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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Two Sentz is Here!

So here goes nothing. I am throwing my hat into the ring, one of the three rings of the circus that has come to be known as SBYnews. Thanks for the invite Joe. I have watched this site grow over the past year or so and I saw the discussion (or lack there of) grow in intensity as the election drew near. Some of the commenters on here were down-right bigoted, racist, ignorant low-lifes. No offense if that’s you. And of course, many comments from my side (the blue or Democratic side) were never allowed to be seen. I know that infuriated many people, myself included. So I started my own blog called “Two Sentz – Spreading the Blue Truth” where we allow all comments uncensored and in real-time. Joe has informed me that I am not allowed to link to it so you’ll have to “Google” it. Let me also add that Two Sentz will still be my main endeavor so keep checking it, but I will occasionally post here to.

Along the way at Two Sentz we picked up a troll who constantly played devil’s advocate and purposely tried to get under our skin by using racist and derogatory comments when referring to Barack Obama, democrats, liberals etc. He did raise good questions though, as many do here. Here is an excerpt from a Two Sentz discussion between this Anonymous troll and myself. First the troll:

Come on here guys what the heck? I see you spilling half truths more than a little. How about that drug screen for all the money you will give away, how about abortion for birth control, come on you guys convinced a bunch of people who if they had to take a reading writing test would flat out fail, bunch of dead beats looking for more. Once the general public sees their money taken, how bout your 401k (if you have saved) more worthless individuals getting cash for nothing, and lets not forget public safety against our enemies. Why do you think they wanted him elected, because like Jimmy Carter they will attack and we will cower under this guy. Besides how does someone like him attend Princeton and the public trough of course. I bet half you guys are unemployed and waiting for your check. So all you guys, until you are willing to talk turkey about Chicago crime rate, until you will address the homegrown terrorist he hangs with, until you are willing to discuss the drug testing for public money, AND LETS NOT FORGET THE BIRTH CERT. Has anyone seen a copy or the original of this document? Keep giving it away, then when they come for yours you can all live together. No you guys will kill yourselves at the public trough. NOT ONE OF YOU HAS THE STONES TO DISCUSS THE ISSUES I PUT FORTH.

As you can see, he brought up lots of issues worthy of discussion but like many of the threads I have read here, it is more like a rambling tirade instead of civil discussion. Well I couldn’t let this go unanswered so I had to give him my response. This should give you some insight as to my opinions and position on some issues and hopefully it will serve as a good introduction of me to you the readers.

Drug screening for handouts? I assume you mean the "public trough" you speak of. That is SOOO broad; if you want to talk about it we need to narrow it down some. I will pick one example for us: unemployment. Let's say a drug addict got fired and applied for unemployment. Let’s also say he had a wife and three kids and he was the bread winner and the only way he could provide in the immediate future was to apply for unemployment. Would you be ok with his young children going hungry if he failed a drug test? They didn't do anything wrong. Would it be fair to punish them? Would they have some other assistance? I do think in general it is a great idea but there are problems. Logistically it would be a major undertaking. It would probably create a whole new industry. Who would pay for the drug test? Would all the test administrators in effect be getting a government handout for doing the tests? In some cases it would be easy to enforce and others it would be very hard. Some instances might be scholarships, Medicare, welfare, social security, maybe more. What if certain drugs were legal? Would you be fine with pot heads getting scholarships? If no, maybe your problem is more with drug abuse. Anyway, that is a huge topic.

Abortion for birth control? First of all, abortions reached their peak as a percentage in 1982 and in actual numbers in 1990 and have been on the decline ever since. That is great. I am personally against abortion and would never encourage any woman to have one. I know a few women who have had one and none of them are happy about it. They all wish they had kept it. If you read up on it I think you will find that is the sentiment. It is really devastating and to suggest that women just willy-nilly get them instead of using birth control I think is misguided. I guess the real question is Roe v Wade? I don’t think it will be overturned. I think abortion will happen regardless, they always have. Do you try to make it safer while continuing to make it rarer or do you make women go rogue? I don’t know. Whose interest is at heart? The mother or the unborn? I don’t think it can be both and there is where the choice comes in and thus the division. Another huge topic and one I think has two components, the legal and the moral. I’d love to get more into this but this damn post is so long already.

The 401k’s? You can see my post for my thoughts on that:

I don’t think we will “cower” behind this guy. I don’t think we will be as combative either. I think we will find a better and more respectable balance.

Attending Princeton and Harvard? Scholarships and loans of course. Plus he had to get some pretty damn good grades. Even if I could afford those schools, I doubt I could have gotten in? Could you? I don’t know if affirmative action helped him if you were implying that.

None of us here are unemployed. We are all married too and all but one has kids.

So, as for the comparison with Chicago and Iraq. Are you comparing civilian deaths to civilian deaths? Iraq has more. Military deaths to military deaths? Iraq has more. All deaths? Iraq has more. Civilian to military? Apples to oranges. Remember too, Barack Obama doesn’t work for the Chicago police force either. I would blame law enforcement, not him. Look at D.C.’s crime rate. Do you blame George Bush?

Bill Ayers. What can I say? Try You can find supporting arguments for either side on the internet. I think Barack is telling the truth. I trust Barack. And why isn’t anyone up in arms about Bill Ayers being a college professor then, if he is so bad? Just saying.

And the birth certificate, well, I suggest you take a trip to the State records office of Hawaii if you still have doubt. According to, it’s actually undetermined if McCain is a natural born citizen since he was born in Panama. I say whatever, he is obviously an American.

So my “stones” are now on the table here at SBYnews. I hope that table doesn’t turn out to be a chopping block and I end up regretting this decision. Oh, and this anonymous commenter never did reply back to the points I raised so if you are out there, let’s see what you got, Jack. And sorry for the excessively long post, I know most people don't want to bother with ones this long. Thank you if you are still reading.


Anonymous said...

Well at least you brought your ego with ya.

Anonymous said...

I do hope you have much better arguments and facts than those yellow bellied liberals on the horrible dt. I am so tired of talking points, from both sides. if you have facts, great, i would love to debate. You should love the way we are headed, real fascism...privately owned and government controlled..

Anonymous said...

Welcome Two Sentz. This could be fun. Reading both sides of an issue in one place. I look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

When speaking of drug tests for government handouts, would this also include drug testing the CEOs and farmers for all the corporate welfare this country provides? As for abortion, don't like them, never had one, but I still want to reserve the right to choose what happens to my body. If we can legislate what half the country can or cannot do with their bodies, can we also legislate giving men hormone treatments to reduce their testoterone levels because that causes them to be violent and commit crimes? Think how many lives could be saved if we could reduce or eliminate the aggression in men. Yes, it's a too simple argument, women commit crimes too. I'm just trying to point out, if you think it's okay to control one person's body, then it should be okay to control another person's body.

FriendWhosADem said...

Hello Two Sentz,
As a Democrat, (moderate) I've been following the sbynews path of Republicanism throughout the election season, and on MANY occasions have gotten frustrated by the obvious slant. When that would happen, I'd just move my cursor to the upper right corner where the "X" is, and slam it. Took care of my irritation most of the time.
Having said that, sbynews HAS absolutely changed the way things are being done here in the 'bury.
Without the sunlight Joe has been shining on the borderline corrupt city government, no change would be in the air. Bless him for that.
AND, I have to say, there have been very few comments which didn't make their way onto the blog, to his credit. It is HIS blog, after all.
Welcome to the middle, Two Sentz AND Joe Albero. It's kinda nice here.

Anonymous said...

First let me say that #1 I am not a troll, but I do get frustrated when people throw out things and then have no stones to discuss the issues. also this is only part of the the media some only bring forth what they want you to hear in a sound bite. "Someone like him go to Princton and Harvard" ( I paid my own way ) what they did not say was " a person with no stong family ties, absent father, raised by grandparents" That is a guy like him, not a black man.
Abortion for birth controll, this question was asked many times and NO ONE would defend it or say what Obamas stand was.
Share the wealth, was a rally cry for the President Elect, that affects my 401 and retirement and yours , just what was the plan for that was all that was asked.
I asked about drug screen for public assistance, I take a drug test for my check just seems fair not racist to me or a bigot.
So a troll I may be if these questions are racist, but personally these are just questions that I had that you and your readers were not willing to discuss, but just pass off as "We have settled these issues go back to the noise" settled for you maybe but not for many others.
I look foreward to the many discussions that may come about but I see that they have brought all of their baggage with them. Because we are already considerd "down right bigoted, racist, ignorant low lifes"
Welcome, hope your skin is thick cause Joe calls em like he sees em!

Anonymous said...

Yes we know how you liberals like your MSM so you can here what you want. SHEEPLE BAAAAA

Anonymous said...


sentz mentioned racism once, and you mentioned it 3 times.

Guilty conscience?

Anonymous said...


What does the MSM have to do with anything in this post?

Anonymous said...

11:46 not at all if you read the whole thing you would know that I was very close to a black lady and her husband(NaNa and PaPa)But the term Racist is just a bad label when you really don't know them. I used it to make a point, but it was used to make me look like a Troll. Personally that is just as bad. If you get public money than stand in line for your P cup, I do and they should also

Two Sentz said...

11:46 sorry, must have had you confused with someone else (the real troll). If you post w/ a screen name, it wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Two Sentz.

Just one request. Please don't continue to post such long posts.
I am one of those that usually don't bother with them.
I know that I might be missing out on a really good post, but I don't have time to sit and read, read and read (logging on from work so have to be kinda quick).

Again, welcome!

Anonymous said...

Go Two Sentz! Maybe now we can get some of our responses in here. I don't mean the ones with bad language--in my opinion, all of those should be disallowed. But I have had quite a few comments blocked that are respectful but simply disagree with some of the posts here (many having to do with the constant nonsense about Obama's birth certificate). So three cheers for a liberal voice of reason!

Anonymous said...


Then you should tell Joe to allow Sentz to post links in his posts so that the front page article doesn't have to include every single bit of information.

You know, just like he lets G.A. do.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a liberal voice of reason. A wise man once said a conservative has to see it to believe it but a liberal has to believe it to see it.

Anonymous said...

Liberals emphasize reason and compassion. Many of the comments on this blog offer neither.

Anonymous said...


And that comment is why you guys lost the last election and are in the minority in both houses of Congress.

But, by all means, keep shooting yourself in the foot... it just means more elections tow in for us dirty liberals.

Two Sentz said...

"would this also include drug testing the CEOs and farmers for all the corporate welfare this country provides"

Great question. I'm sure plenty of CEO's like a bump now and then. The way they run things, it seems like they are all on drugs.

"I'm just trying to point out, if you think it's okay to control one person's body, then it should be okay to control another person's body."

Also a great point and a real contratiction since men usually make the laws. It has to make you think. Abortion will remain legal for a long time and should in a 'free' country.

Anonymous said...


Just because liberals offer reason and compassion doesn't mean that their policies are any more intelligent because of it.

Anonymous said...

two sentz have you ever heard of the saying "contempt prior investigation shows ignorance" I have read that you wrote that you trust obahma.How can you make a informed opinion about someone who has been so evasive about them self? What did you draw your conclusion on ? Facts are facts. If I were to claim that i'm the best choice for president would you take me at my word ? Why take his ? I think you better lay off the kool-aid huh? Sorry if this pegs you and you feel offence at my comment.Hows that for a twist? I don't like being robbed,even if it is by our government.And this is exactly what the dems are doing. I guess when you all wake up from the effects of your delusions you will some how blame us for your stupidity. Stop being so blind. Or maybe you'll understand better if I write it in a way you can understand......Baaa baa baa baa baaaa ba baaaa.

Two Sentz said...

Facts are facts, and opinions are opinions. Which category does your comment fall into? It certainly has plenty of name calling. Nice job on that.

The election is over and you will have a new President in about a month. Now, what are YOU going to do to to support him and help heal the divisions we face and bring this country back to the standing it belongs in?

Anonymous said...

Welcome Two Sentz. I'm glad Joe is inviting the other points of view onto this blog.
Thanks Joe
Thanks Two Sentz

Anonymous said...

Though I did not author the post 2cents is referring to, I feel compelled to say that it isn't my job nor is it anybody else's to support him just because he is president. Over 48 million didn't vote for the guy so don't expect us to keel over and gracefully welcome him with open arms. If he wants to win us over, then I would suggest he do that through policy, which includes not doing half of what he campaigned for. But that's just me. As far the divisions we face, I will let him draw the lines. If he wants to "go for the gold" and not compromise on anything, then he's effectively doing more harm then good in this department. As for bringing this country back to the standing it belongs in, well I guess you could say this is a loaded question. Yes, we have lost support of some nations overseas but you must ask yourself if the cost of trying to win these other nations over outweighs the benefits (if any) of having their support.

Anonymous said...

Just what Joe needs, another assh*** to help beat people up, stir sh++, and profess to be someone.

Anonymous said...

I will not support ANYONE or group that openly robs me blind thank you very much.And if you are than I got some ocean front property in Arizona for to buy ....real cheep,lol.

Muir W. Boda said...


The government's responsibility is to protect the individual from force or fraud.

The question would be Two Sentz, does an unborn child deserve that protection and should they be extended human rights?

Anonymous said...

anon 9:49, WTF does that mean, you must be on another blog LOL

Anonymous said...

Well two no sentz. I gues i will be the first to call it like a true child of the ghetto. I was raised in Baltimore City by a single mother who worked nights to support us. I suffered the embarassment of food stamps and the free lunch programs. I will say my mother continued to work continually moving as i grew older to better neighborhoods. My mother also taught me "work by the sweat of thy brow" Never lift your hand to women or stick a needle in your arm. Never judge anyone that is God's Job. All three of her children went on to college no free rides. All three took honorous career paths. I was stabbed twice in my teens. I saw numerous products of the welfare system drugged and no signs of getting better. I will say this the temperary assistance helped but pride and courage wont be learned from any welfare cheese and pasta. It wont be learned by college educated sandle wearing liberals with thier beards and stories of working the hood. What make us 'We Humans " so unique is free thinking it does not cost a dime. The drug addict didnt need to pull podwer up his nose or stick a needle in his arm. The pregnant 15 year old could have kept her legs closed or at least got on that free pill. There are some with five kids and five different babies daddies. Hmmm Just a thought. I'd rather dig ditches from sun up to sun down than take a dollar that is not mine or at least that I can pay back. The free ride system has failed and dramatic changes need to be made. To the men and women who rise daily to provide for thier family and take a sense of responsibility there needs to be the reward. I just think third generation welfare becomes fourth generation welfare. The old saying give a man a fish he is full for a day, teach that man to fish he is fed for a life time. I just think that these social advocates all seem to be from upper middle or wealthy families. The guilt they feel because someone in thier life made the right choices. I have abosolutely no guilt for those enslaved hundreds of years ago by people I dont know. Its like saying that my great great grandfather murdered someone and I should bear his guilt. Again free thinking humans made bad choices that I refuse to pay homage to. I will do anything for anyone trying to help themselves. I wont give a drug addict his next hit. The family you describe send the male to a mandatory rehab/ vocational treatment center. Feed his family and aid them. Then when he is right to be a responsible person and makes the right choice to work let him pay some portion back for the next guy. Why do we who work so hard to survive have to pay for those who take the short cut. I will never give in the the mind set of continuing enabling of a bad situation. Soap and water are cheap and pride and intergrity are free. take a close look at the labor force in this country most of them are from else where where welfare does not happen. Hence they come here for what they still cal the American Dream. This is still and all ways will be the land of the free and oppurtunity. If one is to believe the story of Obamah then one has to believe in this system. A person regardless of race, religon, or economic status can do what ever he or she sets thier mind to do. There are thousands if not millions of stories of sucess in this land of the free. All one needs to do is drop the you owe me because and roll up thier sleeves and work for what is theres to have. We all suffer many hardships on this journey we call life. It is what we take and learn and impliment along the way that makes the journey worthwhile. No one ever became a winner taking the easy rode

Anonymous said...

A few things here bother me. They talk about drug testing and if we did that the poor kids would suffer.. Ok lets stop all drug testing. If peoples jobs require them to get drug testing why shouldn't someone that is on assistance have to have drug testing. Im all for that person driving an 18 wheeler down the highway not having a drug test.... NOT, but we can't put them out of work if they fail that drug test because of the poor kids..... let them keep drying. As far as abortion someone said "As for abortion, don't like them, never had one, but I still want to reserve the right to choose what happens to my body."
Well maybe people should be responsible and CHOOSE to use birth control and not rely on abortion as a form of birth control.

Mardela said...

Welcome Two Sentz.

Never cut your idea short from fear of making a post too long. If you are replying to someone's comment and you think it's going long, create a new post with that topic in mind. It's much more important to get out your thoughts than to cut short the thought. It seems like an excuse.

Why do women think that abortion is just about them and their body? What about the man involved? He might want the child and should be given the oppertunity. Then what about the child? Do we really think that it's not a living person until its delivered? I think it's quite selfish to think that having a baby is just about the woman and her body.

Drug testing. I agree that anyone receiving a government check should be screened for illegal drugs. It should be random just like the military or police do. The purpose is not to deny the money, but to help the person using through other programs to get them off the drug. For evey one person using drugs, there are 8other criminals because of it. This is because of the crimes that are committed by the dealers, gangs, thiefs and robbers. Most drug users commit crimes in order to feed their habit. Additionally, the person receiving the government check is trapped by the broken system of dependance. Government assistance should be a hand to help pick a person up, not to carry one for a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I believe assistance should be provided to our elderly that have worked all of their lives but were not at an income level to have 401k's or IRA's or other investment tools. These people have earned the right to live at a comfortable level until their demise. By comfortable I mean, they should have the necessities, water, heat, food, electric, medical certainly not plasma tv's or other luxuries. The basics is what they probably lived on most of their working lives but at least they worked, they paid their dues and their taxes. I've seen to many in their 70's and 80's that had to make a choice, medicine or food. They should not have to make this choice.

Then there are those that are just plain flat out to lazy to get out of bed and get their hands dirty. They should get what they give...nada, zip, zilch. They should absolutely have to be drug tested before having funds released to them. DSS could use those test kits that are used at home by parents.

Give nothing away. If you don't earn it, you don't deserve it.

Two Sentz said...

In the case a pregnency being dangerous to the health of the mother, who has more rights under the constitution? The mother (w/ name, ssn, etc) or the unborn? That is the main legal question IMO.

Mardela, I like your idea of random screening. That would be a good solution and will be my new position.

And to the single mom from Charm Ciry, sounds like you've had it rough but you are making the best of it.

Chimera said...

Con-Tro-versy!LOL-Welcome aboard dude!
And btw,I agree that people getting welfare should be drug-tested to keep their checks,after all I and the rest of the working class have to take those same tests to keep our jobs-and without us working,who would support them?I have personally seen too many people with those nifty food stamp cards in their wallets at the local store buying Blunt cigars by the handful.Pot is harmless but if they cannot pay their own rent why should they be able to smoke up all day while the rest of us toil?