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Monday, October 06, 2008

Here's One Country I Won't Consider

"KUWAIT CITY - A Kuwaiti official says authorities abruptly ended a music concert by an Egyptian singer in this conservative Muslim country when a young female fan jumped on stage, hugged the male singer and gave him a kiss.

Qanas al-Adwani, who heads the government department that monitors public entertainment, says the girl's behavior at Friday's concert "defied the conservative traditions" of Kuwait.

Al-Adwani also said Sunday that the fan's behavior broke controls on public entertainment, which were imposed by influential Muslim fundamentalists after they failed in 1997 to ban concerts altogether. Concerts have to be licensed by the government, and monitors from the Information Ministry watch the crowd to make sure nobody stands up to dance."

This was sent to me in an e-mail.


Anonymous said...

Good thing we liberated this country with US money and US lives.

Anonymous said...

Wastin away again in MARGARITA-VILLE.

Anonymous said...

So you want to be a judge?

Well your dad is one in PG county, so you want the job too. Unfortunately, it would look like nepotism or something if you managed to get appointed to a judgeship in the same county. Also, it would be better if you were a member of a minority in a county like that. So family friend and neighbor Steny Hoyer, suggests that you move to a county were there is a judge approaching retirement age and establish yourself there. Fortunately, there is a nearby county the fits the bill: Queen Anne’s.

If you want a career in politics, working as a defense attorney is not the best approach especially in a conservative county like Queen Anne’s. It is much better to be a prosecutor. Unfortunately, it is only a part-time job since the crime rate there is so low. Tough to make a living like that.

So the democratic majority county commissioners help you out by converting the prosecutor’s job into a full time one. Now all you have to do is get yourself elected.

No problem there. With the help of the state democratic machine and donations of your PG county friends, you defeat the incumbent in the primary and win in the general election. Now all you have to do is avoid anything controversial for a couple of years and the job is yours.

Well the judge idea fell apart was a republican governor was elected right before the judge retired.

So instead, you get involved with a rising star in the state party – Martin O’Malley. You attend the 2004 convention and get to stand behind him during his primetime speech. You help get him elected governor and work on his transition team. What do you get in return? NOTHING.

With the state republican party on the move against Gilchrest and no real democratic challengers available, you get the nod to run for congress. During the primary, you run on vague promises so you can adjust your position later. If Gilchrest wins, you just need to make yourself appear more conservative to pick-up the anti-Gilchrest republicans. If Harris wins, you just need to make yourself appear more moderate to snag the disgruntled Gilchrest voters.

So with the help of his friends in PG county, he is close to making the first district another win for the democrats. Which side do you think he is really going to vote with once he is in there if wants a political future with his democratic party friends?