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Monday, March 09, 2009


The information is just coming in but there was an alleged suicide at the Detention Center around 1:00 AM this morning. More to come......


Anonymous said...


What in the world is going on around WCDC? Where are the officers who are supposed to be watching over the inmates....asleep??? I noticed this happened about 1AM.

Anonymous said...


What in the world is going on, My understanding is they do some kind of search called a shake down to make it safe for everyone at the jails. If this is the case how could this of happened, were are the C O's. This is terrible. I don't know what the person is in for, but it had to of been something terrible, to want to end your life. I pray the family of this person, is ok, I mean they probably were already sadden for whatever the person was in there for. May God Bless the family. If it isn't bad already in Salisbury's City's streets with all the tragedy going on, know there is tragedy on the Jail! Salisbury's on the map for sure....

Anonymous said...

this means that less tax money is being used to comfort criminals

Anonymous said...

Perhaps for all those people who has somehting bad to say, maybe you should work at the detention center for a day... You'll soon realize that you cannont stop anyone from doing what they want to do... Even killing themselves. The experienced officer who maned that post did a wonderful job. He discovered his boy in very good time. Which could only mean one thing, he WAS going his job. Very well! For 9:06 and 9:54, get a grip! I happen to have worked with that officer who maned that post before, and I can honestly say, he does a great job, doing his job!!! Now for the late inmate, God bless him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:39...

I have a grip! I worked in corrections for 12 years between WCDC and ECI. Most of those years on midnight shift. I SAW what happened on that shift. Many of the officers had day time jobs and came in on midnights to get some rest for their other jobs. I didnt personally attack the officer involved, I dont even know who it was. Probably if I did, I would have been able to shed some light on that officer. Unless, of course, if they are a short-timer and came to WCDC after I left.

Anonymous said...

What happened, did he hang himself? Was he in a medical seg cell? Was he on suicide watch to begin with? If so he was supposed to be checked on every so often I believe, and a record kept of the visits.

Anonymous said...

Hah, COs are basically glorified babysitters.. Couldn't cut it as real cops, and this shows it. Like 11am above this post said, they sleep during the hours they are supposed to be on the job.

Maybe if the council allowed them to pay more, they'd be able to get better people in there instead of those who are just a few steps above the inmates they're babysitting.



Anonymous said...

WCDC and SPD. So many stories and BS. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

officers were probably asleep.someone had to find him,but that does'nt mean that rules and regulations were followed.some officers and staff will cover up anything at wcdc.

Anonymous said...

No... he was not on suicide watch in the medical dept. He was on the block!