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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who Voted Democrat?

I Voted...

I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse.

I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I voted Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

I voted Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.

I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.

I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my *** that it is unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

Definition: "A Liberal is a person who will give away everything they don't own."


Reconciled1 said...

...I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.....

Now thats a funny line

Anonymous said...

Where are the Liberal comments? I would love to see each one of these statements commented on. Won't happen because they will look foolish.

Anonymous said...

I voted Republican because I'm a moron.

Anonymous said...

Or how about--
I voted democrat because I can now blame the banks and mortagage companies (as opposed to admitting simple mathmatics is beyond my understanding,) for GETTING ME into a loan I can not afford.

chuck said...

beach boy,

Why would we Liberals comment on these line by line? They are all incorrect in their premises. Liberals don't believe any of those things, and all of them are framed in a way to play on tired and inaccurate stereotypes, not facts.

So, you're right, it WOULD look foolish for someone to try to comment on each of these silly statements. Because they're silly to begin with. Allow me to give you a reverse example:

"I voted Republican because I hate the average American and want Corporations to have unfettered power over my life."

Do you disagree with the premise of that stupid assertion? Of course you do. But, it plays on a tired stereotype of Republicans, and it's nothing but red meat for the converted.

Please don't pretend like there are any legitimate 'points' in this post by sunnyinoc.

Anonymous said...

I voted democrat so taxpayers can be burdened to subsidize nontaxpayers. Everyone knows very few of entitlement recipients will ever ammount to anything more than inebriated drug addicts and we need to keep giving them more so they will also vote democrat.

Anonymous said...


I hate to burst your stereotypes, but you can look at the numbers and find that the states with the most recipients of government funding per capita vote Republican. You all suck off the gov't teat, you just don't admit it, or somehow think you deserve it while others don't.

Anonymous said...

I voted Democrat because I don't care if a Muslim runs our country!

Anonymous said...

I voted democrat because I believe my high school dropout kids (who are now parents themselves) should get the same pay and benefits as the parents who made their kids finish school and sacrificed so they could send them to college.

Anonymous said...

Anon 920, I admit I sincerely do believe that some folks DO NOT deserve help from the gov't. Take for example, the octuplet mother. I believe she (not the babies) should wallow in her own self created povery.

Two Sentz said...

Man, sooo funny I forgot to laugh.

OK, back to reality now please.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:36 am

Palin is a Republican.

Anonymous said...

I voted republican because I can't think for myself.

Anonymous said...

I voted republican because I don't care if corporations have all the wealth and run my life.

Two Sentz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I voted republican because I think science is false.

Anonymous said...

I voted Democratic because the Republicans have screwed up everything.

Anonymous said...

Except for G.A. Harrison, all I ever see posted on this board to defend the Republican point of view is stupid one-liner collections like this.

Gosh, we had a wonderful 8 years under Republican Reign, didn't we?

Now we got the yard sale lady getting into the act.

Sorry if I don't seem "civil" enough but it is tripe like this post that closes the door on reasonable discussion.

"Chuck" gave a great example."

10:10 a.m. gave another.

This childish form of name-calling is a major reason the American people, including some of my REPUBLICAN friends joined an INDEPENDENT like me in voting the Democrats in.

Obviously, you learned nothing from this election, so maybe you could add to the "reverse" version of this:

"I voted Republican because I believe repeating the same disastrous harmful policies and approaches over and over again are good for the country and if the Democrats have a good idea, I'll pray that it fails miserable regardless of who that hurts because better a miserable conservative American than a prospering liberal one."

For the record, I don't give a damn whether a pol is a Dem, Repub, Indy, conservative, or liberal as long as they can think, analyze, and act intelligently with the well-being of Americans in mind.

This post sure isn't that.

Anonymous said...


Too funny! And true.

Anonymous said...

I voted republican because the machine was rigged that way by Diebold.

Anonymous said...

What a load of horse hockey. Generalize much? I'm a registered Democrat, and I'm not afraid to address these so-called "points" individually.

"I can marry my horse" is a specious comparison. It really makes you look stupid.

The government taxes motor fuel in order to collect funds to improve and build our infrastructure. The more miles you drive, the more gas you use, and the more our roads need repair.

The governement certainly dies NOT spend my money on what I would spend it on.

I say what I want, and to heck with anyone who doesn't like it, as long as I'm not being deliberately insulting. I'm usually not, unlike this post and many, many comments here.

Yep, I believe we should pull out of Iraq...and go to AFGHANISTAN, which is where all the trouble regarding 9/11 started.

You can pry my gun out of my cold, dead hands.

The polar ice caps ARE melting. Look at the pictures comparing them ten or twenty years apart. Haven't you seen the pictures of Glacier National Park? Global warming is a natural cycle that occurs and will continue to occur throughout the life of the planet. There is little doubt that we are hurrying along, though.

I heartily approve of the death penalty. I am pro-life AND pro-choice. Yes, that is possible. While it is something I would never have done or want my daughters to do, it is not MY choice to make, nor is it yours. Let those who make a bad choice live with the consequences. Every time I drive past a church and see all those little crosses with a sign saying something about X numbers of lives lost every day due to "choice," I want to go buy an equal number of baby dolls and put one by each cross with a note attached that says, "Will YOU take care of me?" Seems you right-wingers want all those accidentally conceived babies to be born so you can bitch about the welfare system having to take care of them. And God forbid we teach our youth about birth control! We wouldn't have such a high aborton rate if our kids were properly educated about sex and birth control.

What on earth makes you think Democrats don't believe in free enterprise? What, are all business owners Republicans?

I believe the Constitution has been "rode hard and hung up wet." It means what it means, and I hate it when groups like the ACLU try to abuse it. But I'll bet when a Republican gets into a murky area, he/she will gladly try to get an interpretation of the Constitution that suits him/her.

I don't think it is MY head that is up My a$$. "Democrat" is NOT synonymous with "Liberal." And "Liberal" is not a dirty word. I am perfectly open to other points of view. It appears that sunnyinoc is not.

Anonymous said...

9:56 am---Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately grannydragon, you can preach until the cows come home, about birth control and sex ed. It all boils down to responsiblity for oneself which because of gov't subsidies, seems to be a thing of the past.

Through a relative who teaches at a titled school, I became aware of and have been helping to support 2 children I have never met. They live with their grandmother, herself an uneducated alcoholic. Their mother is 27 and has 5 children-3 different fathers. She's a drug using sometime prostitute in SW Balto. City. The mother was once again arrested on the 9th of Feb for drugs.

This mother has been asked, begged and pleaded with to take some form of birth control (and it's free for her) which she will sporatically do for a couple of months UNTIL she has to do something responsible like go to the doctor's and get a prescription refill. Always an excuse for missing the appointment.

I nose through this mother's myspace pages. She and her "friends" have one goal-to become "ganstas"-all the while living in public housing. They have no work ethic or history. They refuse to be responsible because they can and if anyone says anything we are uncaring, bigots or racists (BTW this mother is white). I personally don't think this mother deserves my old shoes and if that's unkind than so be it, unkind I am.

Anyway, I voted Republican because I believe in personal responsiblity. We also believe in us (the people, faith based organizations and corporations through foundations) helping others, actual help, not just the gov't throwing more money at the problems with no strings attached.

chuck said...


I know of no Democrat or Liberal that thinks "throwing money at the problem with no strings attached" is a good thing.

None. Not one.

I voted Democratic because I believe in personal responsibility. And that extends to Corporations, and CEOs, too. For the last 8 years they haven't been held accountable for anything they've done, and I think a new era of personal responsibility on the part of Corporations is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

I voted Repubican because I think political correctness is hogwash. If someone insults my religion, race, ethic origin or sexual orientation I could care less. I have a life and I can't be bothered worrying about what others say. I'm in control of myself and no one is telling me when I should feel insulted.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, your comment about corps and their CEO's not being held responsible is not totally truthful.

Corportions have been held accountable for their actions. Just look at the billions if not trillions awarded in tort and lawsuit money. Alot of corporations now, not only let new mothers, but new fathers, have maternity leave at hugh costs (and inconvience to other employees, in my opinion.) And healthcare for life for most employees and spouses. By the way, upper management of a large corporation usually doensn't get healthcare for life.

I know a CEO of a major corporation. He and his wife both work hard for the corp. He in the official capacity as a CEO, she as an unofficial fundraiser for the corportion's foundation. They are separted (not all at one time) about 6 months out of the year. CEO's are workaholics as you have never seen. And their spouses are remarkably independant and not whining because their husbands are never home. This couple's children worked summers in Ocean City. They were the most hard working uncomplaining well-adjusted kids ever, with an outstanding work ethic taught to them by their parents.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:46, I too believe in personal responsibility. The problem is, kids are having kids, and don't teach their children about personal responsibility, having no idea what it means to take ownership of their actions. These child parents just go right on being children themselves, and the beat goes on and on...and on. And that is not a partisan issue. It affects society as a whole, no matter what your political affiliation is.

This business of children having children needs to be stopped. And please don't play the "abstinence" card, not when everywhere you look----tv, movies, advertising, magazines, billboards---scream SEX SEX SEX. Just read the blurbs on magazine covers at the grocery store checkout line. You know, the place you stand with your kids while waiting for your groceries to be rung up? This whole culture is soaked in it, and when you combine that with the natural urge to procreate that is hardwired into the human brain, you get kids having kids. Yeah, nasty, nasty old "liberal" grannydragon thinks sex ed and birth control should be taught in schools, because it certainly isn't being taught in the home. If it were, we wouldn't need government money thrown at the problem. There wouldn't be a problem.

Chuck hit it right on the money (no pun intended) with "I know of no Democrat or Liberal that thinks 'throwing money at the problem with no strings attached' is a good thing."
Get real. Like I thought it was a good idea when Republican president GW Bush threw money at Wall Street which promptly lined the pockets of the CEO's. If the gov't is going to give MY money away, I want accountability.

Are you disappointed that my advocation of sex ed was the only thing you could call me on? Sorry about that. But as stated above, I have my reasons for feeling this way.

I just wish all this stupid, generalizing, useless partisan bickering would go away. How can we survive as a nation, as a people, if all we do is slam, bash and fight? Remember: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.

Anonymous said...

granny granny granny. Maybe it's because you are a granny and are inclined to believe everything your grandchild tells you.....

"Oh don't blame me granny, the reason I'm an unmarried pregnant teenager is because those bad Republicans didn't educate me about sex ed and didn't tell me about birth control."

Once again blame someone else. No personal responsiblity.

Anonymous said...

5:36 pm, I am not trying to put the blame for unwed teens on Republicans. You just have to find something to pick on because you think I'm some sort of ultra-liberal tree-hugging nutcase. Well, I'm not. If you would read my comment without a partisan bias, you will see that what I'm saying is that kids don't learn about personal responsibility these days because their parents are kids themselves and do not serve as role models for personal responsibility. The parents are too busy still being kids. Nowhere do I put the blame on any political party. And the point of my comment is that parents are not teaching their children, not that the Republican party isn't. I clearly stated that this is not, or should not be, a partisan issue. It seems that because I'm not a Republican, you simply must find fault with what I say, and I just love your insinuation that I have unwed pregnant grandchildren. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I don't.

I taught my children about personal responsibility, and in turn, my daughter has done the same with my 18, 16 and 14 year old grandchildren, none of whom are expecting a child. Neither I nor my daughter were unwed 14 year old pregnant children. I was raised by adults, not children. My grandchildren are being raised by an adult, not a child. These days, that is rare, as it seems if you haven't had a child by the time you're 15, preferably a mixed race one it seems, you're just not "cool." If I am trying to "blame someone else," I am blaming the parents. Their political affiliations are meaningless in this context.

Nice try, though. Keep on trying to dig up some dirt on me, though I must warn you, there isn't any.

Anonymous said...

Granny... Please, do not feel compelled to warn me about anything, as my intent was not to personally attack you nor do I feel the need "to dig up some dirt" on you.
I myself, am a tree hugging, animal loving, ultra concervative who believes there is no such thing a an "accidentally conceived" baby.

Anonymous said...

7:22, I see. I understand. I hope you understand me as well. Sorry for my "nice try" remark, but in all fairness, you did make it look like you were insinuating that my grandchildren have not been raised properly; they are the most precious gifts I have ever been given in life amd I am fiercly protective of them and my children. Why do you think I call myself grannydragon?

I also understand your feeling that there is no such thing as an "accidentally conceived" baby. Believe me, I know the feelimg better than you think. I used to think abortion was no big deal until my daughter told me was pregnant with her third child and was going to have the pregnancy terminated. I looked at her and said, "I'm only going to say this one time. I will stand behind you no matter what you do, but please don't do this. You'll never be able to live with yourself if you do." I could not bear the thought of never seeing my grandchild born. Well, that grandchild is now 14 years old because my daughter listened to me, and this child is such a delight. She is special; she has a light shining so brightly inside of her that everyone can see it. The world is a better place with her in it. Truly, such an amazing child can be no accident. So I understand what you are saying better than you know.

What?!! An ultra-conservative tree-hugger? I thought that was the domain of the hippie liberals! ;)

Okay, okay, I do talk to trees and very occasionally hug one. Apparently, you and I have more in common than it had appeared. I'm actually much more conservative than people think, even if I do land on the left.

I hope we can just agree to disagree on what appears to be the few things that separate us. I'd nuch rather make friends than enemies.

Anonymous said...

Sunny, why are you such a hater?

chuck said...


That's great that you have friends who are responsible business owners. I applaud them for doing the right thing. Your anecdotal evidence,however, doesn't make up for the mountain of irresponsibility on the part of the vast majority of our Corporations over the last few decades.

Most pay zero taxes through Corporate loopholes, have no accountability to anyone but their shareholders, and, in recent years, have had oversight removed. This is an untenable situation, especially in the banking industry, and needs to be reversed.

Corporations need to be held accountable for their actions.

Two Sentz said...

1:46, are you saying this person is a Democrat?

3:37, are you saying these people are Republicans?