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Monday, August 11, 2008

A Comment Worthy Of Attention/Debate

Cruggly Said......

"this is the truth of this nation today. we take care of everyone except the white and black middle class working men and women. we are being exterminated. go to your local store, go to get gas, take your kid to the baby doctor, take a look at your surgery doctors, look at your landscapers workers, go into the chicken plants, almost everywhere you turn we are being bombarded by this, why, cheap labor to make owners wealthier at the expense of the average working class family. this country has forgotten who it is, this is a dangerous road to travel. in case everyone has over-looked it, the economy here locally is in the shitter box. there is no work for a vast majority of middle class buisnesses. i know because i have owned one for fifteen years. the construction industry has died,(not that it matters because for the last four or five years it was taken over by ILLEGAL mexicans that built some of the most slapped toghter pieces of shit you have ever seen). the whole nation is so obsessed with being politicaly correct, dont affend anyone. im sick of it, im personally ready to explode and shove it right up the elites asses. this is our country, we built it, we defended it, we love it, and i think alot of us are going to have to die again to save it. all i want to know is where do i show up."


Anonymous said...

Now who can argue with that? I think we all owe a debt of gratitude to Cruggly Johnson. Not only was that authentic frontier gibberish, but it represents a courage rarely seen in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

things are only going to get worse before they get better. i suggest one of two recourse's.

1) move out of America. America doesn't stand for anything anymore.

2) get a government job. the government will take care of it's own, because state and federal employee's will be the last to rebel.

mark my words, the sh*t is already hitting the fan, but in slow-motion (at a bureaucratic pace)

Anonymous said...

This "cheap labor" cruggly complains about helps the middle class by making products cheaper, allowing capital to flow to more productive uses, and freeing up resources to be used more efficiently. It's too bad they don't teach economics in schools so people like cruggly could understand this. But I don't know if that would do him any good. I know they teach spelling and grammar in school and he certainly didn't seem to benefit from either one of those classes.

countrygirl@heart said...

anon 11:53
His point was intelligent and passionate. At least he has the balls to say what he truly feel. All you can do is criticize his grammer and spelling? Seriously?!
The illegals are a problem. Simply come here legally and pay taxes like the rest of us and noone could say anything!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Cruggly has fallen for the oldest trick in the Republican playbook. Find a boogieman, in this case low wage workers, and demonize them. If you thin the economy is bad now, it would be 100% worse without these workers. The economy would grind to a halt quickly. Just ask the small business owners in California.

Anonymous said...

11;53, the cheap labor allows capital to flow to more productive uses, so resources can be used more efficiently, yeah, more productive uses in china, mexico, and all the other foreign places. im sure these countries use this money more efficiently in their country for their people,(you made my point). as far as you wanting to take a personal attack at grammer and spelling, buddy i let the thoughts flow and my hands just try to keep up, im not trying to win a pulitzer price here, and impressing you with spelling and grammer isnt tops on my priority list today. you have a fine now...
(isnt that nicer joe).

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob, and here's our new contestant on "The Pulitzer Price Is Right"...

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 11:53.

You show us one example of efficiently used resources, productive capital, or (and this one is a real hoot), "cheaper products".

If you can't you will look like a real idiot.

Anonymous said...

12;16, low wage workers, oh you mean the lower middle class americans. do i literaly have to get permission to give you a list of all the people i went to school with locally that are in jeoperdy of losing all they worked for for you to understand that im talking about regular working families. my intent was not to demonize anyone, just to show the reality as i see it of the state of the middle class family. if everything would collapse with-out these workers how did we get by for so long before them? the sky didnt fall then. i think maybe it is you who has fallen victim to a political trick.(you have a nice day).

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked that it's taken the likes of "cruggly" to figure out how to solve all the problems of our country. How embarassing for the rest of us.
On a serious note, where did you get your degree in economics?

Anonymous said...

How old is cruggly? Too old to enlist? Go fight in Iraq or Afghanistan in 132 degrees and see how fast you want to "show up." And if you are already a veteran, good for you and thank you. I am not a supporter of Affirmative Action. But I hate racism in any form. I don't consider it being "politically correct" either, just a decent human being. And, I am a vet who became a citizen the right way. I studied hard and took tests and learned English.

joe albero said...

Frank Kratovill! LOL

Anonymous said...

Cruggly Said......

"All I want to know is where do I show up?"

At the doctor's office for your lobotomy. Ha ha, just kidding. I consider myself middle class and I would agree it is tough to get ahead but I do get by, and comfortably at that(in the sense all my needs are met). We certainly have a lot of problems in this country and it sounds like Cruggs is just having a bad day. The Eastern Shore can be a depressing place to live.

Anonymous said...

12;45, to answer your question i am not a veteran, everything i learned and now support about military service came from my step father,(rest his soul) who was a veteran of world war II. from him i learned that its about pride, pride in who you are, pride in where your from and pride in yourself. i have never been on a battle-field in 130 degree heat, but i have been in hundreds of attics in july and august, point being i can take the heat, im more scared of failing my family than i am of any man. also i do not consider being concerned about self preservation of the middle class being racism. if you see it like that then thats your choice to do so. if anything im the opposite of racism, if your a "LEGAL" citizen of this nation i dont care what color you are, you deserve the exact same chance that anyone else has to make a better life for you and your family. i judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their soul and the mind that controls it.
(have a good one)

Anonymous said...

12;54, you sound like my wife,ha,ha. i think its more like a bad couple of years then a day. i was born here on the eastern shore and i love it, it will always be my home. it didnt used to be so depressing to live here. if you look at the local economy, the local job market, the local housing market, the local crime stats it has indeed become more depressing. i do not believe the eastern shore is isolated in this, i believe the country is feeling it as well. sometimes i myself long for that lobotomy, it would stop all this thinking that goes on in my head. but you dont have to have a lobotomy anymore they make pills so you can walk around with a smile on your face and on the inside your dead. ill keep dealing with the thoughts.
(rip it up dude).

Wymzie said...

I can't believe you people are missing the point that Cruggs is making over his typing ability.
As for buying a Boogeyman trick from the Republicans, don't think the so called Democrats don't have them too.
All of you are falling for their tricks by allowing yourselves to fight amongst each other.
If we are busy arguing amongst ourselves then at what point and where do we take action?
Cruggly wants to know where to show up! Where is it going to be that we say enough is enough?
Where are we going to meet and what will be our anthem?
It's a much bigger question people!

Bob said...


I agree with you on many things but this immigration thing is where you and I part ways brother.

Let me start by saying that I too think that all illegals should be immediately apprehended, fingerprinted, photographed, and deported. Both southern and northern borders should be closed.

The reason the illegals haven't been deported has nothing to do with cheap labor. Mexican labor is no longer "cheap". I too run a construction company. I know of a framer who will frame right now for $4.00 a SF. not because he has to compete with cheaper labor but because he knows that he can keep working if he charges what ppl can afford. He's a white American.

The reason - the real reason - that illegals aren't being apprehended is because they ARE paying taxes. They are paying taxes that they will never get back by filing an income tax form. They are paying into a bankrupt Social Security system from which they will never collect. They are a tool the federal govt. is using to prolong the inevitable reality that the Soc. Sec. system is failing. BUT until it does, the govt. will continue to let them remain here and pay into a fund that our elected officials will continue to rape by spending on things that will buy them votes. Both major political parties are guilty. Our Govt. needs a major overhaul from top to bottom. But we have to start at the bottom and work our way up. We need to start electing people who will truly represent the will of the people. We have a representative form of govt. but they are not representing us. It goes much further than just being ELECTED by the people to represent us. They must be forced to ACTUALLY represent us. Carry the will of the majority forward and vote on issues the way the majority of the people want - provided it doesn't violate any of the provisions of the Constitution.

If we could get this done on a local level, local politicians could who can be trusted could be voted into State legislature and half the friggin' laws on the books would be repealed because they are way too intrusive into the lives of Americans.

I believe we can still do this at the ballot box. But if we let it go too far, Cruggly may be right.

Remember what Jefferson said:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Anonymous said...

god i love you guys

Anonymous said...

I know it's impossible but I sure to wish we could get everyone to boycott the damn election.

Absentee ballots stating, NONE OF THE FUGGIN' ABOVE

Pee Wee Herman should run, he knows how to hold is own

Anonymous said...

I am with you brother, let me know where when and how?


Wymzie said...

You have succinctly and precisely hit the nail on the head with regards to immigration.
Having open borders serves both political parties needs. They are able to cover up the huge hole in the ground called Social Security.
And to all you folks who are backing our police state and say how much we need to support the law enforcement officers instead of 'attacking' them.
Look at the real story here. Their bosses on the Federal, State, and Local levels are hanging their own out to dry by exposing them on a daily basis to violence that pours over our borders on a daily basis.

It's a joke!

Anonymous said...

good morning, i figured i would get up and practice my grammer and punctuation, ha, ha. (not). lets keep our eyes on the ball people.

Bob said...


I do now and will probably always support law enforcement officers. Having been an LEO for many years I can tell you that by bunching them in with politicians (legislators) - it's like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. It doesn't fit.

Law enforcement is one of the first places that the govt. interfaces with the people but the officers have no control over the laws passed. Don't kill the proverbial messenger.

The face of law enforcement is changing. There is much less tolerance for officers who mess up - regardless of how it seems. The big difference is that we live in the information age. When something happens, everyone knows about it - almost instantly.

Back in the day in the bigger cities Sgt. O'Leary would walk the beat on New Years day and would be drunk the end of his shift. The only ppl who knew were a few on his beat. Now everyone in the city would know and it forces Law Enforcement Administrations to eliminate that behavior by holding the front line supervisors accountable. Are police officers going to make bad decisions? Sure some of them will.....and many will be taken to task for it. Some won't get caught. Just like the rest of society. But it is absolutely inaccurate to paint them all with a broad brush labeling them as corrupt.

Bill Livingston said...

RE: "Sergeant O'Leary Walking The Beat": Does he continue to work at Mr. Cacciatore's, down on Sullivan street; and, if so, is he still saving up his pennies for a Cad-i-lac-yak-yak...You ought to know by now...

Wymzie said...

Let's back up a second.
Let's be perfectly clear I do not believe that all police officers are corrupt.
I do believe that many things that are being passed down from on high are wrong and corrupt, and I believe that if an officer is to do his job then at some point he will have to enforce the new policies,laws, etc. that may in fact compromise what he believes to be right or wrong.

Here is where I ask the question:
If it is the law and it is wrong, does it make it right just because it is the law?

My husband is an auctioneer and he has a client in S. California who is a cop. She was telling him about a recent shooting that occurred when officers went to serve a warrant in a neighborhood where there has recently been a lot of home invasions by people banging on the doors saying they were the police.
From what she said the man answered the door in the middle of the night with a gun in his hand and the police opened fire on him and killed him in his doorway.
There is an ongoing investigation right now within the department, and she was telling my husband that she asked a couple of questions in the meeting with the officers who were involved. She said "If you lived in this neighborhood, and knew this was happening; how many of you would have answered the door with your gun too"? They all said they would, as they all keep and bear arms outside of their service weapons. She said it's not a crime to own a properly registered gun, it's not wrong to have it with you in your house, and it's not against the law to answer your door in the middle of the night with it in your hand. Yet the homeowner is dead, and the officers have their jobs because they were operating under standard procedure.
All of the home invasions have been attributed to drugs. There is big money in drug dealing, this war is not working and we aren't winning it. We must take the profit out of the equation. If the profit is gone there will no longer be a reason to defend it, or steal to buy it. It will be cheap like ciggs and booze. What happened during prohibition? Gangland violence gripped the cities across this country because the profit margins were soooo high. As soon as it was over, the high profits were gone.
If you work for a company that is doing something wrong and you know it is wrong but the company does not get in trouble for their wrong doing, do you justify it and make it ok in your mind?
Right is right and wrong is wrong, and just because the Fed or State says that it is right doesn't make it so, and to be an officer that has to enforce wrong laws puts a conscientious good person in a bad position; especially when it has to do with their paycheck.
How long will our good officers continue to enforce bad laws?
To know something is wrong and continue to do it is sin. Where will they draw the line? When it comes to roost at their house?
I have taken a lot of crap on here about being a liberal, cop hating drug loving, zionist, racist. None of these labels could be further from the truth.
I love this country, and I believe that there are a lot of good people who are willing to make this a better place (police officers included) but I really believe we need to take a step back and look at the monster that we have allowed to grow in Washington and decide how much more oppression we are going to take.