
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daily Times Is Like Toilet Paper, Wiping Up The Rear

It would seem the Daily Times is squirming all over the place trying to confirm all of our stories over the past few days. Sources continue to call me and e-mail me telling me that the Daily Times just called to confirm this story or that story.

However, I'll bet you good money that they'll NOT say a word about Sheriff Bobby Jones. They'll probably do a story about his Deputy Durham though. What can I say, they lost a TON of subscribers the other day by trying to cheat their Customers into paying an additional 50 cents for a weekday paper and then came back with their tails between their legs. Starting to sound familiar?

They did the follow up story on our exposing the Insley Letter we broke several days earlier. They already had the information published in the Sunday paper about Sgt. Stevens being arrested for a DUI, they just didn't put two and two together so they lost out on that one. They have purposely ignored the SPD posting Press Releases 6 days later than the actual event date and then dating their information the day of the incident.

They have yet to catch up on the fact that Ted Shea was actually shot 8 times, not 3 or 5. They have yet to do a follow up story, (that I know of) of Doris Smith from Fruitland. Then there's the Kratovil story and how he was against the stimulus bill and then he was for it. I'm not sure what spin, (if any) they put on his vote?

No word on Cracker Barrel? They wouldn't dare touch to Zoo or WWTP stories because they fell asleep at the wheel on BOTH of those stories. Have they said ANYTHING at all about the Marina? Nah, that's right, it's the Tilghman Times.

I know, how about the break down on all of the Bills and Legislation recently. Have they given the public any insight on what the Bills mean and how they affect people locally? Didn't think so. There's a Art Show at SU, besides Salisbury News, have you read anything in the Paper about it other than a paid advertisement?

Heck Folks, that's just the past two days. Can you please tell me just what it is you're paying for with that rag?

No doubt they'll see all the comments on the 2nd Amendment and pull an article about that out of their hat. It's probably scheduled for tomorrow. Oh, I'm sorry, am I patting Salisbury News on the back too much? But it feels soooooo good!

They'll probably have two Reporters and three Cameramen at tonights Forum. You know, just to make it look like they're out covering something.


Anonymous said...

Joe keeps trying daily to bash... but they collect money for their product!

joe albero said...

Man, that was a quick response. Although this is times much earlier, I started this Post and got tied up on calls. By the time I published it 5 minutes hadn't passed and the above comment from anonymous 4:24 was up. Those Anti Albero Bloggers must really live on this Site.

Anyhow, yeah, you're right, they do collect money for their copycat work. However, they not only try to STEAL from their Customers by charging 50 cents too much, they're also LOSING money, or hadn't you noticed? Come on now, give me something else to come back with.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

the only hard working people at the times are the people who make the the product and they are under appreciated im a former employee

Anonymous said...

the only reason I continue to buy it is so I have something to catch my doughnut crumbs and to see if I died yesterday

Anonymous said...

Joe when will you start having advertising. Businesses need to spend there advertising where it can be seen

joe albero said...

anonymous 9:24,

Salisbury News will kick off advertising in March. If anyone is interested contact me at

Anonymous said...

Joe, once you start advertising the DT will go under for sure! I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us or should I say..for the DT's.

As for the DT lovers. What a shame to support something which is always out of touch with the real world. They can't do a story on time if they had to. They also can't do a story thats not approved by the witch herself.

Anonymous said...

The only time I ever bought the Daily Times was on Sundays-and that was just for the coupons!

Anonymous said...

You can print out the coupons from their online site!