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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Calling In 'Gay' To Work Is Latest Form Of Protest

SAN FRANCISCO — Some same-sex marriage supporters are urging people to "call in gay" Wednesday to show how much the country relies on gays and lesbians, but others question whether it's wise to encourage skipping work given the nation's economic distress.,2933,464024,00.html


Anonymous said...

If you REALLY want the day off, just tell them you "have the {run}s" instead-nobody wants to debate THAT issue in detail during breakfast when you are REALLY just calling in because you are hungover....not that there is anything wrong with that..

Anonymous said...

I think it is a good idea, as long as you aren't risking your job. If everyone somehow knew everyone who is gay, you would be really surprised. If you know 15 people, statistically at least one of them is gay (and that is a conservative estimate).

Anonymous said...

awsum a day without having to be around gay people...finally something we can agree on..

Anonymous said...

I agree... this is great.

I honestly do.

Anonymous said...

R-Bobby, What did you come in the back porch door.

Anonymous said...

good for them. prop 8 passing is a black mark on our Nation's recent history of fighting for civil rights.

Anonymous said...

If I don't have a full workforce tomorrow, on Thursday, the economy will show its ugly face in the HR dept! Get the hint!!

Anonymous said...

Just in case I'm showing up at work tomorrow even if I'm on my death bed. Otherwise everyone will think I'm gay. I bet my boss thought this up just to make sure everyone comes in tomorrow.

Bob said...

I don't care if a person is gay or not....that's their business. BUT if one of my employees called in "gay" to work I would consider it a refusal to come to work and they would be terminated immediately.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean if you are bi-sexual you will take a half of day off?

BossHogg said...

OK Joe

You go first

Anonymous said...

Hey look, dissenters; I am just telling you the BEST way to get a day off if you gotta', gotta' have it(try to eat eggs benedict/french toast at 7 a.m. while one of your employees unexpectedly phones in to tell you the "consistency of early morning exported products from his South Pole office.")-you have to admit my excuse is better than the old Ferris Bueller "licking your palms" bit. What consenting adults do behind closed doors, without harm, is their own business. Just be careful you don't ultimately get televised (either way) later that day, on national t.v., catching a foul ball at the O's/Nat's daytime gig though.....

Anonymous said...

They talk about not being singled out and then go and single them selves out.I guess their own sexual 2nd guessing isn't their only issue they are confused about.Personally I don't believe GOD makes mistakes and if a person is born a sex than they should'nt second guess what GOD has predetermened for them to be.Just say HO NO to the HO mo's.Anything for attention (even if it means entering through the exit door) hahahaha.Whats next....the rights of a human to have sex with animals ? I think its just a persons lack of parenting that has started this entire begin with.Come on , lets get real.

Anonymous said...

3:21 - Back into your hatred hole with you!

Anonymous said...

3:21 represents the voice of your chromosomes on local water; that "s" is bad for you (my friends). BTW if those conservative estimates are correct (It is probably more like 1in 10 or 12, not 15); would you allow "Medic/Corpsman Number 15" to stick you with morphine after you took an AK round an ocean or two away from the momma' you start crying for (while under sustained fire theirself), call for a dust-off chopper, and stop the bleeding on your sucking chest wound; or would that hurt your pride too much to ask and/or tell? Free your mind and whatever might shouldn't require too much heavy lifting.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:21,
While I wouldn't presume to say that you might be evidence that God does make mistakes . . . there's you and the duckbill platypus.

Anonymous said...

That's BS, It's a slap in the face to those who are out of work. You should be glad you have a job.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:21 I'm not second guessing God when He/She/Other made a person with both sets of genitals (hermaphrodite) and I'm not second guessing God when He/She/Other put a male brain in a female body or a female brain in a male body, or any of the other numerous variations that make up the human species. I also don't second guess God when He/She/Other gave some people inferior intellects or narrow minds. I believe this is part of God's greater lesson that I, we all, as a matter of fact, need to learn how to get along with the other people occupying this planet whether we understand or agree with them.

Anonymous said...

I guess if there is a house fire in Pittsville on Wednesday we are pretty screwed.

Anonymous said...

Will this blog be taking a day off?

Anonymous said...

The queers obviously dont give a damn about their employers or coworkers. If they don't want to work, there are plenty of folks that don't even have a job right now.

Anonymous said...

Always thought it was an "illness".

Anonymous said...

I havent worked in weeks.....does this make me a flamer?

Anonymous said...

This is off topic but I have one question. I see on this and other posts about people saying they are out of work or don't have jobs. Yet they can afford the internet. Some times, you have to cut back on luxuries and cable and internet would be the first thing I would cut out to be able to afford gas to look for work and for money for groceries. Just a comment and I am not bashing. I hope you find work soon. Times are hard and jobs are even harder to find.

Anonymous said...

I'm out of work, and USING THE INTERNET I HAVE to not only look for work, but work towards going into business for myself; since nobody's hiring right now. 7:48 must be really stupid to think that the first thing to do when you're out of work is to throw away all your tools...DUMBSHIT! you just don't want to hear from the "lowlife unemployed". I sincerely you are there soon, and see what you do in a crisis. Loking for a job and creating a new business are both done better not burning gas all over town and staying home on the internet. BOY! are you stupid!

Kymba said...

Good for the gays, lesbians, bisexuals & trans-genders (GLB&T); and shame on you anonymous bloggers! Out of 24 posts, only Reese Bobby, Grand Dad & BossHogg had the veracity to put their name in front of their posts. Wake up Delmarva, GLB&T are everywhere. I live in a town with a population of less than 800 & know of two males in the 40-50 age range, another in the 30-40 age range, and still two more in the 19-23 age range within my town limits. There is also a gay pride flag in the front yard of another home, but I’m not sure if they are GLB or T, or the friend or family member of a GLB or T. One of the people in this town is my son!

Folks, this “call in gay day” isn’t about a day off of work – this is about the passing of Proposition 8. For those of you who are less versed, Prop 8 was a question of the voting ballot within the state of CA to ban gay marriages. The right was granted several years ago and I don’t understand why it was even put up to popular vote since GLB&T are not the majority. The right to legalized same sex marriage was previously granted, then revoked this past election. Where were all of the CA conservatives when same sex marriage was recognized as a legal union?

Don’t any of you even dare try to quote scripture to me (or on this blog) because the word “marriage” is not in the Bible. Yes, the Bible talks about the right and wrong of sexual relations, but it also says that a woman who is menstruating is dirty and to be avoided during menses. We don’t practice that ritual anymore. What about hermaphrodites and birth defects? Of course God creates imperfection and we accept them – eventually. GLB&T are just another example of God’s creation and we need to accept & love them as we do ourselves. Please …research Prop. 8 before ranting (& posting) about something you don’t understand because it is totally not about just a day off of work, but a recognized right to health & insurance benefits, next of kin relationships, property rights, & anything else I’ve left out that a spouse determines or is entitled to. Again, I implore everyone to take your minds from behind closed (bedroom) doors and recognize marriage, the union, and all it entitles in they eyes of the law.

Anonymous said...

Live and let live.

God bless gays, straights and us, one and all.

Being gay is not a mistake by're right.

God made gays, too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55 I am with you. Salisbury sucks for finding a job but I can do it best from my internet at home. The other person must live in a hole to not understand it is a waste of gas & time to run all over town looking for work. Most businesses don't want you to just drop in, they want a resume my email.Why would I cancel my internet when every thing associated for jobs is realted to computers.Duh.

Anonymous said...

Im getting sick of this topic actually. This was voted on BY the people before. It was voted that a marriage is between a man and a woman. The courts changed it and after that it was put back up for vote....... again it was voted down. Can I take Wed off because I didn't vote for Obama and dont like that he won? THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN...... majority rules remember? GET OVER IT

Anonymous said...

As a citizen of Gommorah, I wish this whole thing about homosexuality would just go away. Who cares what other people do in privacy? It's not like everything is going to be "shouted from the roof-tops" or anything. Also, why do we all have to deal with these nativity scenes? And why do some kids insist on praying to their god while out in public places? Can't we all just get along? The Christians can have their god, the Muslims can have theirs and on and on. Why can't everyone simply tolerate my sense of godlessness? Why do you have to insist that all of us recognize your gods? If I want to have sex with a donkey, what is it to you? As long as it's not your donkey of course.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:49

I agree, you want to be gay and get married, then move somewhere that it is legal. Don't Bitch and Cry that it is not legal here. I say let them all take the freaking day off, and then let them all get fired. Everyone is replaceable and with as many people as we have now looking for jobs, it should not be a big problem to fix! Hell, half the companies that want to lay off people, this would be where to start. All the ones that took this day!

Moon Willow said...

Uh-oh, Kymba---you might just find yourself replacing me as the "liberal shit-stirring hag" around here!

Resse Bobby, you're the coolest.

Moon Willow said...

Oh, I forgot to weigh in on this one, and since I'm so well-loved here, I know you're dying for my input...

I don't care what anyone does behind closed bedroom doors. I don't waste my time thinking about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes, whether they be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, or any combination thereof.

But call in gay, and you're fired for refusal to work and insubordination!

Anonymous said...

Hey there kimba,you have made a valid point.What you do behind closed doors is fine with me.But don't feel free to expose your twisted sex acts in front of me or my family just because you perform those sick acts in your bedroom.

Be a gay, ride the pony, live outside the box, sleep on your tummy, have sex with a donkey it really does not matter to me ,I'll be tolerant of your lude acts as long as you won't flaunt it in my face.But that isn't whats happening here is it ? I think the confused are trying to show their backsides for personal reconition.I want to know why.If it makes you happy then why insist on forcing others to see your choice at the expence of a employer being short handed of your labor?

Looky looky , I'm a sick in the head defect! And I feel sooo much better knowing that others know it.If it is a cry for help than here it is....Just say no .

Anonymous said...

Well looks like if your getting a haircut, looking to get your house re-designed or need fashion help today, your shit out of luck.

Chimera said...

I agree with Grandad-if you worked for me and pulled that crap,you would be replaced by some deserving person who needed a job.Same goes for all the Hispanics who pulled a similar stunt last spring.There are too many people out of work and in depserate need for every single minority that feels "put upon" to call in sick because they are not "respected or appreciated".You dont work to get appreciated or respected-you go there to earn a check.And in Maryland,you need to remember this is a state where you can be fired for ANY reason or no reason at all from a job.Grow up!