Just around the corner from the Salisbury Police Department is an area for the Homeless.
Just across the street from the SPD is a condemned home that has been in this condition for a good 4 years and nothing has been done about it.
This is VERY unsafe for the kids in that neighborhood and certainly doesn't look good for the City. I mean, here the Mayor was trying to condemn Von Siggers home and others in her neighborhood, yet she allows this kind of crap to go on for years at a time.
Bubba Comegys has been made well aware of this property as well. Well, as long as it's not in their neighborhood, it's OK.
What do YOU think would happen to this property and the other situation if Jim Ireton was your Mayor?
The new middle class.
LMAO.... Look at the wino's.
Make them get a job.
won't be homeless long. The new self proclaimed "Messiah" will make sure they have nice new expensive houses right next to the actual hardworking citizens, just to make things "fair". Whilst you go to work, they'll be sitting on the front porch smoking crack, drinkin a double deuce and stealing your stuff.
Get over the election already, 8:56. It's time to stop the hating and begin the healing. The miserable state this country is in isn't Obama's fault. Give the man a chance.
grannydragon said...
9:17 AM
Have you had your Kool Aid today, stupid moron.
He is pointing out a fact, has nothing to do with your feelings about the unpatriotic terrorist you voted for.
Grannydragon--if I thought for one second that the election was not fraudulent with millions of illegal votes I could except it.
An again I am tired of the ignorant anonymous writers it seems that you fail to realize that Joe put these pictures up to maybe see and react in a way that can make a change. Instead of contnuous argument about election, its done and over, if you have any care about this community and some of these "whinos" you may do something because these people could be vets, ones who have gotten hurt on a job and had no insurance, layed off, etc. Can we start using our brains to help instead of fight and argue. Joe thank you for this blog.
Explain to me how Bush would fix everything? Oh that's right he's the moron that created the mess. With all the problems our country is facing, just who knows it all and will kiss it and make everything good again. Salisbury better get braced for tax increases with the mess this city is in. Only a fool would think it will all get better without paying to get the country out of $12.5 Trillion dollars in debt in less than eight years. Same goes for the city, money doesn't grow on trees.
Move them in and take your guns.
Oh, for God's sake, I'm with Grannydragon. Let the friggen election go!
THIS POST is about the lack of enforcement and lack of attention Salisbury gets from its own mayor and council leadership.
Both Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen have been swimming against a raging governmental current to bring some improvements to the neighborhoods, and Joe posts this picture that should have everyone burning up the phone lines to support campaigns of GOOD people who are GOOD for the city, but some of you are just hell-bent on turning EVERYTHING into an Obama rant.
Stop ranting and put that energy to work for two great local candidates who CARE and have the INTELLIGENCE to do good things for Salisbury.
Aaarrrrgh! Sorry for my rant, but I'm ready to see Salisbury improve!
Now THIS is the kind of stuff you will NEVER see in the newspaper.As far as homeless....well but for the grace of God that could be any of us...
The run-down houses all over Salisbury is another matter.I find it funny that they give out notices for tall grass but conveniently overlook the shape of alot of these houses.It would be interesting to see a top 10 or top 20 list of the worst properties in the area and see exactly who or what entity owns them-could tell us why they get away with it.
Thanks, Blutothetotmom! My daughter is a 3rd year student @SU and a homeowner. The grass in her yard is about 120 square FEET and was about 2-6 inches tall when she was slapped with a complaint from Code Enforcement. I weedwhacked it down in about 4 minutes... hers would not start. Code Enforcement is wasting our money looking at her, and not addressing real problems. And why do so many people have trouble spelling the word winos?
them guyz have been hangin there for years, boozing , shooting craps, pedaling whatever comes down the pipe !waiting on the mailman at the first of the month too, while most of us have to climb out of the rack at 5.30 am there gettin there change together for a 40. maybe they can be nitewatchmen for the firehouse rite below them.
I think they should tear down the house and rebuild a new house and let the homeless people live there Make rules..they have to either be looking for a job or have one.. once they have one they should have to pay a portion of there income to continue to stay in the house. Make it a safe house for the homeless men around here.
Salisbury got rid of a good guy in Code Enforcement because he was being fair in how he did the writeups. He apparently wrote up the wrong "person" or "people" too many times and they canned him!
Salisbury does not WANT to know these properties exist.
Do a search and find out who owns these dilapidated properties inside the city...you might see a definate connection.
10:52 AM, the comment from 8:56 is not a "fact," it is an opinion, and one which has nothing to do with the original post.
Thank you for calling me a "stupid moron." It shows me exactly what kind of uncivilized, rude person you are: someone I can dismiss easily. I can assure you that I will not be losing any sleep over your insult. At least I don't have to hide behind "anonymous." My parents raised me better than yours obviously raised you.
If they ARE indeed homeless its kinda hard for them to wait for the mailman to bring a check.....people with no fixed address cannot exactly receive mail....There are shelters in the area but they have a zero tolerance policy against drinking and dope...and sadly alot of those transients have severe substance abuse problems.
but they can vote lol
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