The letter below is a copy of what the Daily Times printed in today's paper. Folks, I encourage you to click on the link I provided just to see the comments there alone. There's not one in support of Gary Comegys. In fact, some comments detail Mr. Cathcart's support of the 14% Tax Increase and many other issues. Here's what I think is important. Since there's only about 4 or 5 comments there, we all know there will be lots more here because we draw far more on line traffic than the Daily Times does. Nevertheless, I'm curious as to what OUR viewers think of such a letter. Don Cathcart is the Husband of Lynn Cathcart, a former Salisbury City Councilwoman.
Gary Comegys' performance on the City Council has established that he is highly qualified and uniquely suited to be mayor of our city. His record proves that he has acted to make our streets safer, strengthen neighborhoods, make government more efficient and improve our environment.
In the area of public safety, he supported construction of new fire department headquarters and renovation of Fire Station 1. He voted to authorize new positions for the fire department to enable staffing of three 24/7 paramedic units, and voted to raise salaries and improve the pension systems of police, firefighters and EMS personnel.
In focusing on neighborhood improvement he supported new landlord licensing and rental property registration legislation; he addressed the "4-to-2" issue in revised rental property regulations, and supported creation of the Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance Department to promote improvement of Salisbury's housing stock.
In making "growth pay for growth," he supported legislation that stopped the practice of reimbursing developers for infrastructure enhancements/ expansion, saving the city millions; voted to institute sewer and water capacity fees and supported the adoption of an annexation policy that benefits the city and its taxpayers.
With respect to the environment, he supported development of a new wastewater treatment plant, a "living shoreline" project in the city park and the establishment of an Environmental Policy Task Force.
Also, he participated in crafting agreements that led to the completion of the Northeast Collector Road and the demolition of the old mall.
Examine the record; elect Gary Comegys mayor.
Don Cathcart
"Comegys has been nothing more than a puppet for Mayor Tilghman for the last six years. If elected, he will remain Tilghman's puppet, advancing HER agenda while she creates a new place for herself at six figures as the head of her own new Community Development Corporation, which duplicates the work of several already established organizations, but ones not currently under her control. If Comegys is elected, how many of those will be swallowed by Barrie and her cronies, who will doubtless include Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart in positions of power. Deja vu, anyone? Comegys as mayor of Salisbury? Absolutely NOT! A vote for Gary is a vote for Barrie and a continuation of the stranglehold that special interests have had for over twelve years.
As Comegys said at the end of a council forum last election, "I'd like to thank the people of Salisbury for serving me these last four years... I mean....... for letting me serve them." Funny slip of the tongue. But then again, not funny at all."
In one man's humble opinion, I think we have all had it up to here {imagine my hand held VERY VERY high} with anything a local Cathcart has to say. As an exercise today; try to use the words "incumbent" "supporters of" "referendum" "bottom-line" "OMG..where did all that money go?" and "Enough already" in the same sentence. BTW...Mr. Cathcart some of us from a younger generation will NEVER forget your wife's patronizing/inept performances; and there will be no subterfuge/backtracling accepted from you now. Your bed was made long before this election cycle and now you need to lie in it. Take the rest of the decade off and grow some vegetables.
Lynn was at home sharpening her nails for the primary election, until Barrie called after her hasty exit from the Council meeting after Terry Cohen made her look like the trash that she is.
Gary = Barrie = Scary!
All ya gotta do is look at him to see the utter stupidity of the man; he has a tooth missin and has that "alcoholic" glow!
I watched the council meeting last night and Debbie and Terry...you go girls...awesome job shutting down these spend crazy people...chunk the dam marina!
11:02 --
Spending 6-figures on that old standpipe water tank makes the marina mess pale in comparison!
That guy is such a hothead, I remember one time he wanted to fight me cause I took a picture of his wife at a press conference... It was a PRESS CONFERENCE DON!!! DUH
This is a college town and he would be the first in line waving his finger in judgment, trying to take away the mike, if an SU student approached the microphone in that public forum without a custom suit and tie. As it is, this photo suggests he feels he deems himself superior enough to talk down to us and tell us what is in our best interests while dressing like a poor-mans short-sleeves version of Don Ho. Very sad indeed.
Reese Bobby..These words you speak apply directly to you today!!!!Speaking of taking the rest of the decade off...and BTW.... Where did all that money go?
Did anyone notice the typo at the end of the letter? It says, "Examine the record and vote for Gary Comegys." They left out the "don't" in front of "vote." Weird.
I am neither an incumbent, nor political figure at all. I get neither kickbacks, bail-outs or sweetheart trade-offs from developers. I cook at home because I can't afford to eat out anymore. YOU tell ME where the money went.....that seems to be the heart of the issue here. Perhaps MR. CALDWELL will be able to start us in a fresh, positive direction soon. BTW...if I was at the mike I would be looking sharp to enhance my credibility when debating-tell the Men's Wearhouse Senator Bobby sent you.
This from Don Cathcart, the man that stood in council chambers and stated how happy he is to pay higher taxes. Surrrrrre I'll take his advise and vote for Comegys. Just as soon as hell freezes over.
I just saw this Comegy guy on the WBOC news at noon.
What an idiot!!! A vote for him would be endorsing the same agenda as our current mayor.
Think hard about the future of our city before you cast your vote next week.
I bet when you buy a shirt like that you get a free bowl of soup, too. Don't worry, it looks good on YOU though.
so who's left that is not a danger to our town? after seeing the post about the need for a boat to put out all of the river fires we have been having,lol i am sure he doesnt get my vote, but i wonder what it is about spending other people's money that makes all of these folks go so crazy. muir boda knocked on my door the other day dressed like he was going hunting and i almost didnt answer the door because there was no vehicle in sight and he looked less than professional. i am a little old fashioned about the "dress code" but i didnt like much in the brochure he left, it left a bad taste in my mouth
When I was your age I would lug pounds of ice up five, six flights of stairs....
I do not reside in Salisbury, but I do care about what happens to this once fine city. A vote for Comegys would be a vote for Tilghman. Residents of Salisbury need a change not a clone. I find it very hard to believe how this city has deteriorated over the past years. What a shame !!
2:40. Can you make a bull-shot {or a shoe smell}?? And by any chance did you follow Senor Rothstein's advice recently? {Personally, I chase my vinyl dreams to "Boogie Wonderland}
"The letter below is a copy of what the Daily Times printed in today's paper"
Joe, you said you weren't opening this paper months ago. Stick to your word.
What a snake in the grass. Cathcart and Comegys were so far up Tilgman's *** they couldn't see daylight.
Citizens of Salisbury, vote for change. Give Comegys the message that we dont want him as Mayor and two years from now, tell him adios. Get rid of him, and begin to bring some respect back to the council.
This is to no offense of the firefighters at all, I'm glad they got the new items they have, I hope you use them well and be as professional at the equipment you have.
However, in this letter about providing support to public safety. Did the bury have an outbreak of fires, a huge amount of fires, tall buildings burning down? No, but the bury has had tons of robberies, tons of shootings, tons of thefts, tons of burglaries, so where was that support of public safety. The mayor went after Chief Dykes for a personal vendeta then has done nothing for the department since hiring a wessel for a chief. She hasn't even given him the manpower he has asked for, her buddy Bubba, what has he done, exactly what Bubba's momma Barrie wanted him to do. We need a leader not a Bubba type follower.
Don is so tight he has to pinch his butt to let loose of a dime. He loves paying taxes though. I guess so, on that peanut property they own, they don't pay much taxes. The American Revolution started over excess taxation.
With the kinds of weapons people now posess, another civil war would be a bloody mess. Good thing is there's a lot of heroin on the streets to use for the mamed.
Lynn reminds me of Al Bundy's neighbor Marcy Darcy who always looks like a chicken pecking away at some feed.
Both are two faced and that makes for a crowded house out there in those tiny units at Springchase. There are so many personality's in that house it must be like being at a Bruce Springsteen concert.
Thank you God. We have choices, this is America, we vote, don't we?
Every citizen in Salisbury should know why to vote for new leadership.
Every citizen who has read their tax bill, their water bill, or the police blotter, should know why to vote for new leadership.(not a puppet of the outgoing Mayor)
If you cannot do anything else for yourself, or your family, you CAN VOTE. Costs you nothing, will save you alot. Don't say "my vote does not matter" oh yes it does. Don't say "I hate this political stuff" your VOTE is the only thing that can create change.
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