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Monday, October 06, 2008

Why Does it Take Entertainers to Get Democrats to Vote?

Cuba Gooding Jr. registered and got over 150 people to vote in Ohio this morning.
JZ is holding a free concert in Florida today where registration forms will be passed out, along with more absentee ballots.

ACORN had a press conference this morning and has claimed they have registered over 1.2 million people to vote. Saying that most of their registrants were Black and Hispanic.

Are any Black Americans not going to vote for Barrak?
I certainly understand the enormity of having a Black man to represent the Black populace of America, but I am deeply concerned that many are voting for him just because he is Black.
Doesn't integrity, experience, and honesty mean anything to Black Americans?

Obamas connections to ACORN is fact. Obamas reciept of money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is fact, and unprecedented in the amounts other than Chris Dodd's.
Are people more concerned about having a Black man in the office than they are about the kind of person that he is? He has lied about his family. He doesn't show up for work, and he associates with admitted domestic terrorists!

What's the deal?
I never needed a free concert, or a celebrity to talk me into voting.
On my 18th birthday I went and registered to vote and have voted in every single election that I have been eligible to vote in ever since!
This is a privilege that I have always taken very seriously, and just have no idea why this is so unimportant to supposed minorities.
If it takes a celebrity to get them interested in politics, and it takes a celebrity to convince them to vote, it makes me wonder if they will also take that celebrities word for who to vote for?
Will these newly registered voters actually study the backgrounds of the candidates?
Will they make an informed vote, or will they just vote for who the celebrity tells them to?
What I find even more appalling is P-Diddy's response to the news that John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. He posted a YouTube video in which he was unable to complete a simple sentence about his dissapointment in John McCains choice.
Why do people even take someone seriously who cannot even articulate a complete sentence?
This is appalling.
Enticement to vote is appalling, and witnessing the lenghts that this party is going to, to get a vote should make the Republicans double their efforts to make sure that everyone they know needs to get out and vote.
God Help Us!


Mardela said...

What the people of color don't know is that Obama is more middle eastern than he is black, 37% to 14%. And he is more caucasian, WHITE, than anything, coming in at 49%. Just because he has a dark tan, and he has a black wife, doesn't mean he is black. He is just another white guy trying to wear his pants around his knees! (LOL)

Anonymous said...

so when is the last time you voted for someone black for anything? I remember the republicans and especially their republican response to hurricane katrina.LET THE VOTERS DECIDE.

Mardela said...

I voted for Steele, Lt. Govenor. I was hoping to have him as a VP on someones ticket, but I think that is going to be next election or maybe even the President.

However, I don't vote for people because of their skin color. Nor do I only vote party lines. I don't choose because of age, marital status, religion, or any other arbitrary reasons. I votr for the person that will bring the best out of each and every person. I'm looking for a patriot like myself who thinks about others before himself. I vote for people that want to move our country forward without dividing the people on issues of the past.

Anonymous said...

Could you guys be more bitter and jealous that just about anyone with half a brain knows that Obama, at face value alone, represents a signficant change from the old white man dominated politics of the past.

I seriously can understand why McCain/Palin have tried to usurp the "Change" mantra for their campaign.

Even the dumbest Americans know that is BS. A super old white guy who has been a lifelong Republican? Sounds like more of the same to just about EVERYONE.


Desperation pandering much? Too little too late, and doesn't change the fact that the top of your ticket is a crusty old white guy.

Hope you can 'tolerate' (how compassionate) a black man for President, because it's pretty much in the bag.

Anonymous said...

"OHIO"If it is true what they are saying Ohio may be the highest vote counter in these united states.They will surpass their census count for the.Maybe we could send them to MIAMI

Chimera said...

Why?Because people are STUPID.I have actually had someone who is black tell me "things will be better as long we vote the black man in".They are being lied to and manipulated into voting for him just because he "looks" black.He has NOTHING in common with the average black American!He does not care about them either but he will damn sure use them to get elected.

Anonymous said...

"He is just another white guy trying to wear his pants around his knees!"

Nice, Mardela. Glad to see you use such incisive thinking when choosing who to vote for. And the bizarre statistical breakdown of Obama's race is incredibly dumb. And you didn't vote for Steele, you voted for Ehrlich. I wonder what would have happened had the two candidates been flipped. McCain really put his country first when he chose Palin, didn't he? Then why are a host of conservative commentators calling for her to resign? the thought of Palin as a potential commander-in-chief makes me cringe. Some patriot, that McCain. His courage and his service to this country years ago were amazing and should be respected. His recent behavior is all about himself, as he selfishly drags the country into the mire just to get elected. His reputation will forever be tarnished, no matter what happens in this election

Anonymous said...


What the heck do you have in common with McCain, if that is your standard? Do you have 7 houses? Did you cheat on your wife and then marry your wealthy mistress? Ever involved in a financial scandal? Did you finish near the bottom of your college class? Do you find it difficult to multi-task? Please, let us know which of these characteristics you share with John McCain! And see if you can stick to my question rather than pull a Palin and answer a different one.

Anonymous said...

Senator Obama accepted money from people who worked at Fannie and Freddie. That is the fact and it is not against the law. Just like I am sure Senator McCain collected money from whomever. Charles Keating perhaps?
Who are you to question what and why black people are voting. That is none of your business. We are voting for a MAN to represent America. Not a black man. How dare you!

Black people are Americans also and have the right to vote. It is not to be questioned, just like your right to vote should not be questioned. We do not owe you an explanation, reason or justification. This is not the 1960’s where we were forced to answer poll questions to appease you. How dare you suggest otherwise.

Your disgusting racism has been proven and it is insulting!

Anonymous said...

You Republicans are running scared. Funny.

Anonymous said...

For every black person voting for Obama just because he's black, there are probably five white people voting against him just because he's black, or they heard he might be Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Prejudice much?

Saying blacks are only voting for Obama because he is black is the same as saying woman will vote for Palin only because she is a woman. Oh, wait...that is why McCain chose her, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

With the state of the country today we should all be running scared.

Anonymous said...

Your racism is a fact.

Your inability to think critically is a fact.

And your rejection of this comment just because it makes you disagree is a fact!

Celebrities have INFLUENCE over people...that's the way it works. If doesn't want to play in the world of politics, which by its very definition is a POPULARITY CONTEST, then he should wuit.

Don't try to defend the losing side with weak arguments and hypocritical attacks (do McCain AND Palin really want to talk about dealings and friendships with anti-American people and groups?).

My little violin is playin' for 'ya and 'yer folksy dunce and your cancer-ridden septuagenarian.

Chimera said...

What makes you think I am voting for McCain OR Obama ?There are other choices.
Furthermore,I am a lifelong registered Democrat,I just do not always agree with my party.I have no bias against Obama.I just get tired of hearing about him being the first "black President" when he has very little in common with the average black male.It's like people are settling for him.Lets a get a REAL black American man in the race next election,there are many out there who are more than qualified to run.I am disappointed all around with the choices for President and VP this year.

Mardela said...

We will never move forward on anything related to equality of any kind until everyone stops labeling themselves and others as ( )-American. I'm not an Irish-American, I'm not a German-American, I'm not an Indian-American, I'm not a white-American, I'm not a middle aged-American, or anything else. I'm just an American. I love all my fellow Americans. I want all of us to prosper and have equal oppertunity for everything. As long as we divide ourselves, and let our leaders divide us into diffferent groups, will will never truly be the UNITED States.

Forget that Obama is part black. Forget that McCain if an "old White man". Vote for the person, not the party, or the race, but the person who is more above board than the other. Most all of them are crooks. Most all of them are just party leaders. It's been a long time since we've had a statesman who has his own set of morales and values. It's been a long time since money didn't buy an election. I pray for the day that we can truly be called the UNITED STATES! God Bless us all.

Anonymous said...

I have met people who say they won't vote for Obama becuase he is black.

So what.

Plus how do you know that Senator Obama has little in common with the "average black male"? How do you speak for the average black male?

I am an average black male and I can assure you that I have a lot in common with Senator Obama. What makes you think otherwise?

How on earth do you speak for me?

Anonymous said...

What am i in church.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mardela, you don't get off that easily.

The title of this post proves we have a long way to go.

It should actually have read "Why Does it Take Entertainers to Get Blacks to Vote"?

Stop hiding the racism and that is when we can start and finish the dialog.

Mardela said...

Why can't we get people to register to vote way before an election anyway? Any party that decides they have to put out an all out effort to register voters are trying to overwhelm a system and "steal" votes.

Everyone should be forced to register when they file their taxes. And if they don't file taxes, they should be forced to register when they receive social security, medicare, or any other government sponsored program. This idea that we round them up like cattle at the last minute is riddiculous.

If everyone using government services was registered, we'd have a much better grasp on our census, and we would be able to do a much better job with verification.

Anonymous said...

You seriously want to try to pass yourself off as someone who doesn't see race? Look at your comments here!

And Bluto,
So black people should not vote for Obama because he is, in your mind, not representative of black people. So please let us all know how McCain is representative of white people? What percentage of white people were POW's in Vietnam? What percentage are multi-millionaires? And what percentage of white people left their wife for their mistress? Yet I don't see you spouting off that McCain isn't really representative of white people. But you, like Mardela, don't see races, right? What is so funny is that you guys really do think you don't see race, yet you consistently come up with bizarre comments that actually do have to do with race! Of course you shouldn't vote for Obama because he is black, you should vote for him because he is the smartest and best candidate running.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mardela,

Apparently you aren't aware that Democrats have been making that argument for years, and it is REPUBLICANS who don't want voter registration to go along with the driver's license. Whoops! Better get back and toe the party line!

Anonymous said...

Dear Wymzie,

If you think blacks owe you an explanation on why we vote then you are out of your damn mind. It is your civic duty in America to vote. It is your civic duty as an American to get others registered to vote. There is nothing wrong with it.

Years ago (not so very long ago), blacks were forced to take pay a poll tax and answer unanswerable question for the privilege to even vote in this country. Why do you think we need to explain to you now why and how we vote? You must think you are that important.

I also never needed a concert or a celebrity to talk me into voting. All I needed was to hear my parents explain how blacks weren’t allowed to vote. So on my 18th birthday I too registered and have voted in every single election. However, I don’t need to explain that to a racist like you.

Bruce Springsteen and Michael Moore have also registered people at their concerts. Do you question whites as this is the majority that show up to these events? Of course not! However, JZ and Cuba Gooding Jr. do it and it is so very wrong and you have to question it. That is racist thinking.

How dare you question if blacks are informed about candidates. I am so very sick of the RACISM that rears its ugly head in the country when it comes to black people. Someone on this blog even had to audacity to break down Senator Obama’s ethnic make-up to “prove” he wasn’t even black. Is that even important? I vote for the MAN because I agree with his policies, not because he is black.

Please stop the RACIST attitude. Blacks don’t owe you a reason or even a discussion about how and why we vote. It is none of your business. If that is some sort of conspiracy to you all the better.

We do not qualify ourselves to RACIST.

Anonymous said...

Oh you ignorant, ignorant people!!!! Barack's mother was Caucasian (or you haven't seen the photos of his mother and maternal grandparents) and his father was African. So he would be biracial, half and half, but middle eastern??? I love it, there is nothing like coming on here to get a good dose of Eastern Shore ignorance!

Wymzie said...

Excuse me but I find it racist that black entertainers are rounding up black voters to vote for a self decided black man.

I have worked the polls and the streets in many campaigns and I have never ever never went after a particular color of person to talk into voting for the candidate that I am supporting.

It is rediculous and narrow minded.

I don't care what color a person is as long as they are patriots who want to further the American way of life and not run out country into debt, and promote a welfare state.

I'm really not quite sure about McCain keeping this ideology either, but at least he is promising it. Obama is promising bigger government and more freebies.

Anonymous said...

Amen - Americans for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I guess we've forgotten the number of people who have died and the systematic racism which has played a big part in Blacks feeling as though their vote didn't count. It's not an easy feat to encourage people to believe that their vote actually counts. So I say do whatever it takes, no matter who your voting for.

Anonymous said...

anon 1240 The last time I voted for a black man was in the last senate contest between Cardin and Steele. This is the election where dumbocrats were throwing oreo cookies at Steele and saying he was black on the outside, but white on the inside.

Anonymous said...

"I find it racist that black entertainers are rounding up black voters to vote for a self decided black man"

Ummm . . . what?

Attention Americans: I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Chuck Norris is white. And he supports McCain. Please start gnashing your teeth.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Obama is black has nothing to do why I wont vote for him. The fact that he is, as his campaign says, friendly with a former terrorist, attended a raving maniac pastors racist church. And most important to me after 9-11 is of muslim decent with a muslim name. I know he says that he is not a muslim, but as for me personally I just cant get passed that.

Daddio said...

I don't believe that anyone should be forced to register to vote, mardela. Being a registered voter could be a pre-requisite to receiving certain benefits, but force should not be used in and of itself.

We are already forced to pay voluntary taxes, etc.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no matter how you put it now the meaning of your original post is quite clear. How dare Black entertianers register people to vote. Black American entertainers have the absolute right to register people to vote during a free concert. Just like you have the right to go up to people and talk to them about your candidate. What is the difference?

However, you are really saying that these same black entertainers are only allowing blacks to come to the concerts. That thinking is still RACIST.

If the amount of blacks registering to vote makes you scared just say so.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Obama's connection to a raving pastor: first, aren't you claiming in the same post that he is a Muslim? Then why would a Christian pastor have any influence on him? The contradictions are obvious. Second, let's talk about pastors, shall we? I invite everyone here over to You Tube, where you can see Sarah Palin's pastor "lay hands" on her and talk about removing witches. Good times.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more.
Look at the history. John F Kennedy used the same stratigies to get the black vote against the outcries of the Southern Democrate voters. The Mob ties and the bootleg money of his father helped to. It's kinda like, fanny/mac donations.
Unfortunately, since Baltimore County & Montgomery County are the only counties that count in a general election, we know Hussien OBama is going to win it.
And yes, I have heard some Americans of african descent say they are not voting for him for the same reasons stated here. NOT Qualified.
However, race is playing a major role in this, everyone has to agree with that. What happens on the other side of the election is really what needs to be looked at.
What if Obama loose'? Everyone is already thinking it. What if he wins? What do you think?

Anonymous said...

This whole entire discussion proves a real point. Racism is alive and well in this country. Rock the Vote is a bi-partisan affair used to get young people registered to vote. How come we aren’t discussing that?

If you think that black entertainers are to only ones trying to get people registered to vote you are wrong. Do you not see anything wrong with your post? You are questioning the voting ability and power of black people. Isn’t that sort of thinking stuck in the 1960’s?

You never questioned white people when they hold their voting registrations things. Or even when republican entertainers support their candidates. You only have the nerve to question black candidate. I bet you don’t complain about Jewish or Hispanic voters or even whites.

We don’t owe you anything. If you think we do then there is no hope for you. The racism on this blog shines brightly.


Mardela said...

My complaint about registering voters is not about Cuba gooding Jr taking 150 people to register. I have a problem with all parties that try and herd these groups to the polls and to register right before election. Lets start this process six months before the election. Why can't everyone be registered like I stated? It doesn't mean that they have to vote. It just means that when the election occurs, we won't overwhelm the process. It's very responsible to try and make it easier for all Americans.

And I say again, I think and do what I feel is right. I'm not locked into a certain party, nor will I be divided that way. If a democrat has a good idea, I'm for it. If an independant has something that will help us all, I'm for it. The only reason I register as a Republican is so I can vote in the primaries. I supported WDS for mayor of Balto and Governor. Try being an independant thinker,it's wonderful and liberating. Gov. Palin went up against her party. Sen. McCain went up against his party. Obama? Never has he went against his party.

If you are a supporter of Obama, can you tell me one thing that he supports that you don't?

Anonymous said...

anon 3;31 I said he was of muslim decent, I never said he was a muslim. And can you not get over the fact that Palin is running fot V.P. not President. If she eventually some day runs for president then try to find dirt on her, Palin has received more scrutiny in the past six weeks than Obama has in his entire life and they have found nothing of value

Anonymous said...

I'm votin' for Palin because I'm thinkin' she is a maverick ready to take on those stinkin' Russians with their energies and their snoopin' around with their tanks which goes back to what I really want to talk about, this is energy which she as a maverick and you know McCain with the hockey moms and the pitbulls will be fightin' for ya you betcha (wink) and with her maverick family and maverick snow machines will be takin' on the energy thing right off if the main stream media just quits asking those tough questions like who really reads newspapers and they take too much energy which is what I meant to talk about and you and your terrorist friends can start leavin' right now, you betcha, if you don't like mavericks like Palin and old what's-his-name. Maverick.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:14,
Your standard of judgement for a vp needs to be the same as for a president, especially when the presidential candidate on the ticket is 72 years old and has had cancer. Palin is a very scary prospect as president of the U.S, and the fact that McCain chose her shows his total lack of judgment and his willingness to put his country at risk just to increase his odds of winning. Truly pathetic.

Chimera said...

I never claimed to have anything in common with McCain-in fact I said I would NOT vote for him either.I am in the middle-Republicans are just not in touch with me and my world and Democrats want to take too much of MY hard-earned money to support the masses that will not work.I register as a Democrat because I lean more towards liberal but I am pro-life and anti-gun control so I do not always fit into their mold.I do wish we had national medicine so right off the bat I tossed myself out of the GOP caravan.I believe in equality-not special treatment or affirmative action but equality for all!
How dare any of you who do not know me call me racist?My brother-in-law is black,my stepdaughters fiance is black and I may be white but I grew up in an 80% black neighborhood so there goes your fact if you looked further back into this blog,you would see that I did an article on the anniversary of the 1964 Voting Rights Act in which I condemned those archaic practices that suppressed minority voters before the act was passed.Check someone out before you label them.

Anonymous said...

3:00pm...its the amount of ignorant blacks,whites and hispanic suddenly being led by the hand to vote, folks that never bother to see who was running or why, NEVER voted before...EVER!
Now their going to vote if someone leads them? The are ignorant and their being lied to!

Anonymous said...

I too couldn't wait until I was 18 to vote. I am a registered Republican but don't vote that way just because its the "party " thing to do. Quite frankly the lines are so blurred now its hard to tell who's who. I vote for the person who is I feel is best for the job, reguardless as race. It breaks my heart when people don't vote with their intelligence. Do entertainers really have that much influence over the people. Has anyone ever really looked at how they live behind the money and the so called sought after lifestyle? Not all, but the majority of those "BIG DEALS" are "NOBODYS" in a few yrs once the industry chews them up. It explains why we face the things we do. anon 12:40 If I remember correctly it was a democratic mayor and senator that was first responsible for the clean up per the way the governmental system is set up. Yes as an american , I was ashamed of how our government as a whole responded to the hurricane and still the clean up today. The tragedy of the whole thing is so much time and effort has been concentrated on N.O. that the rest of the states were forgetten about. Thus is where true love kicked in.When you have the locals in MS saying dont worry about ,we will take care of ourselves. Then did so with no crying of how "big brother" didn't help.
Reading over this blog the one thing that rings most true is ,
Racism is alive and well. It seems the ones that cry the most about it , spews it even harder. At least have the guts all you anon publishers to post your name. Then again , maybe you're just a little scared to do so. If you truly believe what you say , stand up and put a name to your words. For with your words you can be redeemed or condemned. MAN UP (or woman up)AND SIGN YOUR NAME!!!!!!!
Rick Prouse

Wymzie said...

Once again the title of the article is..."Why does it take Entertainers to Get Democrats to Vote?"

Not "Why does it take entertainers to get Black people to vote?"

I am simply perplexed at the Celebrity factor involved in registering people to vote. I have no control over why the majority of democratic voters are black.

The basis of the article is to point out that republicans don't go out with a bunch of celebrities and round up voters.

Rock the Vote is supposedly bi-partisan but in reality is purely a liberal democrat endevour.

The tactic to include celebrity backing in getting people out to vote makes them look like idiots. To vote because you get to go to a free JayZee concert shows that you really don't give a rip about voting but want to be a part of a free event with a multimillion dollar entertainer who is probably more conservative in their thinking than the people who attend the concert. After all, with all the money that these people make they certainly don't want to vote for someone who is going to cost them more money.
Kinda like Rosie O'Donnel doesn't believe that Americans should have the right to bear arms but keeps armed guards around herself and her children wherever she goes.

The hypocrisy is astounding. I don't care who anyone votes for, but I want them to make an informed PRIVATE decision of their choice.
Registering just to get into a concert just doesn't look informed.

Anonymous said...

To Mardela 1:41 pm. The last census I listed myself under 'Other:' and wrote in 'United States American',sure enough out comes a census worker to ask me a "few questions". Of course she denied my answer was the reason, but how often has that happened to anybody?

Chimera said...

Yeah heres the link for my blog on Voting Rights-I cannot recall if I crossposted here at SBYNEWs

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Mardela, you can't post racist comments and then try to change the subject. You posted something about blacks only. No other race.

We don't have to answer any of these racist questions. We don't answer to you period.

You really need to apologize to us.

Anonymous said...

If black voters vote for Obama at 95%, THEY ARE THE MOST RACIST VOTING BLOCK IN A HUNDRED YEARS.

Some black leaders see Obama for what he is:
"I want to cut his, (Obama's),nuts off." (Rev. Jesse Jackson)

"Surely patriotic, Christian black voters will not blindly turn themselves into the United Islamic States of America just to elect a black president!"

Anonymous said...


You said Obama has nothing in common with the average black man. I called you ot on it because I am an average black man and share many traits with Obama.

My question is what qualifies you to make that sort of statement when you are NOT an average black man?

Anonymous said...

I love watching you right-wing extremists squirm as you are starting to realize America is waking up to your Bullsh*t and voting for their own interests instead of stupid PR and the FALSE PATRIOTISM of the anti-American Republican Party

Anonymous said...


The blog only mentioned blacks. Only blacks. Not some people. Not whites, hispanics, Asians or any other race.

It is in black and white. Read it again.

That is why it is RACIST.

Anonymous said...

aNON 7:07 (first one):

You are an idiot. Black Americans can vote how we want to. We neither have to explain it or justify it. It is none or your business.

By the way, Senator Obama is not a muslim. That is (should be) a dead subject.

Anonymous said...

Dumb & dumber 7:14

Blacks are the ONLY group voting as a 95% block for the "black" candidate. That makes them RACICST!

Obama wrote that the fates of white and brown people do not speak to his. That makes him RACIST! Hopefully, enough white and brown people will wake up and realize that, much like Hitler, Obama is a very radical, dangerous monster!

joe albero said...


Don't let these Anti Albero Bloggers get to you. I'd say its your initiation to the Blog and they're pissed because they get no hits and this is the only place they get any attention, should I let their comments through.

I know you've been through a lot tougher and have served our COUNTRY, unlike these pussies trying to rag on you. They're young, they're stupid and they have no clue your sacrifices towards freedom in America.

Chimera said...

Anonymous 7:07
If you need me to explain why Obama is out of touch with the average black man in the US then I don't know what to tell you.He has had the "life of Riley"-lived all over the world,went to the best schools,etc.
And while we are on the subject of race,why is it that Obama wrote two books about his absentee father who abandoned him,but never acknowledges the white grandparents who raised him when his mother decided to do her thing without her kid?Because it will not fit into the image he is trying to project.
Furthermore-I am not withholding my Obama vote for race,or because I think hes a Muslim or any of that crap.He will not get my vote because he has promised to do what all other Democrats have and that is take more of MY money and piss it away into social programs that my family will never benefit from.Thats socialism at its finest and we do not need more of it.That is ALL I have to contribute on this matter.I am tired of being labelled racist because I dare to say what other people will not.

Anonymous said...

Sorry blutojthetotmom, you still haven't answered the question. How do you know Senator Obama has nothing in common with the average black man? I am one and share many of his traits also. How do you know?

I've gone to great schools too and been all over the world. I guess Iam asking what to you is an average black man?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:14,

What is the voting block for "white" candidate? I bet it is around 90 -95 percent white.

It doesn't matter though as Blacks don't owe you an explanation. though. Scared huh?

By the way Senator Obama never wrote or said the quote you attribute to him. I can prove it if you want. I can give you the book and page number of what he really said. But I am sure you don't want the truth.

Racist are very sad people.

Mardela said...

Joe, these posters don't bother me. I love every one of them and I'm glad that you give all of us an opportunity to speak our minds and our hearts.

It's easy to see the ignorant ones. They have to call names, or label people. Still, they have the freedom to say what they want. With discussion, hopefully we can have understanding. Understanding is what leads to tolerance, and that leads to peace and respect.

Thank you all for this wonderful discussion, even if I don't agree with many of you.

Anonymous said...

Just because you say it with a smile, doesn't mean that you're being respectful, Mardela.

Anonymous said...

Um... Obama isn't Middle Eastern at all. His father was an African. Kenyan, to be exact. That his father was Muslim doesn't mean that he was Middle Eastern.

And what is going on with your numbers? did you just pull these out of your a$$ to justify your ridiculous claims?

you belong on this website.

Wymzie said...

Anon 7:14

The article said and I quote...
"ACORN had a press conference this morning and has claimed they have registered over 1.2 million people to vote. Saying that most of their registrants were Black and Hispanic"

This article is about democrats going after black and hispanic voters and entertaining them into voting.
What part of this don't you understand? If you have to be entertained into voting then you are voting for the wrong reasons and I fail to believe that all the votes are informed votes.
I'm not sure why you are taking so much heat for this article when you didn't even post it, and Bluto, I agree with you.
Just because your not afraid to speak your mind doesn't make one a racist.

Anonymous said...


You are right speaking your mind does not make you a racist. It is the content of what you say that does. The post was specifically questioning the registration of Blacks, and generally how they vote. Yet you don't mention how whites votes, asians vote, etc.

Even the title was misleading because the post was only aimed at Blacks.

Then we get the comment that Senator Obama, "has NOTHING in common with the average black American!" And the only proof they have is that they know Black people or someone marriaged a Black person.

My main opinion was that what gives you the right to question how Black people vote? How do you know that Senator Obama has nothing in common with the average Black American? What makes an average Black American?

I am Black and don't agreed with with the latter because I do have a lot in common with the Senator. I don't agree with the former because all parties have been registered at a lot of different events.

To pull out a misleading "headline" to talk about a race of people is racist.

And this goes directly to you Joe. I see that you didn't put in my last post. That is your right as it is your blog. However why do you hide and censor when someone has an intelligent opinion you don't want to hear.

Anonymous said...

I'm not an "anti-Albero" blogger, but I am against the racism that was displayed here! Mardela and Wymzie can say whatever they want about how they were not making spurious claims about black people, but unfortunately for them the proof is right here, in their own words. The good news for America is that these attitudes, which once were the majority, are now clearly in the minority. Obama is kicking butt in the latest polls and if we are fortunate enough ot have him as our next president, he will cahnge even more minds. I am confident that he will do a great job. And by the way, Obama did not grow up as some rich kid of privilege, as has been implied here. He worked really hard and was really smart, and managed to graduate near the top of his class at Harvard Law School. That is one heck of a great American story, and I will be proud to vote for him.

Chimera said...

Thanks Wymzie from one BWB to another!(b*tches with balls!)
MY family will be shocked when they find out what a zealot racist I am.......(tongue firmly in cheek)I sure hope my hubby doesn't divorce me for calling him a big "guido".After all he is Italian and I probably hurt his feelings so.......

(before anyone gets a pitchfork out,I am being humorous-not much of that around lately)

Anonymous said...

Yes we heard about Jesse Jackson. Yes we heard about what he said about Senator Obama.

We also discussed it at length.

What we didn't do is make it a distraction. We know have kept our eyes on the prize.

Chimera said...

BTW,is anyone here old enough to remember when Jesse Jackson ran for President back in the 80's?
He was overheard calling NYC "Hymie-town"(Hymie being a slur against Jewish people) and support for him vanished overnight.