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Monday, January 19, 2009

Seacrets Hosts Fundraiser For Brooke Mulford March 7th


Anonymous said...

just a question... does the family have health insurance or are they paying it on their own.. if they are we are going to have to raise a lot more money

joe albero said...

I don't want to speak for the Mulfords and hopefully they chime in here and explain the situation.

It's a FAIR question and a response directly by the Family is the ONLY answer.

Anonymous said...

I kind of have the same thought about all of this. I have my own business and have to pay all my own health insurance, which by the way is VERY expensive each month and pays very little it seems unless there is a catastrophe. I have known many families where they had HUGE medical bills facing them, including myself and DID NOT receive ANY money from the citizens of Salisbury. My child was born prematuraly and spent time up in Baltimore along with the medical bills that followed and I did not receive one nickel from Joe Public. Am I missing something with this?

emo said...

9:40pm To answer your question, I would say you are missing A WHOLE LOT! So, are you saying that just because a few individuals decided to act NOW instead of waiting for something to happen, as you and many people have done in the past, that Salisbury should not support us in an effort to expose Neuroblastoma and try to raise money to pay for costs not covered by insurance?

It is a real shame that you or anyone should have such a burden placed on them. Insurance doesn't cover everything. The moneys being raised are going towards paying for Brooke's medical costs and any other costs associated with staying in a hospital for weeks on end.

There is no absolute cure for this disease. This fight will be a long one. We need all the help we can get.

Just so you and everyone is aware, we are in the process of establishing a foundation here that will benefit not only Brooke, but children with similar conditions for years to come.

One question for you, "What did you, your friends, the families you speak of, or any of their friends do to help in their time of need? Did they form a foundation? Did they contact the United Way? Did they reach out to your's and their friends and business partners?"

It sounds to me the answer here is not much if anything.

I can't help it that I don't know you or your family or those that need help that you speak of. I know Rob, Amy and Brooke. Am I just supposed to sit back and do nothing because no one did anything for you? Please don't turn something good like helping a little girl in need into something where people begin to doubt the righteousness of Team Brooke's efforts.

Eric Morris

Anonymous said...

Amen Eric!
-Kim Riggin

Anonymous said...

Very erudite, Eric.

Anonymous said...

Well said Eric.

The Eastern Shore - not just Salisbury - has always been such a great place for community outreach. It is unfortunate when help does not reach those that need it but in majority cases of those times, the person(s) either did not make the community aware or did not ask for the help. Fortunately for the Mulfords, they happen to be friends with and know a large group of movers and shakers in Salisbury. It is times like these that residents should be proud of their close knit community and not bash it for doing good.

Even if the money donated goes directly to ACS and none directly to the Mulfords, which is not the case from what I understand, it would be funding research programs, clinical trials, support programs, etc.

Anonymous said...

Amen Eric! Well said brother!

Chimera said...

Whether you pay for your own coverage or not,insurance doesn't pay DICK,especially when it comes to serious chronic ailments.They make their stockholders fat by either underpaying or denying claims.
When my daughter,then 3,got something in her eyes that almost blinded her,I incurred several thou in medical bills and while the opthamologists office got paid,the hospital never did.So now I am trying to pay off a $2000 bill that insurance SHOULD HAVE covered,on top of paying like $100 a week for the worthless coverage.Thats a drop in the bucket compared to all the "non-covered" services associated with a childhood cancer and believe me,there is alot that even the best policies will not cover. Any expiremental treatments that might hold out hope for Brooke will definitely be out of pocket.Ease up,people.

Anonymous said...

I guess I just did not know enough Mover and Shakers.
Unfortunately I was on my own back then as a parent (single parent) and basically footed ALL the medical bills/insurance. I sure did not expect such a rude response from Mr. Morris! Obviously he is one of those Movers and Shakers!!!
However, I have made it on my own after all the expenses that I was faced with back then.

emo said...

If you were offended by my response, I sincerely apologize. I wasn't trying to take anything away from your blight. Kudos to you for enduring hard ship alone.

I wish you had someone back then to help you. Perhaps a "mover and shaker" as you like to call it.

On the other hand, I truly am disheartened by the lack of sensitivity of your remarks earlier today. It is obvious to me though, that I do not stand alone. The fact is, unfortunately, you are not the first person to say such things.

Let's just agree to focus on the matter at hand and not deliberately or accidentally offend each other in the future.

In any sense, thanks Joe for posting a response. Perhaps if this person cared to step from behind the curtain someday, I will gain the opportunity to apologize in person.

In addition, it is really reflective of your character, seeing as you have been in the Mulford's position yourself.

If you read my previous response again, you will see that our intentions are beyond helping Brooke. It's unfortunate that your dilemma did not happen next year, perhaps we could help you. If your comments have in any way inhibited one person to reconsider their donation, SHAME ON YOU!

Eric Morris

tedh said...

Eric, never ever listen to an (censored for Joe's new policy) that hides behind the anonymous label. They are cowards to let us know who they are.

Anonymous said...

I too have heard a few comments similar to "I had a child that was faced with a catastrophic illness, and no one gave her a bonfire benefit or walk." Though I am extremely sympathetic to these families with like circumstances, my only response to that is those families with similar comments did not have friends step up and help out. Rob and Amy have had nothing to do with these fundraising events. They have all been done by the work of friends.

Anonymous said...

Typical Engineer! Has to analyze EVERYTHING!

One response throws you over the edge!

Thats why I am single! Dealt with an engineer in my life and everything I said, he analyzed Get a life!

emo said...

9:35 Hmmmm. Think I will leave developing a witty response for that to my supporters. I have more important things to do than stoop to your level. Have at it folks!

Anonymous said...

I would hate to be in the Mulford's shoes. They haven't asked for anything, but prayers for their daughter. Through the thoughtfulness of friends that know the financial burden that lies ahead, they are receiving help. They should not be questioned about their insurance or finances. They are not seeking to make a profit. They didn't ASK for money. Their friends have pulled together and gotten the community involved, which I think is amazing.
Within one week of hearing about Brooke, I saw HOPE and HELPFULNESS in Salisbury. Something I wasn't sure was around here anymore. It is here and I'm proud to be in this community! No one has to answer any questions for me...I'll help in anyway that I can!

Anonymous said...

To not actively support a cause is one's choice. To actually take the time to bash such a wonderful cause it is just...evil. I'm sorry that you didn't have any friends that stepped up for you in your time of need. But then again, based on your comments and malicious nature, I clearly see why this is the case. Please aim your cynicism elsewhere. This is not the place for it.

Anonymous said...

9:40 did not question where friends and family were in their time of need. The question was "Where was Joe Public?". If the efforts are of the community every member of the community should be helped in this way, unfortunatley that is not the case. Some people are sure to feel's human nature. Instead of bashing and belittling this person(which you did), why not make it a point to keep these efforts coming for the the next family in need. If your motives are in the right place(attention on the ones in need) you could help a lot of families. It is amazing what you have accomplished for Brooke, keep up the good work!

emo said...


A couple of questions:

Where in my response do you NOT interpret that we are going to help the next family in need?

"Just so you and everyone is aware, we are in the process of establishing a foundation here that will benefit not only Brooke, but children with similar conditions for years to come."

We are in the midst of formalizing a foundation for others as well.

Are you inferring that Brooke does not need help? Or that someone else needs it more? Good luck trying to help EVERY member of the community. No one has been forced to help. Those that have given in most cases were not even solicited. They have given because of the personal impact Brooke and her family has had on them.

Did this person 9:40 ask Joe Public? Did their friends or family?

I appreciate your compliments, but I am confused as to your motives for this post.

Eric Morris
Team Brooke

Anonymous said...

You seem to be the one doing the interpreting and inferring. Don't read so much into everything.I had no motives just observations. Your first reaction seems be on the defensive...not sure why.There was no malicious intent from me towards you whatsoever. Sorry if I offended.

Anonymous said...

As someone on the outside who didn't know the parents of Brooke on a personal level but knows Brooke I would have to say How dare anyone dive into weither or not she is worthy of our time effort or poket change. This girl is amazing! For someone no older than she is she is wise beyond her years. Everytime she walked through the doors of the establishment I work at she brought with her this light and vivacity that I had never seen in a child. I believe somewhere your bitterness has taken over and you have forgotten the real reason for this entire endevor. This isnt about you or Mr. and Mrs. Mulford this is about Brooke an innocent little girl who never asked to get sick and be taken away from her home, family and friends. The foundation is about other children like Brooke who never asked for these things either. I suggest that when you go home to your son or daughter you think about what you have said and the next time they smile think about if something in their bodies that they had no control over could one day dim the light in their eyes. Personally I support the Mulfords and other families going through rough times like this because it takes a vilage...!