How ironic is this??
They don't even believe in Christ and they're getting their own
Christmas stamp, but don't dream of posting the ten commandments on federal
USPS New Stamp
This one is impossible to believe. Scroll down for the text.
If there is only one thing you forward today.....let it be this!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon !
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in Saudi Arabia !
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa !
REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!
REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on 9/11/2001!
REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!
Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class Holiday postage stamp.
REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp: When purchasing your stamps at the post office. To use this stamp would be
a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.
What if? What if all of those Muslim attacks were false flag attacks, done by the Zionists to get the stupid American Killers to exterminate all of the Muslims?
How would any of us know? Maybe if we got our news (our version of reality) from somewhere other than a Zionist Main Stream News Corporation???? But how will we do that, if all of the Networks are controlled by the Zionists? Jesus Christ said to the Sadducees, You are liars, like your father, Satan.
I put this into Snopes and indeed it is a real stamp but it has been around for seven years and is not a Christmas stamp.
Let them use the stamp - its only 37 cents! Its the USPS's way of screwing the towelheads by losing their mail for insufficient postage! lol Maybe the government mail monopoly finally got smart on domestic mail security! lol It is certainly from years ago because its like 47 cents to mail a letter these days-I still wouldn't use one though...
And Adolph Hitler was a Christian. Do you not Celebrate Christmas?? Yes, Because one bad Christian does not represent the people as a whole. This is what is wrong with America. Always trying to "rise up" and start battles that are pointless and can't be won to begin with. I happen to know several very nice Muslims and I think they deserve to have their holidays on stamps, too. After all they are Americans, too.
The hate mongering toward Muslims and Jews on this blog by commenters is scarier than hell. (Hitler said the same "Zionists control XYZ" all the time, too.)
Loot at anonymous 8:23 trying to stir the sh!t on this post.ROTFLMAO! Ooooooh, it's so scary.
I'm much more likely to boycott religious BIGOTS like YOU.
Seriously. What the hell is the matter with you? This is contemptible. It's the sort of thing I'd expect would be posted on a KKK, White Power type of website. Not here. Shame on you.
ROTFLMAO @ anonymous 9:12
Joe. 8:23 is kind of correct-but that isn't my point. Save your outrage regarding what is ON the stamp-focus instead on HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO BUY ONE....and then think about how much junk mail/unsolicited ads, etc. you have to throw away after every trip to the mailbox just to endure the un-ending sadness of paying your monthly bills. {BTW..although I am not currently in bed with the Zionists, I had some really really great collaborations while in college.} Discuss.
The truth is not always wrapped nice and neat in a little box. Christian,Muslim,Buddist all religions seem to breed violence. Look at the world today and tell me 90% of the problems arent caused by religion. Its a fkn joke, a brainwashing, a myth. Believe in mother nature and all her glory, and believe in yourself. These are things that we SEE everyday. The world has to much religion and not enough common-sense
This post, like many posts, has no real merit. Muslims are just as much a part of this country as Christians. This country was founded upon the philosophy of religious freedom, so I find it ironic that someone who always tries to come off as a patriot is quick to throw his fellow Americans under the bus. You can't cast out an entire group of people because of a few bad apples. As a Christian nation, we've participated in a few acts of senseless killing ourselves, both on our own soil and around the world. I wish some people, like Joe, would leave the safe haven of Delmarva once in awhile to realize that where we live, rural America, is now the minority and not everyone in this country is as small minded as the posts on this blog are.
By the way, glad that someone pointed out it is a .37 stamp, so this "news" is quite dated. As well, please stop using the ROTFLMAO, LOL, LMAO, etc. Joe...it makes you look like a 12 year old on Instant Messenger in 1997.
Anon 9:48 Sure you're not grannydragon? It sound like Paganism what you're preaching.
It aint Granny-Dragon, and Im not preaching anything. Simply explaining my wiew-point on it all. Personally I dont care if you find your truth, In your mirror at all. I quit caring. Your mirror has nothing to do with any God, it has to do with you and only you.
Um... of COURSE they believe in Christ. They believe Christ is their 3rd greatest prophet, behind Mohammed and Abraham. They just don't believe he was the son of God like Christians do, but they honor and respect Jesus as a prophet of Islam. Please understand the religion you hate... maybe you won't hate it so much if you rid yourself of ignorance.
In addition, why is everything put as "REMEMBER the MUSLIM..." Are you under the impression that ALL Muslims were behind these attacks? What if I posted something that said: "REMEMBER the CHRISTIAN abortion clinic bombings. REMEMBER the CHRISTIAN Oklahoma City bombing." Would you support me framing those attacks that way? Of course you wouldn't.
You are being divisive, smearing a group of 1.2 billion people for the actions of a minuscule minority of them, and pushing forth a hateful dialogue.
Finally, there are stamps for ALL major religions... why should Islam not get one?
PLEASE, people. Is this really that important?
Let's talk about how much waste there is in government, particularly the city of Sby.
Let people buy whatever stamp they want. There are such important issues right now. This ain't one.
(Wheres the ignorance).
What are you talking about?
anonymous 10:50,
Disagreeing = Hate, are you that stupid?
I disagree with my Wife at times, I don't hate her. I disagree with many people and I don't hate them either. This is the problem with young Americans today. Everything is simply black and white to you.
You should consider it healthy debate and not hatred.
REMEMBER the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland who regularly bombed each other to smithereens in the last 100 years.
Like it or not, one's religion of choice is a protected right here in my United States of America, and I might not agree with it but (like someone famous once said) I'll defend with my life their right to say it.
I was talking to 10:44 Joe, Boy did you take that the wrong way. Look at it again.
The pig is using the cow as muscle against you. BTW-I think 10:50 is also 7:32, but cant find the "not equal" or question mark button on the keyboard. I think they posted a response that may have appropriately been interpreted as "hate mongering." The First Amendment allows this kind of speech, so the original poster countered that just because she/he disagreed, they should not be labelled as indulging in neither "hateration" nor "holleration." I think they just need to master sarcasm or use of the question mark to make their point clearly. As for the content of their speech, well....that is their "intellectual" property alone, but I agree with CC.
You people don't know what Zionism is anyway. If you don't know what your talking about, be quiet.
classifying all Muslims as 'the enemy' is hate, plain and simple.
And, I noticed you didn't actually address any points... you just painted yourself as the victim. Nice.
Isn't Zionism the passionate, peaceful philosophy of unity expressed/espoused by the Jewish faith, displaced throughout all diverse countries across the planet, to one day re-unite proudly in their sacred home territory, the "State of Israel?" (or something). To play devil's advocate, how would you respond if African-Americans wanted to so passionately return to their perceived homeland-or isn't there already a cruel joke, or two, in this regard?
Muslims do believe in Jesus. Just not that he is the son of god.
Plus, this looks like a seasons greetings stamp. not a specific Christmas stamp. capitalism actually created the christmas season. Christians just happen to celebrate the birth of Christ durring the same time.
10:06, be assured that when I post something, I do not hide behind "anonymous." When I post something, I stand behind it.
Bet your panties are all in a wad to find that someone besides me shares my views.
5:29. You don't get off that easy with me: PROVIDE YOUR DEFINITION, THEN. Then maybe we can compare and contrast thoughts.
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