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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Eastern Shore Militia

You asked for it, here it is. Go HERE.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Da boys in the "hood" better watch out now!

Anonymous said...

I would join this in a heartbeat, if I thought it would stay sane. I'm afraid that a few radicals will go overboard and get everyone in trouble. But then again, that is exactly what has happened in our government too.

farm boy

Anonymous said...

I bet there are already more undercover FBI that are members than actual militia. Boys, you will never know, until someone does or says something stupid.

Anonymous said...

Lock and load Boom Boom Bang Bang

Batta bing batta boom

Anonymous said...

Why don't we, instead of going off half-cocked, contact the Guardian Angels in New York and have them send down a representative to organize a group down here. They are aware of all of the laws and how far that they can go without breaking the law. I know that we need to do something, and maybe this is a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

9:15 you are exactly right! All it takes is some people with big cajones to group together and walk. However the walks must take place on a regular basis and not once every now and again.

Anonymous said...

UM - there is no going off half-cocked. There will be no patrolling of neighborhoods. There will be no vigilante type behavior. Just a group of people - families - who get together and develope a plan to keep themselves safe in the event of an emergency/natural disaster/ etc. Guardian Angels? Not really?! Farmboy, there will always be a few radicals who would try to attach themselves to a group that they feel will support their cause. It would be the job of everyone else to ferret these people out and eliminate their association with us. A local militia is part of our second amendment right. It has nothing to do with carrying out acts of violence against fellow Americans.

Anonymous said...

The point of a militia in todays world should be to create a viable political movement designed around the wishes of the American middle class people, to create a voice that we so desperately need. If the police wish to utilize the group that would have to be organized by them, militias should have non-violence as there cornerstone. The only time a militia should utilize violence is once a STATE of war is declared, we are not there yet, hopefully we never get there. At the same time a militia should always be prepared if that day ever does arrive. In my opinion the two biggest concerns for a Eastern Shore Militia right now should be to do whatever is needed and legal to stop all this crime. The second thing is we must stop any illegal alien from taking any job away from any legal America here on the shore.