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Monday, August 11, 2008

Terry Cohen - Take Care of What You Have

Salisbury Councilwoman Terry Cohen's appearance on this morning's Bill Reddish show was stellar. Besides the normal discussion of city business, Cohen brought up a subject that will be impacting Salisbury taxpayers for years to come:

While focusing on revenue growth through annexation and development, Salisbury seems to be ignoring its current infrastructure.

Or as Terry put it, "We've got to take care of what we've got". Read more ...


Anonymous said...

Cohen has a lot of something in short supply in our city government:

Common sense.

It was a good show, G.A. Your post is also on the money.

Anonymous said...

It's a wonder Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell can even walk let alone talk with the regular beatings they take from the mare and her council stooges.

As usual, GREAT SHOW Terry.

Anonymous said...

will one of these women run for mayor????

Anonymous said...

The lady is right. This City can't take care of what they have, let alone taking on more. The Police, Fire and public works have not received any new positions in years and struggle to provide even basic services. Where did all the tax dollars go with all the expansion that the City has seen under this Mayor? There are simply not enough Police to stop the crime that is out of control. There are not enough Firefighters and Paramedics to help us in a time of emergency. Our Public works staff have given up on trying to fix all that goes wrong in this City.
Lets face it. Your paying higher taxes and getting less for it. Its not the poor City employees fault. They give their all every day, but they do not have the resources to make this the City that it should be. The Mayor can speak of hard economic times and they are tough, but look around us. Fruitland is thriving. Dover is a model city and Ocean City blows Salisbury out of the water. Its such a shame for those who remember Salisbury in better times of management. Perhaps we will someday return to the proud City that was the gem of the Eastern Shore.

Anonymous said...

"The Police, Fire and public works have not received any new positions in years and struggle to provide even basic services."

They could provide more service if some of them actually Worked.

Anonymous said...

For now I'd like to see both of them stay on council. We need to replace Shanie and have an intelligent, proactive and accountable majority on the council to get the city to set priorities while voting for a mayor with the same goals, making tough cuts and try to make things work with the revenues we have. Not that either couldn't make a good mayor.

There is not enough money and we can't have it all. When the house gets cleaned after the election we may find that we are even worse off than what we think. Let's hope not, however even as it is, the city is in ill health. It's not going to be cheap to get out of the hole this city administration is digging.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying it's gonna cost even MORE???