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Monday, January 19, 2009

Tilghman v Albero


The trial date has been re-scheduled, the new date is Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 9:00 a.m."

This just came in from my Attorneys. I truly can't wait, can you?


Anonymous said...

That's election day for the primary. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Can You promote this like a Fernando Boxing Match? It should be held in a ring at the civic center for all to watch

Anonymous said...

I hope you smear her like her daddy should have done.

Anonymous said...

She won't go to court on election day. She has to see if her boy makes it through the primary.

Anonymous said...

I'll vote early, then come over, ROTFL!

Anonymous said...

Why the postponement Joe? Hasn't she had enough time already?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that her lawyers are not being paid by our tax dollars. Another corrupt
politian to go along with the rest of these thieves. How are any of these crooks any different than terrorist.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it. I just hope that, after all this time, she actually gives you your day in court. I believe that she will pull out at the last minute, and if not postpone again, then let it go. She won't allow you to embarass her, but stopping now would involve having to eat too big a crow.
She MUST know she can't win, even if she really really really wants to. It must suck to be her right now.

Anonymous said...

Barrie Tilghman filed this suit on July 10, 2007. Do you mean to tell me her lawyers are so slow they can't put a simple suit together in a year and a half? Could it be her lawyers are milking her for all they can get because they know they can not win? If that is the case, GOOD FOR THEM. Someone will be getting something out of that woman, the taxpayers certainly haven't.

Anonymous said...

She's nuts! Joe, I know you'll come out of this with flying colors!

Anonymous said...

Im sure shes just licking her chops thinking of all the money she will be getting from all of us having to pay for parking. Im sure the meter maids will be in full force that day. BRING lots of quarters they will probably try to have us there as long as they can.

Anonymous said...

I thought you should know that the Delmar Fire Department has banned your web site on all their computers.

DFD Member & Employee

joe albero said...

anonymous 4:33,

While this is a shame, it won't last long.

joe albero said...

Hey David, call up there now and ask if they can access It's up and running.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:33

There goes DFD flexing their muscles again....geesh!

Anonymous said...

She's been hitting the county liquor stores pretty frequently lately. She goes to more than one store so she thinks she's fooling people making it look like she's not in there that much.

However, many part time employees float, they don't always work at the same store. They go to the store they are needed for other employee's vacations, sick days etc. So many can work at all three stores in one week.

Like the rest of us, she probably thinks they are just stupid taxpayers and citizens that won't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Why does the person who brings suit against some one post pone the trial date ?

Wouldnt this cause the case to be dropped ? What a waiste of our courts time and money.

Can you recover any monies you have been forced to spend in defending your self Joe ?

She is a prime example of abusing the courts. And she should be held accountable for what she is trying to do .

Reschedule ! Come on. What was her excuse for not proceding with the suit in the first place ? Games are for twix silly rabbit !

Anonymous said...

Im not sure how it all works, but I do know with email spam filters sometimes they mistakenly block the wrong thing. I think maybe that is what is happening SOME are not meaning to block this site but the filter picks up something and it gets blocked. Its just matter of telling the computer it's wrong lol