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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Candidates Say They Want To Get Rid Of Police Chief Webster

While crime continues to race out of control within the City of Salisbury, it has been 6 days since their last Press Release and we just experienced one of the wildest weekend we've ever known in this City.

Not only are they not keeping the Citizens informed as to ALL of the criminal activity even when they do send out Press Releases, this is an election year and they're clearly keeping everything they possibly can extra quiet.

At this point I think the City Council should make the Salisbury Fire Department release ALL of their calls as well so the citizens can get a complete grip on the stabbings we NEVER hear about, yet the Ambulances seem to bring people to PRMC almost daily for such.

I have spoken to TWO of the Mayoral Candidates and they have very clearly informed me that they will terminate Chief Webster should they get elected just as soon as humanly possible. So you know, I have never spoken to Della Penna. It's about time someone took the bull by the horns and made a stand as to just what they're going to do. It isn't about my dislike towards Chief Webster. It's about CRIME. It's about OPEN GOVERNMENT. Chief Webster and Staff refuse to expose everything and Lord Knows if the real crime is actually being reported properly, there's no accountability.

Imagine this. Imagine if Officers are being told to rate certain crimes as #3 crimes instead of #2 crimes? I know that when they found that murdered prostitute, Chief Webster desperately wanted it to be a County crime but the Sheriff's department said it was in the City, not the County. I know this as well. The Sheriff's Department was willing to take on the investigation though, should Chief Webster want them to handle it. Chiefy refused once he finally figured out it was in the City and not the County.

Some have said it's not the Chief's fault things are as bad as they are. Well, to those of you nay sayers out there who know absolutely NOTHING about the morale within the SPD, the Officers leaving the SPD and the fact that crime continues to rise, you need to get your head examined. In business, you don't continue retaining your top person in charge when things continue to spiral like they have with Webster in charge.

You replace that individual and find someone willing to wear a Uniform every day and be a part of the Team/Brotherhood like Sheriff Mike Lewis. You work side by side with the State Police and County Police. Simply put, Webster needs to go before another innocent person is killed in this City. The Officers are doing the very best they can with what they have but it's the end of the line for Webster should one of these two Mayoral Candidates get elected.

Webster has been vindictive and paranoid for years now. No one has ever forced him to show his cards like I have. Look Folks, a perfect example is the Daily Times. The ONLY time they expose ANY crime in Salisbury is when someone is murdered or shot. They get the SPD Press Releases just as often as I do yet you NEVER read about the criminal activity going on in Salisbury. Heck, they denied there were ANY Gangs in Salisbury. The Daily Times even tried to cover up all the Graffiti throughout the Downtown area until we produced photo after photo, day after day. Then they finally put up a tiny 1" article about it.

Change is absolutely necessary for Salisbury and IMHO a vote for Comegys is a vote for more of the exact same thing. Many people wonder why so many thousands of people come to Salisbury News every day. It's because we REPORT things like criminal activity in Salisbury, unlike the Daily Times. We deliver it in as Real Time as humanly possible and we're dedicated to YOU. The Daily Times collects their 75 cents per day from what used to be 24,000 people a day. That means they take in around $18,000.00 a DAY or $648,000.00 a year in subscriptions alone. That does NOT include what they take in through advertising. So you have to ask yourself, what are YOU really getting from the Daily Times? Certainly not your money's worth, that's for sure.

I'll give the Chief this. They do make the crime information available to the Daily Times. The Daily Times just refuses to print it. Ask each Candidate what they plan on doing with the Police Chief should they be elected.


Anonymous said...

Do you really think its Webester's fault?

joe albero said...

That's like saying everything that happened at the WWTP 3 years ago wasn't the Mayor's fault. Come on now, he heads thast Police department, morale is at an all time low, Officers are leaving the Department, their cars are rund down pieces of crap and while crime goes up they cover it up and refuse to put out ALL Press Releases. Of course its Webster's fault. Ultimately it's the Mayor's. Here's a thouyght. Who's fault do YOU think it is.

Anonymous said...

first of all there has been a lot of crime period in salisbury for years... it is definitely a problem for the mayor and police to get together and try to solve it... community policing etc..

the sby police have been horribly underpaid for years. the money has gone obviously to the fire dept..

it's a shame.. the town is crumbling my hope is starting fresh with new mayor.. I pray

Anonymous said...

It really ticks me off as a city taxpayer that my hard earned money is going to out of town developers instead of our city police. I am glad to pay taxes to fund hard working police officers.

Anonymous said...

as long as it's the right mayor. we don't need or want more of the in comyges. however if shanie wins and comeegys loses, it'll still be the same, regardless of who wins as mayor. council will remain 3 to 2.

Anonymous said...

The chief and the mayor are not the entire problem, by any means--there are a lot of bigger social ills that are behind this crime wave. But it is clear that there is a lack of eadership at the top. Where is the outrage from the mayor and police chief? Get off your butts and walk the streets and tell the criminals we are taking back our city. Yes, you might have to actually walk in Church Street rather than say it is too dangerous to do so. At the NAACP forum, Comegys' main "solution" to the crime problem was neighborhood watch programs. Please.

Dave C said...

I've lived in Salisbury all my life and I have NEVER seen crime this bad, EVER! The past year has been absolutely horrible in terms of crime. Its so bad that I go to pick up my wife and her girlfriends from the late night movie showing so they don't get mugged, I lock my doors while I'm at home so I don't get home invaded, I never leave my truck unlocked and I don't even go to ATMs anymore for fear of getting shot. Its sad to see such a nice community going down hill so damn quickly!

Something really needs be done over there at SPD, unfortunately part of the problem is that, while leadership is a big concern, they do need money. Starting salaries for SPD are garbage, especially when some of these young officers can go to OC to work seasonal and make more money. Sure, Webster probably needs the boot, but unfortunately if we want lower crime rates then we have to invest in the Police Department-AKA raises Taxes Folks! Give these young men and women a reason to come and stay in Salisbury to protect us. I know that people don't like to hear it, but its true. However, I only agree to tax hikes if I know that the money would be properly allocated to departments with smart, innovative and thrifty leaders (such as Mike Lewis). I've always said that you can complain about taxes and you complain about crime, but not both.

In addition, the judiciary system has gone down the can as well. I don't know who shot Ted Shea this weekend, but I will be willing to put money on the fact that his shooter has a rap sheet a half mile long! Our judges and commissioners put these guys back on the streets! We need to enforce the laws in the court room as well! No more slaps on the wrist! Put these idiots in prison where they belong and keep them off out streets!

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the two candidates publicly say it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately SPD has NO leadership !! The officers are underpaid because their funds most likely went to the Fire Dept.Salisbury needs a rebuild but nothing will happen until the current administration either resigns or is dismissed !!! Dykes would not have let this happen, but then again, he actually took pride in his city and officers !!!

Anonymous said...

Principals of local schools have to live in the county so they will be close in case of weekend/evening emergencies. How can the Chief of Police not have the same requirement?

Anonymous said...

Help is on the way. Jim has lived in Salisbury most all his life. He cares about Salisbury and its people. If you care enough vote for Jim and the citizens of Salisbury

Anonymous said...

I remember a lotta times Chief Dyke's wore his uniform like the true professional he was.He made arrests on the streets.His men were proud to wear the uniform.He spoke to every citizen he encountered.He earned his money the correct way.

Anonymous said...

Then tell him to stand up in front of all the citizens and say something, not beat around the bush, not politics as usual. Make a stand and do it now.

Anonymous said...

And let's "reroute" the taxes we already pay to the police dept instead of thinking how much we can spend on projects like "The Bricks" and such.

Anonymous said...

When you see the recent crimes that have been committed in Salisbury you just shake your head. Can this be my hometown? What are our public officials doing to curb this trend ? It is pretty obvious the Police Chief is doing nothing. The foot soldiers of the SPD are understaffed and outgunned. They are doing the best they can everyday. The Mayor should be front and center explaining these crimes and formulating a plan. I haven't seen the first thing. If it were not for this site, I doubt I would ever know about crime. The nerve of a man who tells us that Crime is down beyond me. Something better be done soon or the Police Chief might end up as a statistic. Ted Shea wasn't exempt.

Anonymous said...

Believe me Joe, you dont want to know what goes on out there. You would not feel safe going anywhwere in the City. They dont want the public to know, because it make them look so bad.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it.
Unless you get the City Council members to vote majority, I don't believe whoever the new Mayor is can do anything.

It's easy for them to say such a thing pre-election. It's a different thing to actually do it once in office.

Dave C said...

Just wondering, did I hear this right...Webster doesn't even live in Wicomico County? That being the case, does he get a take home vehicle? and if so, why the hell are we paying for his fuel?!

Anonymous said...

Police chief used to live in Worchester county now resides in Somerset County, Westover Md.Yes you pay for the fuel to carry him to and fro !!

Anonymous said...

I hope they Candidates want to get rid of Chief See, Gordo and Fatso as well.

Anonymous said...

How come the Chief gets the city to pay for his take home car and gas everyday to drive to and from Westover, MD when he took all the take home cars away from the officers who are actually brave enough to live in the city limits two years ago? Yes that's right officers who live in the city do not even have take home cars. This would actually start showing a presence in our city. Why does SPD need to pay for take home cars the the Chief, Major, Two Captains, Several LT's, and all the detectives who do not even live in the City!?

Anonymous said...

it is obvious that comegys is going to win. talk to actual people and look at the support he has. its all around the city. how are you going to feel when comegys wins. aren't you calling a blowout, just like you did for harris? Caldwell is a realtor who has his own personal interest and ireton has no idea how idea how run a city. comegys corrected him on several things during their last debate.

Anonymous said...

Good officers are leaving and not looking back. Some already left on their own terms and 1 was fired last month for unheard of BS. HE should sue. Webster does not speak to his officers at all. No interaction what so ever Joe. He is not part of the team nor will he every. You have a LT kissing the CPT's butt, the CPT kissing the Majors Butt, and the major kissing Websters butt. That PD will never truely get the respect they deserve with them there. The CAT unit,,very shady! The power squad, what a waste of money, put them on patrol.

Anonymous said...

Well, Webster actually lives in Marion. He's a great guy. However, Dykes was a police officer and loved himself and his community. Dykes took that small town police department and made it acredited 45th, nationaly. Nope, he was no politician, but a police officer who knew how to handle things. I like Webster but I miss Dykes.

Anonymous said...

Dave C said...
Just wondering, did I hear this right...Webster doesn't even live in Wicomico County? That being the case, does he get a take home vehicle? and if so, why the hell are we paying for his fuel?!

11:22 AM

And Chief See lives in Delaware, Deputy Chief Rick Hoppes lives in Parsonsburg and Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy hangs his hat in Delaware. All have city take home cars and your fuel. Volunteer Deputy Chief Bill Gordy just got a brand new Crown Vic with the sticker still in the window. $28,080 of your tax money. That doesn't include the $15,000 light package or the 800 mhz radios or the stripe package. Does anyone know what the final cost of that take home car is?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Doug Wilkerson--lets hear the two candidates say it publicly. If they can tell it to Joe,then man-up and tell it to the rest of us.( I'm old enough to remember that Superman stood for "truth, justice, and the American way")

Anonymous said...

city police need more money and to get paid like every other officer in the area. they also need more officers, since there has not been an increase in officers in over 18 years, yet crime continues to get worse. The department needs to update its equipment and get more in the new century like the sheriff dept and state police. Good cops are there already but things need to improve from there.

Anonymous said...

stop the bs...get the us the money, the man power, and the tools to get the job done and see the drastic improvement