
This is an outrage and must come to a halt immediately! I have a warning to those who think this is funny. One day soon, one of you will get caught doing this and that one individual will get blamed for all of them. This is a hate crime, (in my opinion) and there are many victims. This photo was taken this morning in the Camden area. Yes, near the college. No one should be walking around with a spray paint can in their possession. If you hear the sound of the ball rattling from a spray can, keep your eyes open Folks. Let's nail this SOB and stop this behavior. I'd say more but I'd get into trouble.
That is totally uncalled for and way not cool!!!
The election is over and Senator Barack Obama has won and is now the President elect.
Hail to the Chief whether you voted for him or not!
My guess is the person who did this did not even vote.
The title of this post should be Calling ALL Americans!
The office of the President of the United States needs to be respected.
Spray painting curse words (or anything) shows hatred and ignorance.
If someone wants to write something about how they feel, get online and write to your hearts content, start a blog, write on this blog, write letters to anyone you want.
Personally I did not support Senator Obama in his campaign for office. Face it folks he is going to be the next President of the United States of America and until something to the contrary happens, he deserves all the dignity and respect that goes with the office!
Bosshogg, right on. Freedom of speech does NOT include property damage.
It may very-well surprise you who
is doing this!!
why was this photo taken this morning but the date on it is 9/11/08?
either way this is an outrage!
Sometimes the camera systems are backwards. It's meant to say 11/9/08. You know, like some forms say last name first.
Don't agree with the graffiti but I darn sure agree with the sentiment. That man is not my president and never will be..he is a disgrace to America.
I agree with 3:03. I just had an email from a friend that tells the thinking of our Pes. elect. and the incoming first lady.
Yeah, 3:23-- because forwarded e-mails are the gold standard of factual information. Try doing a little resarch.
Oh, and reality check, 3:03-- he actually will be your President, like it or not, so you might want to try getting used to the idea. America has spoken.
I agree this is pretty lousy, but unless you have proof this was done by a young person who may be republican, you can't blame the young republicans for this.
All the people that try and call out Obama for not being a patriot? Are the same saying they don't support him as president? He is not THEY'RE president? How 'patriotic'.
I strongly dislike Barack Hussien Obama, I guess you could say that I hate him... it's pretty stupid that someone would spray someone's car with those words, they should have sprayed it on their house so they can see who supports the doushe bag!
I could go on and on but I want Joe to approve my comments. I'm going to love to watch this "President" fall on his face.
Joe Biden said he will be tested within 6 months, I CAN'T WAIT!
I wouldn't say this is a hate crime. It is a crime and should be severely punished!
No one was more against Obama than I. He won; he is my president! It's time to move forward. The only legitimate recourse conservatives have is the vote. If we can't muster the votes to block an ultra liberal agenda, then that's what we have to live with. We can still live our individual lives without abortion or gay marriage, but we have to let the rest of the nation be ruled by the expressed will of the majority.
If we want to keep the constitution and bill of rights in it's present form, I would suggest large contributions to the NRA and your religion of choice!
Polly Markis
To 3:03 and 3:27 If you can't accept him as your president than leave the country because us Americans that love our country will do what it takes to continue and make this a great country, and that is accepting him as our president. Maybe you all can learn from Joe I read this blog daily and and Joe was very passionate and what he felt about Obama, he may still feel the same but he has accepted him as our president. There should be more like you out there Joe passionate on what they feel yet accepting of the outcome. That is a real to you anonymous ones.
Sure as hell won't be funny when the Secret Service comes knocking at their door! Then again someone may have done that just to start some shit, that's very likely. I surely would deter anyone I knew from doing such.
When we moved here from Baltimore in 1969 I didn't know what freakin' "Busing" was, I had gone to integrated schools my whole life. Any attempt to physically hurt Obama will kill what's left of this great country. We survived 8 years of Bush and two wars, how bad can it get? Do we want another Civil War? That was a bloody mess.
"And That's all I got to say about that." - Forrest Gump
By the way, JS that's their president not THEY'RE.
JS wrote,
"All the people that try and call out Obama for not being a patriot?
He is not they're president?"
You poor, illiterate son of a bitch, don't try to help anyone. Go back to school and learn to punctuate and spell! You are an embarrassment to ANY political party and humanity in general!
Polly Markis
Polly Markis
Hey Polly,
Calm down you self righteous bitch.
Yeah, I said bitch. You seem to have no problem calling someone you've never met a "son of a bitch", so I'm sure you'll be o.k. with being called a bitch yourself, right?
anonymous 8:28, you're a PUSSY!
At least Polly was big enough to use her name. You've proven to be Salisbury News biggest Pussy by not only attacking a woman, you did so anonymously.
Your daddy must have slaped you silly as a child because you were a boy wanting to wear dresses and wigs. The frustration is obviously killing you inside.
Yes, Joe. Daddy "slaped" me silly which led me to be horribly frustrated.
What amuses me is how you defend her for making such asinine comments and signing a name to it, which (for all you know) could be completely made up. So you have no problem with her(?) calling someone a "son of a bitch"? Do you?
I didn't attack a woman, I called someone out for making an ass out of themselves. For what it's worth, my name is Kevin Wilson.
Or is it?
One more thing Joe: my comment was made to point out the lack of civility in her discourse. I figured you of all people would get that.
How sad that someone would do something like that. Kind of reminds me how Obama supporters defaced Republican's signs before the election. Obama was not my choice, but he is now OUR president, like it or not. Unlike the Liberals who bashed Bush for his entire term, there are those that will support the Office of the Presidency for the mere fact that the position itself deserves respect. Obama will not do all he has promised to do; no President does. I am looking forward to seeing what all his supporters have to say when all this starts to unfold. Most likely, they will make excuses....probably continue to blame the Bush Administration. However, the person responsible for such a crime as spray painting a car like that should be brought to justice. If that does not happen, life has a way of paying us all back for our indiscretions.
How do you know Polly Markis is real?
I'm Albert Einstein, you know.
polly markis=probably Marxist... say it fast a couple times... Much like Ben Dover=bend over... I could go on
Hey Joe I think you should make it a criteria to put your name so when we get idiots like Kevin Wilson on we can send the info to the one of the best men in our area Mike Lewis because this man me be one of the vandals around here.
Sorry, it's Polly again!
Well, I certainly seem to have caused a stir! All I said was that before the election, I was extremely opposed to Obama. Now that he has been elected in clear fashion, he IS my president! In addition, I very sincerely hope I was wrong about him, and that he will be good for our nation. God bless America and our president!
That is not to say conservatives shouldn't continue to use the rights granted by the constitution for the advancement of their beliefs and core values. We must guard against any and all violations of our rights as loyal opposition. We must proudly bear our responsibility to protect and defend every article, (beginning with the first & second ammentments,) of the Constitution of The United States of America! It is every citizen's sacred duty to denounce in the strongest, most pre-emptory of terms any attack on sanctity of our constitution by ANY party or person. President elect, Obama will take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of The United States of America. As a loyal American, I swear to help our president protect and defend the constitution, so help me God.
That is why I urge large donations to the NRA & church of your choosing. President elect, Obama's statement about "bitter Americans clinging to their guns and religion," may have been a harmless mis-statement. But it is certainly troublesome to those of us who treasure the 1st and 2nd ammendments. We must, as our founding fathers did, pledge our very lives and honor to protect the rights afforded by our constitution. I know people of all religions and hundreds of hunters. They cling to their guns and religion with joy, not bitterness.
This is not an attack on President elect Obama! It is a defense of the Constitution of The United States of America!
My ridicule of JS is based on the belief that someone who punctuates an incomplete sentence with a question mark, then uses the contraction "THEY'RE" instead of the correct word, their, should educate themselves beyond a second grade level before attempting to enter political debate with intelligent beings. Don't forget, this moron had the ignorance to put the wrong word, "THEY'RE," in capital letters in an attempt to ridicule another comment!
My little girl is in the fifth grade. If she wrote something with the terrible grammar of JS & incorrect use of a simple word like their/they're. I would be at her school the next day demanding her teachers resignation!
Then I would confine my daughter to her room with no amusements but school books. Sure, she would be angry now, but in medical school, would probably thank me that she can read and write like an adult!
I feel sorry for JS. This ignorant person needs to become literate before he or she contemplates politics or any higher concepts! His or her parents & teachers should be held in contempt for the almost criminal neglect or incompetence in the education of
this unfortunate being.
Anon 8:28,
Sweetie, I have absolutely no problem with being called a bitch. I have been called much worse. I'm sure you won't mind if I call you asshole, sweetie.
Anon 8:25,
Since, to anyone who can read, I am clearly a conservative, it should be equally clear that I am no Marxist. Say that a couple times times real fast, asshole!
Polly Markis
As the Executive Board of the Lower Shore Young Republicans, we find this behavior to be disgusting and reprehensible. As an organization, we would never condone this type of activity and hope that the perpetrator of this disgrace be caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is individuals like this miscreant who continue to distort and misrepresent the Republican Party and those involved in it. The Lower Shore Young Republicans are very involved in the community and seek to improve our area in the best way possible. We hope that this invdividual will step forward and accept responsibility for their actions.
Executive Board
Lower Shore Young Republicans
Polly Markis,
What is your problem? I did'nt know it was to be graded.Get some would ya?
MY NAME IS JASON SKINKLE and forgive my ignorance as I am an auto mechanic , went to public school in Delaware had learning problems DID MY BEST. I live in the area , I am 34 y/o man making my way thru lower middle class and I'm not going to turn this into a bash.
OBAMAM WON DEAL WITH IT! what the hell did that have to do with me?
You can kiss my ass Joe.
Your want The community here at your fucking #1 rated Blog? HERE WE ARE! Illiterates and all. So get off your pedestals you pom-pas ass.
I will be sure to use my name in post from here on out b/c I DO COME HERE often but this shit pissed me off.
Hey guys, I just thought I would throw a little imput,I read this blog everyday and I completely agree with everything that polly said in reference to the election, getting over the fact that we have a democrat in office etc- But to me he/she seems like a total ass. I was actually surprised that you backed her up on that one- Im 21 years old and even I know better than to treat people with such disrespect. She is no better in my book than the person who spray painted that car. And as for the whole proper grammer thing polly, this is the internet in 2008, Times are changing , learn real english, grammar doesn't matter as long as you get the point across. now thats a long sentence!
Mr. Skinkle,
My Apologies! Being a mechanic does not make one illiterate. Not being able to write in perfect form does not make one stupid. You stated that you had learning problems. It is never my intent to make fun of someone with learning problems. You also state that you do your best. That is all anyone can ask. I do ridicule those who just don't want to learn and teachers who aren't qualified to teach our children.
As for your wish that I "get some," thank you! Getting some is always a GOOD thing!
Actually, I agree with your condemnation of those who say Obama is not their president. We should all be patriotic Americans. In the next 4 years, we will have the opportunity to judge Mr. Obama's performance and vote accordingly. I am registered as Republican, but I am an American first.
With the terrible state of our union, I sincerely hope I was wrong about Obama and that he leads us to peace, prosperity and security. If he accomplishes these things while protecting and defending our constitution, I will be proud to vote for him in "12." If he is unsuccessful, I will vote for someone else. That's the way our republic is supposed to work. We have the blessing of being able to use the power of the vote to make significant change without resorting to the sword of violent revolution!
As for criminals who spray paint or do any damage to the property of others, crucify them...or at least prosecute them to the fullest extent the law allows!
best wishes,
Polly Markis
pom-pas is actually spelled Pompous. What... are you illiterate?
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