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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Block Party

Hey Joe........Sorry I forgot to give you a heads up on our block party today, my whole weeks been a mess I feel like I got Jet Lag. Anyway there were never a whole lot of people there at one time and I know today's weather probably isn't good for cameras. All day long I just thought the day was a bust, at the end I realized that we gave away 100 hot dogs, 64 1/4 pound burgers w/ drinks and chips to a large number of kids that probably don't get three meals a day everyday. I also realized anytime we try and make every one's quality of life a little better, it's a successful day. The President's Neighborhood Association would like to thank all involved and thanks for coming, thanks to SPD and Officer Rich Weber who was accompanied by McGruff the Crime Dawg and gave away stuff animals to the kids, and a thanks to the Sheriff's department who also sent a couple deputies to represent them and it really went well under the weather conditions. For such a bad day, it really wasn't a bad day! Tim Chaney


Tim Chaney said...

Thanks Joe, and thanks for everyone's support.

Anonymous said...

Joe wasn't allowed to be there if Chiefy was there, so I've heard.

Tim Chaney said...

That's certainly not true, the church parking lot will always be open to anyone. As a matter of fact I forgot to thank pastor Sally Dolch of Saint Andrew's Methodist Church in that post, if not for the church there would probably be no neighborhood association. The chief wasn't there unless he was in the McGruff outfit, McGruff was pretty tall : ) Kudos to whoever was in that outfit, with all the rain I bet that costume got heavy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Time Chaney who flipped burgers and dogs and all of the otehr neighbors who made the event a great success. This is what neighborhoods are about.