
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Monday, October 06, 2008

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

Just the facts! That's what I was taught, whether watching Joe Friday, or learning how to report for my school paper. Just the facts.

Where is this type of reporting today? Has it always been biased and edited to promote someone or something? If it was, it was never realized. Maybe we should compare it to TV wrestling. When we were kids, we thought wrestling was real. It was a great show, and even though people would tell us it was fake, a made up story, we still thought it was real.

Now, the entire wrestling community knows it's scripted entertainment. They have admitted it, yet they still pack the house. It doesn't matter. Is that how our fixation with the media is? We know that what they are reporting isn't facts, but we don;t care. As long as the story keeps our eyes glued to the paper, or the TV, or our ear to the radio, we don't care. It's just more entertainment to pollute our already dumbed down minds.

Do you want just the facts? Or do you like the "fake" news they portray today? Can you tell there isn't much truth to the story the way it's presented? Or do you yearn for outlets like SBYNEWS? A place where you can debate real facts. A place where your opinion is just that, opinion and the facts are just that, real facts. Or do you like the smoke and mirror show that the press and media give you today?


LetterWriter said...

Mardela! Are you newly a contributer? Or were you one before? If you're new, yay! Good call, Joe :) I'm looking forward to the lively debates!

And in response... I think that I enjoy all the news sources for what they are and take them at face value with caution. I know what to expect from each one, and after comparing the stories you find everywhere (and the opinions you get with them), you kind of know what direction the stories may be skewed. If you take them all together, somewhere in the middle you find truth.

Anonymous said...

No offense, but this blog is not the place to find real facts. It is all opinion and slanted at that.

Anonymous said...

I am a college graduate and do not like being bullshitted! Give me the real news and don't sugar-coat it. That is why I like Sby News. What makes me giggle is when those that hate this site come on it every day, I'm sure several times a day to get the real news!

Anonymous said...

'Facts' posted here, IMHO, are to be taken like any media source. There is always another side to any story. I don't know your sources as much as or as little as I know any other medias sources. We're all just pawns to what is fed to us. It's up to us to look for the other side of the story and decide for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

All new is biased. Always has been, always will be. When reading or watching any news source, do yourself a favor and follow the money.

tedh said...

The difference with this media source is that you get to express your opinion. If you like it you can say so. If you don't you can argue it. A good debate brings out the underlaying truth. News from many sources, not just one editors political backed thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Really a stretch, Mardela. If you believe that what's on sbynews is "just the facts" you're a Republican.

Mardela said...

Anon 2:15
Obviously you are a little slow. Maybe we need to put this in "pop up book" form for you. I stated their are facts and opinions which lead to good debate. It's the MSM that should be giving us just the facts.