The old Training Station for the SFD on Isabella Street has become the staging area for wrecked or destroyed vehicles from the Fire Department.
Added to their pile of junk is the recent "Chase Vehicle" that was wrecked when a multitude of equipment was dispatched to WalMart for an alleged stabbing.
I don't care what the Chief, Assistant Chief or Deputy Chief says, this Fire Department is costing the Taxpayers a small fortune. They are reckless in how they drive these vehicles. I don't care if its because they can't drive or they mechanically tear these pieces of equipment up. If it was equipment that these guys had to work their a$$es off for raising money to purchase them, that would be one thing. However, everything, (for the most part) is purchased by the taxpayer and I've been told, many just don't care.
While accidents do happen, sending out so many pieces of equipment for a stabbing is just out of line. But I'm always wrong on that subject, right Firefighters?
The way Chief See & Deputry Chief Gordy look at it is, this Graveyard is worth a small fortune in scrap metal. Just ask Gordy's Son.
The City needs to clean house in the Salisbury Fire Department immedidately. If it isn't done soon then hopefully it will be done when we get rid of the mare.
I rode by that car after it wrecked on Naylor Mill Road the other night and wondered what happened. I just got done shopping at WalMart with my family and I am fortunate that driver didn't hit us head on. How do you wreck a car on a straight road? Did the driver get a ticket or a suspension from the fire department. Doesn't anyone realize that negligence kills people?
so does stupidity it just takes longer.
Actually, in all fairness, there are a lot of accidents in that exact same spot when that section of road is wet.
Anonymous said...
Actually, in all fairness, there are a lot of accidents in that exact same spot when that section of road is wet.
8:42 AM
I think the point of the entire post and the comments is that there was overkill on the call and a lack of intelligent judgement. The numerous vehicles responding to the laceration to the hand was totally unneccessary and dangerous.
Anonymous said...
so does stupidity it just takes longer.
8:18 AM
Negligence is stupidity you moron!
Anon 10:55 AM, Could you give you knowledge & experiance level in the fire/rescue service to back up your comment about "overkill on the call"?
Anonymous said...
Anon 10:55 AM, Could you give you knowledge & experiance level in the fire/rescue service to back up your comment about "overkill on the call"?
11:16 AM
Better question... why don't you give yours?
Hey Joe the Idiot!
Where are all of the pictures of the wrecked Sheriff Department cars? You are the scum of the earth you one sided moron!
I Will help you out job!!
The call was given to central over the radio by a officer in another wicomico county fire dept. It was reported as a stabbing to the hand, bleeding controlled and scene secured. This was nothing more than a standard BLS call. SOP's for Central require the dispatch of an Engine company, they have say in dispatch based on information at hand. The bottom line is they certainly did not need a chase vehicle to assist. While this position may have value it should be used in the right place at the right time. It all comes down to good judgement!!!
to all who think the amount of units responding to the call was overkill, basically the same units respond to every reported stabbing everytime. only difference is at night time when the ems supervisor, "chase vehicle" is not on duty. but you all are right, especially you joe. next time you, your mother or father gets stabbed, we'll just send the bare minimum to help out.
This was posted by an an anonymous reader on the original post about the accident going to the stabbing and isn't my work. It was put out as a STABBING and the fire dept responded appropriately:
"There is a simple reason why a fire truck is dispatched to a stabbing. Its called an exta set of hands.
These ambulances go out with 2 on board. Usually an EMT and a Paramedic. Sometimes two EMTS or two Paramedics.
Now lets say that said ambulance shows up and the person is your family member who is mortally stabbed in the abdomen. Your gonna need someone to hold the knife to stabilize it manually. You know so it doesn't move and cause more damage to your family member and bettering their chance of survival.
After manually stabilizing the knife you need to stabilize it by other means. Rolled up trauma pads, cling, pretty much anything that will do the job.
After the knife is stabilized the patient would need to be moved on to a backboard. This is in case the person goes into cardiac arrest and chest compressions need to be started. You need the support of the backboard to do effective chest compressions.
Once loaded into the back of the ambulance, the Paramedic needs to start an IV to replace the vital fluids that the person has lost in the blood.
Now comes the transport. In a serious stabbing situation it will not just be the Paramedic in the back. The Paramedic needs a little help. The Paramedic needs to do an online consult with the recieving facility, monitor vital signs, control bleeding, start CPR in case of cardiac arrest, intubate the patient to maintain an airway.
Also, during massive amount of bloodloss the patient could experience altered mental status and become violent. Therefore injuring himself even further, or someone else.
Do you think one person can do all this in the back of an ambulance? If you think so, I would like you to do our job by yourself. Let's see how that turns out for you and your family member.
ALSO lets take a look at the area of the incident. Walmart. 100's of people. Crowds. Crowds become unruly. If you don't think so, go to the mall and watch a Friday night fight. The extra help is there for the safety of the medics and the patient, including the crowd. Yes this is what the Police are for too. How you seen city Police staffing? Just look at some of Joe's other articles on this.
So there is a need for a fire truck to respond on stabbings. Ambulances usually get there first and if the fire crew is not needed, they are turned around. The assistant chief is a commanding officer who is trained in litigating emergencies.
Accidents happen people. O'Barsky had an accident. He was going to help someone. In this case, two people. The offender and the employee.
The reason why the duty crew responded to the accident was because 911 dispatched them first, in error. They corrected their error. Now why they did not turn around is anybodies guess."
to the accident the duty crew went because of the fact sta 2 got realerted or was asked to go it dosent matter as long as the stuff ets done... chris yes he wrecked the car.. he was going to pass a car at a min speed and where he was at was slippery and the car fish taled and he could not gain it so put it to the crub.. nothin wronge with what he did.. he is a great guy and go many years in the fire dept. he is a assit cheif in fruitland and know what he is doing.. you wanna go crack on somebody look at ya self some time.. your sorry ass wont put ur life on the line for somebody eles.. so why to u go play with your self or find sumthing better to do that put people down
anon 1:08 You need to read what 12:58 has said. It was dispatched as the bleeding being under control and the scene secure. There was NO need for anything but the ambulance. I could see if they didnt' know what the situation was, but they had been told of the situation and they still sent out 2 other vehicles, now one of those is wrecked.
Anonymous said...
to the accident the duty crew went because of the fact sta 2 got realerted or was asked to go it dosent matter as long as the stuff ets done... chris yes he wrecked the car.. he was going to pass a car at a min speed and where he was at was slippery and the car fish taled and he could not gain it so put it to the crub.. nothin wronge with what he did.. he is a great guy and go many years in the fire dept. he is a assit cheif in fruitland and know what he is doing.. you wanna go crack on somebody look at ya self some time.. your sorry ass wont put ur life on the line for somebody eles.. so why to u go play with your self or find sumthing better to do that put people down
2:02 PM
Jeremy Gordy will you please learn how to spell before you go posting on a blog where thousands of people read. You are an embarrassment to the fire service.
Anonymous said... 1:08 PM,
Thanks for your moronic copy and paste from the other days post. You are a pure idiot trying to justify a 'fire' truck responding to an ambulance call.
Quit being an idiot and go back to reading your basic EMT book. LMAO
Anonymous 12:58 PM said...
"to all who think the amount of units responding to the call was overkill, basically the same units respond to every reported stabbing everytime."
DUH!!! That is exactly what the problem is you idiot. Hillbilly Farmin like you making stupid decisions. There should never be a fire engine responding on any EMS call. What part of Emergency Medical Services is on fire? NONE!
"but you all are right, especially you joe. next time you, your mother or father gets stabbed, we'll just send the bare minimum to help out."
Nothing like a Hillbilly Farmin making threats against Mr. Albero and using scare tactics to justify dispatching a fire truck on EMS calls.
Yes the author of the previous post was a Hillbilly Farmin and a product of the Wicomico County School system.
Anonymous said...
1:08 PM
Look! Fatso Hoppes had to throw his two cents worth in. What big words you have there. Makes you look more intelligent than you are.
What a F%&king joke he is!
That was not Jermey....... He would not be defending the Duty Crew.
Gordy's son happens to know a lot about the scrap metal business. You are just jealous. Not everyone wants to work in the "family business"
Anonymous said...
Gordy's son happens to know a lot about the scrap metal business. You are just jealous. Not everyone wants to work in the "family business"
5:50 PM
Gordo should've shot that load out the window!!!
AhH for all of you out there Jeremy DOES work for the family business. He does not work for the scrap yard anymore. He officially has the title of Director of Operations for Gordy Fuel. Just to clear things up a bit
Hey 3:50 get off your high horse no one said anything about it before 12:58 and because this blog requires moderation 12:58 and I both got approved at the same time, and thus I didn't get the opportunity to read his "information" before I posted. But that doesn't change the fact that people were whining about the Engine dispatch as well, as even to the dispatched problem an Engine was needed to SOP's-- all according to 12:38 up there.
And YES you do send fire engines to some medical calls. You don't tie up 3 or 4 ambulances on something like a heart attack when all you need is more CPR trained professionals to assist, which an engine can provide very sufficiently.
Some people really don't get it -- you're not the professional, you don't know what it takes, so stop screaming from the stands and let them do their job.
If they arent going to chase the call after hours there is no need to chase the all during hours
Man what a bunch of crap,It all boils down to the Troll and Gordo trying to make it look like we need more people.Take them off of the equipment put them in cars and suvs and let them run all over town senseless, get a grip ppl wake up.Yes how did we make out all those years in the past with out chase units i seem to recall just fine Plus the Vollies bought those cars for the Chief ,Dep Chief and long time much missed Rev.Dixion so why should they care they just took them like everything else !!!!!!! I have had enough maybe some light needs to be shinned on what really goes on in the SFD Admin.
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