has gone off the charts. Live and let live. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

The idiot tries to use craigs list as proof that heterosexual's are gay ??? WTF if you live as a straight person and have sex with someone of the same sex your gay period it's a perversion.

Anonymous said...

I love it when people quote the Bible and Jesus as if either are infallible or proof of anything. The majority of people in this world do not believe in Jesus. There is also a large percentage of this world's population who do not believe in God. When you quote scripture on these issues, you're basically telling other people they should live according to your belief system. Would you live according to my non-Christian belief system?

Topper said...

The idiot tries to use craigs list as proof that heterosexual's are gay ??? WTF if you live as a straight person and have sex with someone of the same sex your gay period it's a perversion.

10:39 AM

First sign your name if you are going to call names you MORON. I didn't try to proof or prove that heterosexuals are gay. I was just pointing out that the figures can't be accurate because people aren't always honest about their sexuality. And being gay is not a perversion. And for the record a straight person who has sex with someone of the same sex can't be straight as you call them. They are either bisexual or gay/lesbian, which is how they were born.