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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Crash Of 2009 Is Coming To YOU!

Ladies & Gentlemen, if there's ever a video for you, your spouse, your co-workers, your family & Friends to see, THIS IS IT! I have been trying to preach this for years now, (right Bob) and today I read on the Internet that Obama thinks we're going to be out of this recession by the end of this year??????

You watch this video and if you don't get it or understand it after 3 minutes of watching, well, then you're the perfect American. You are EXACTLY what this current Federal Government wants you do be. Do not EVER say that Salisbury News didn't present the perfect example of just how bad we're crashing in America and devaluing the dollar. Take the 3 minutes or so, or however long it takes you to download this video and watch it. You may just become an American all over again and demand they put a stop to this nonsense immediately. Oh, this is EXACTLY why I gave Gary Comegys so much crap at the last Council Meeting. It's that kind of mentality, (if the Federal Government wants to come to Salisbury and write us a check for $860,000.00 for a Fire Boat, I'm not going to tell them I don't want the check) that has destroyed America. It's time for a change and I'm confident this video will prove to you that time is certainly of the essence.


drive4success said...

i saw this when it originally aired. scary stuff.

Reconciled1 said...

There's a line from an old Larry Norman song from the 70's that talks about the future.... a loaf of bread will buy a bag of gold..... The future is just around the corner. Are you ready?

Anonymous said...

Nice picture 11:34. Do you wash your sheet in hot or cold?

drive4success said...

Anon 11:42 Are you insinuating that I am a member of the KKK? That picture was taken at a bonfire in which we raised $23k for a 4 year old with Neuroblastoma Cancer. Joe was there and he can attest to the pure lack of racism involved.

My sheets are black satin, so cold seems to be the best temperature selection.

Any other idiotic questions Anon.... I mean coward?

Anonymous said...

Not coming to Joe... just US!

Joe saves a lot of money in taxes living in DE yada yada yada

Anonymous said...

OBAMA=One Big A$$ Mistake America

Anonymous said...

This analysis is disingenuous at best. He could have at least scaled the numbers by the CPI, then you've have some interesting historical perspective instead of

The great depression - Nothing happened, safe to ignore
WWII -- nothing to talk about, really

As it was presented, it's just a stupid fluff piece.

joe albero said...

It won't be so stupid when you start crying about losing your home and everything else.

Your American Dream is OVER! Clearly you are clueless as to just what they're presenting and in denial.

Just keep printing the money and see what happens. Just because it's there and the Banks can keep feeding you these bills doesn't mean it will be worth a crap in a few short years.

Try this one out for size. At one point we had the automobile industry that was one of the biggest industries in America. Another major industry was the computer industry. The printing industry was always huge as well as several others.

NOW, do tell me what's left? Tell me what new industry is going to bring America back to where we used to be? Something EVERYONE just has to have!

There is NONE! Everything we had we farmed out to China, India and other foreign countries. We can't even pave our streets any more, just ask Barrie Tilghman, who has neglected the city for 12 years of not paving roads.

They spent $14,000,000.00 on a new Fire Station in the most expensive market in America's History, why, because they wanted it, not needed it. Same goes with the Fire Boat. Granted, this is just local stuff but we're screwed, period.

The Feds will keep printing that money and it won't be worth staying in America for at least another 20 years. America has also screwed so many other countries because of our irresponsibility and we grow weaker by the second, not the day, month or year!

Times are going to get tougher than the majority of you have ever seen. That's right, go ahead and vote for Gary Comegygs locally too, wait till you see what his style of governing brings! At least he'll have a new Fire Palace to fall back on when he's thrown out of Office in another 4 years.

There's no help on the way. I personally see the writing on the walls and American's need to stand up for what is right again and stop burying their heads in the sand like anonymous 2:20.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I understand exactly what being presented. I also understand the term "constant dollars". When a dime at the end of WWII would buy more than what a dollar can buy you today, that should be part of the analysis.

If the Feds keep on printing money, we'll get hyper inflation, which is just a tax on cash (and cash holdings). This happens all the time all over the world. It's just a way of raising money.

But the feds aren't just printing money, they're borrowing it from the Chinese. Thus, this does not lead to hyperinflation, since real assets are added as the national debt is increased.

If you're looking for a long term solution, go and read the op-ed piece in the WaPo titled: "The Dysfunctional Duo" (referring to China and the USA) by Harold Meyerson, 2/18/09

China is the huge monkey on our backs, and in our pockets. We need to rethink our China policy.
Obama is 100% right about not rewarding companies that ship US jobs overseas. Companies that do so need to lose their tax breaks.

You're right in saying that times will be tough, but...

America is NOT done. We just need to rethink our priorities and or strategies. Thank god GWBush is clearing brush in Texas with an occasional trip to the hardware store...

Anonymous said...

You should be watching the Glenn Beck show at 5pm every evening...

Anonymous said...

Fluff piece huh, Let me tell you something, Eighteen out of the last twenty service calls I have done here locally the people have had to write me letters of apology along with their first payment because they dont have the money. The service I provide is not something a family can go without in the frigid weather, so they had no choice but to call. 18 out of 20, places like Deer harbor, Misty creek, Coulbourne woods, Adventure farms. These are regular working people who were not in on a sub prime loan or who didnt spend to much, they simply had the rug ripped out from under them. Outsourcing, lay-offs, hourly cut-backs, nothing that they had any control over. I dont think we have seen anything yet, not to mention the amount of credit card debt there is out there right now that has no possibility of being paid back. Some of these people were brought to tears because they had to ask for the ability to make payments, men and woman. You mess with a hard, honest mans dignity your going to get more than you could of ever thought possible. Its a damn shame whats happening here, a damn shame.

Tidewaterbound said...


If you are my furnace/AC man, you are a treasure, the best there is. And you sound like you could be him. If you are, you know my thanks already for coming out when I need you, and you know no matter what, I pay ya.

Anonymous said...

No, Obama didn't say he thought we'd be out of this recession by the end of the year. He's given no timeline.

Bernanke, head of the Federal Reserve said that. On Wall Street jumped for joy for one day.

Just getting the facts straight. You are right about the money printing. And that is the Fed ding that, not Obama.

If Wall Street is stupid enough to believe the head of the Fed, when the Fed has been a big source of this country's problems, then it's no wonder we're in deep kimchee.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you're right we've talked about just this thing maybe 30 times over the past couple of years. The value of my real estate holdings has dropped 12-20% over the past two years. I became a millionaire on paper four years ago but any day I could be in poverty. So could you and anyone else if the dollar continues to become worthless. Being a millionaire means nothing anymore. There are millionaires on every block it seems because dollars are worth pennies. This bailout thing that started with Bush and continues with Obama is a ticking time bomb. We have got to STOP! Giveaways and handouts have a new name - tax cuts. Tax cuts used to mean that a person who worked and paid taxes had to pay less taxes. Now the meaning of "tax cuts" includes those who don't work and pay taxes get a check cut from money that other people worked for. It used to be called welfare or a hand-out. This must stop.

Citizens need to try as much as possible to buy from local businesses. Local businesses need to honor local people by keeping their prices as low as possible. Keep that money HERE! American manufacturers and their employees - act like you give a cr*p about something more than your paycheck. American's take some pride in what you do and people wouldn't feel like they have to buy someplace else to get better products or save a penny. This has all come about due to GREED. Everyone wants to make MORE money. We have "greeded" ourselves into on hell of a mess. Sorry about the profanity but it's no worse that you hear on Dr. Phil.

Think about this. After 9/11 the feds lowered the interest rates WAY too far, WAY too fast. This gave people the opportunity to refinance existing debt and free up their cashflow. GREED set in and everyone wanted more. If a $1000 payment would buy a $100,000 mortgage, with the lower interest rates the same payment may have bought $150,000. Once again GREED set in and pushed property prices up. Then appraisals based on recent sales pushed property values up. We as a society full of greed have screwed our economy in a huge way. WE did this and now WE must get us out of it. This bailout is not the way. We have enjoyed the good now we must suffer the bad until this thing is past us. We are now only throwing gasoline on the fire.

Anonymous said...

From: Mayor of Salisbury
To: Office of Homeland Security
Via: President of the United States

Subj: Fireboat Offer

1. Thanks for your offer of the $800,000 fireboat. Your generousity in these times of fiscal difficulty is very much appreciated.

2. As you may already know, the City of Salisbury, population 26,000, is situated on the Wicomico River, a tidal river that has limited ingress and egress, and an average depth of five feet.

3. While a fireboat would be a wonderful asset, especially during events like the Christmas Holiday Passing of the Boats and our very own Riverfest celebration, we have very limited use for such an extravegance. Therefore, we respectfully ask that you either:
a) Give the boat to some municipality that can afford its upkeep and really has a need for it, or;
b) Send us the cash so that we can utilize it on something that will be useful, rather than a drain on our already limited resources.

4) We hope that you can understand our situation, and will agree with us that, for us, this is a silly expenditure both on the Federal and City levels.

Very sincerely,

Barrie Parsons Tilghman
Mayor (Lame Duck)

P.S. - don't let this get around, especially to the firemen here.

Anonymous said...

Buy Gold!

Anonymous said...

Just read this a.m.:
add 487 for health care bho wants and new bill from the house for several hundred billion.

Anonymous said...

410 billion spending bill passed by house.