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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


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Anonymous said...

He seems defensive??

Anonymous said...

What gall! This guy is really frightened of what might happen if his golden boy doesn't become mayor.
Well, the Salisbury University Flyer has a website, not unlike the Times, where after each article, comments can be left.
Here's the address:

Go to it if you have something to say about Insley and his letter.
Be careful about what you say - stay focused on the issue of the letter and Insley. Be aware that he's trying to work up animosity between students and city residents to benefit his cause (which is making lots more money on the backs of the students.)

Anonymous said...

Whatever. It won't work this time. SU students have figured out that the landlords are just trying to trick them into voting for Comegys, the one guy who will ensure that landlords can continue ripping off students without consequences. It worked once to get Comegys elected, it won't work again.

Anonymous said...

I got a joke for about $500 rental fees per unit and the city pass a law similar to College Park, MD:

Monthly rent capped at 1% of asessed value...thats a win-win for everyone except Insley

what's he going to do, sell all the slum properties?

Hit him in the wallet...

Anonymous said...

Hope this gets stuck in Bubba's face at that candidate forum tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that he is very well liked at SU as a landlord...may do him more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

He states that the candidates will increase rental fees. Does the city or county have rental fees? If he is talking about rent, the landlord is the only one that can do that. Wow, the other candidates may make him paint the houses and keep them in better shape. If you cna't afford to keep the rental house in good shape, then don't buy it until you can. I personal do not agree that 4-2 is the best option, what about 1 per room. If I have a 6 bedroom house, why can't I rent them out, the house was designed for it or made into it. 1 room 1 renter, what is everyones thought on the 1 for 1?
Renters be aware, they do not want Ireton in there at all, he will make changes in your favor, against their profits.

Anonymous said...

This would be a good time for the honest and decent ladlords who are SAPOA members (and there are many) to do one of two things: boot out Insley and his ilk, or start your own organization. You really want this guy to be representing you? He is dragging all of you down with him. I believe he has shown his true lack of character in the last few weeks (SAPOA members, you know what I am talking about). If nothing else convinces you not to vote for Comegys, this guy is it. Set aside everything else. Comegys will let Insley continue on the Housing Board. Tilghman's failure to take Insley off the board was a disgrace, and Comegys does not have the guts to stand up for the citizens. Don't be fooled by his sudden "desire" to protect the Clairmont neighborhood--Comegys is a die hard supporter of Richard Insley and the commercialization of residential neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Insley's cash cow is about to go dry and he knows it.

Next week we can vote for the two best candidates -- Bob Caldwell and Jim Ireton and BUMP BUBBA!

And that weill mean the end of Insley as the head of the City's housing code appeal board, where the landlords almost always win.

Anonymous said...

we should allow each property slum lord to vote in the city election. That way none of this bs would mean a damn thing if they all got one vote. Then there tenats vote would be worthless. Thanks robin cockey for getting us property owners who do not live in salisbury but pay the most taxes out of a vote.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, what?

Anonymous said...

The slum lord's taxes are just passed on to the renters. Sounds like one is upset. The white collar people have had a huge part in bringing down this country economically, and sorry--you guys might just have to have the same bitter pill the rest of us have to swallow. Bout time.

Anonymous said...

Is being a slumlord really a white collar occupation?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:59, hit Insley in the wallet and he'll cave in for good. $500 per unit (no matter how many bedrooms therein) is a super idea. Can that also go for the in-place big rental units, like over across from Parkside HS.
Now, with everybody hurting is a good time to make such a change in rents mandatory! Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Make the rental OWNERS finance Salisbury for the owner occupied is time to take back the city!!

Anonymous said...

Gary = Barrie = More of Insley

Anonymous said...

12:06, by room = boarding house

By law, boarding houses aren't allowed in single-family home districts (traffic, parking congestion, trash, noise, safety issues).

Remember before the mall thing Terry Cohen was involved with that neighborhood group of people from all over the city? I thought that was the best thing that happened to the 4 to 2 discussion. That's how I learned about the zoning thing I mentioned above. That seems so long ago.

I don't think the 4 to 2 law was bad. I think people with self-serving interests made it sound bad.

Anonymous said...

Desperate people do desperate things.

We have reached out to professors and students and they are well aware of this from the last election.

All they have to do is ask any fireman or policeman and they will hear the same. The landlords have been ripping them off for years.

Anonymous said...

Really that's a good thing because that letter will cause students to vote for anyone else but Comegys.

Students have been targets of crime, and they have to hear that crime is down when even they know better. They sren't buying it this time.