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Monday, October 06, 2008

We Must Get Rid of the FED!

If you have ever called your Congressman or Senator to complain about something now is the time, and possibly the most important call or letter you will ever submit.

Who exactly is the Federal Reserve? Is it a Governmental Agency?
Who elected Alan Greenspan or Ben Bernacke?
Did you?

The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE BANK!
It is not a Government Agency!
Not one voting American elected these two men to their positions, but the Board of Directors of the PRIVATE Federal Reserve!

Former Presidential Candidate, Senator Ron Paul, Republican from Texas, introduced a bill in the house to dissolve the Federal Reserve in June of 2007, yet the House has yet to pick up the bill and bring it to vote. This bill needs to be brought to the floor and voted on, and now!

Who exactly is representing us the American people with this now 840trillion dollar bailout?
We are bailing out private banks!
We are bailing out banks that George Bush and his family have great financial wealth in.
Why are we sitting here and allowing ourselves to believe the utter BS that is being spoon fed to us?
This is the very issue that Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagreed on. Centralization of Banking. When you have centralization, and they make bad decisions and bad loans then EVERYONE is effected. If the money is decentralized then when bad decisions are made, regions may be affected but the whole world as we know doesn't cease to exist!

American Free Press reported...

"The Federal Reserve Act, passed by Congress in 1913, laid the foundation for the creation of a privately owned and controlled central bank and gave private bankers the power to control the nation’s money supply.

Nearly 100 years later, the role the central bank has played in the financial scandal has been widely reported in the mainstream. Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, once heralded as “the maestro,” has been feeling the heat for supporting the deregulation of financial institutions and flooding markets with cheap dollars.

U.S. News & World Report had a recent commentary titled “From Enron to the Financial Crisis, With Alan Greenspan in Between” excoriating Greenspan, who as the nation’s top banker, repeatedly downplayed the risks associated with derivatives even after the collapse of Enron in 2002.

On September 27, The New York Times also hit Greenspan for his failure to watch over and regulate greedy banks. To its credit, the Times also blasted Congress for dismantling important safeguards, including the Glass-Steagall Act, which kept commercial and investment banks at a safe distance.

“Now we know that an entire ‘shadow banking system’ has grown up,” wrote the Times, “without rules or transparency, but with the ability to topple the financial system itself.”

Even the cable news shows are getting in on the game. NBC’s cable news show interviewed well-known investor Jim Rogers, who made a fortune betting on commodities markets.

“How much money does the Federal Reserve have?” asked Rogers. “I know they can run their printing presses forever, but that is not good for the world. Inflation is not good for the world. A collapsing currency is not good for the world. It means worse recession in the end. . . . I would abolish the Federal Reserve.” "

Now is the time to call your representatives and demand that they bring Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (HR 2755) to the floor for a vote.

The Fed needs to be abolished, and we need to start from ZERO. A Zero based budget is the only way to operate, and this bailout will only prop up an institution who has made decisions to enrich only themselves, and now they want us to bail them out.

Don't believe the BS that by bailing out Wall Street will also bail out Main Street. It is simply not true! Americans will continue to lose their homes, and their jobs and we will be financially enslaved forever.

If you don't believe what I am saying look for yourselves, do the research look up the Federal Reserve. See if you can get a balance won't get one, and no one else can either. They are accountable to NO ONE!

This is the time in history when each and everyone of us can make a difference and demand our representatives to represent us. We have the chance right now to save our future. Do the right thing and demand action from our representatives.

The money proposed for this bail out could provide health insurance for every man woman and child in this country! It could pay off the mortgages of every family that is behind in their payments and it could pay for the infrastructure of our entire nation to be restored!

All of the above, or bail out Wall Street, what will it be?


Anonymous said...

They took the extra time so they could add some more pork

Anonymous said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

Thank ALEXANDER HAMILTON for this one.

Mardela said...

Is it really the Fed Bank or is it the influence of our leaders? I think the Fed Reserve is good in theory, but the control should be changed. Of course this could never happen. Maybe Walmart should take it over.

Wymzie said...


I was listening to talk radio the other night the accusations are flying that the FED owes the Treasury over $3 Trillion already.

There is absolutely NO accountability. Who exactly do these people answer to?
NO One!

And lets not forget who Pauleson is ... former CEO of Bear Sterns.

With this passage it give the former CEO of Americas largest failed bank complete and utter control of over $800trillion with no oversight.


Anonymous said...

correct. The Fed is a groupe of private for-profit bankers, who totally control both political parties. They print money, literally. Each note is debt. It is a Federal Reserve NOTE - debt. They control our government and our economy.

Anonymous said...

no accountability ya say? dang sure do sound like da city of salisbury