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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prostitution In Salisbury

"Many times I have seen some shady looking folks in the general area of Joe's prostitution post. They're either loitering around buildings or walking up and down the roads. Anyone with common sense would infer that a good number of them are up to something other than getting from point A to point B or taking a break.

Last night I was on my way to dinner with friends and low and behold there were two different "people of interest" stopped in that same area by SPD. Coincidence that SPD was out there in force with Joe's post, I think not!

I'm not kissing up to Joe or touting the blog shamelessly, but I'm wanting to comment on why this happened. Nothing gets done unless u raise some holy hell and get involved. You have to speak out loud and where it hurts when crap like this is not getting handled properly and I mean loud. I'm talking about embarrassing the hell out of someone in charge (public shame), putting their power in a jeopardizing situation, or any sense of a challenge from a large group that impacts them in some way. They will listen then!

If no one complains or gets people active in combating such situations then nothing will get done and the status quo will continue. Who wants a status quo of outright corruption, mishandled government, and crime; drugs, prostitution, gangs, theft, murders, drive-bys, and the whole lot of other crap? Not all communities have this problem, but Joe's post shows you what needs to happen to get things done apparently in our Community.

Posting responses and outrage is a good first step, but that same vigor and outrage needs to be carried on beyond this avenue of reporting. Get out and get active and organized or nothing will get accomplished! We cannot afford to be on the sidelines in this game. Things will get worse and worse until we do something about it.

Do you really want to live in this type of environment?
Do you want to raise your kids in this type of environment?
Do you feel safe?
Is this not embarassing to live in? (I mean open prostitution in places where you drive past everyday with your family and children?

So I ask are you sick and tired of all of this nonesense and BS?"

Again my best to everyone,

Nick Loffer


Anonymous said...

"So I ask are you sick and tired of all of this nonesense and BS?"

But Nick, what will you have to do on Saturday night?

Anonymous said...

we pay the police to protect and to serve, do we not? if one of us were to go down there and protest or try to get them to move on we would probably get in trouble or sued. remember this is the new america, where right and wrong get blurry. send undercover narco cop to make buy and then youll have something to charge them with, possibly even the owner of the buisness.

Anonymous said...

is smoking while your pregnant child endangerment?

Chimera said...

She is not helping her kid by smoking when pregnant,but her having unprotected sex with strangers all day every day cannot be much better for the unborn baby.Unfortunately,she has "rights" so the most anyone can do is get a judge to force her into rehab(she obviously has an expensive drug habit if shes doing this everyday!)

Anonymous said...

I read a book on taking back communities years ago. It talked about photographing peopel who were buying and selling drugs and the tag numbers of their cars much like what has been done with regards to prostitution. In those days it took time to get the film developed and then, where would you publish the pictures that they weould really get the attention needed to influence change. Now is a different day. Cell phone cameras, digital, sending that stuff across the phone lines and the internet as a resource for posting could give a new twist to an old idea.

Anonymous said...

The police concentrate on those areas and those issues that they are instructed...ordered to. It's not as though, sitting around Dunkin' Donuts one SPD officer says to another "lets go bust all the bad people on Church St. today". I would hope that there is a master plan, being overseen by the Chief. Isn't there?

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you all are profiling. Don't you know that profiling is illegal.

Anonymous said...

If you think that the Salisbbury Police Department do anything because Joe put up a post then you have your head in the sand. I'm sure the police couldn't care less what Joe thinks. They are following orders from their commander, not Joe. The things written here are merely observations and commentary, not orders. Maybe someone is thinking that they are more important than they really are.

Anonymous said...

"It's not as though, sitting around Dunkin' Donuts one SPD officer says to another "lets go bust all the bad people on Church St. today"."

What they really say is "the cooler's almost empty, are you going or I'm I?

Nick Loffer said...

Anon 1:53 what are you talking about or infering?

Anon 1:58 I'm talking political pressure. Politcal speech is the most protected type of speech and the Supreme Court has upheld it as long as it is not slander/libel/outright lies.

Anon 2:01 yes, but not in legal terms.

anon 2:21 public shame is good, but be careful of profiling. If it is blatent take a pic and send it to the Police.

Anon 3:18 Does it not seem more than coincidence that things change due to what is posted? Not bragging, but it shows that a little bit of caring, discontent, and being vocal in a constructive way gets things moving?

And yes people know us, we're kinda a big deal. - Anchorman

Anonymous said...

SPD does not take orders from Joe. They take orders from Chief Webster who takes orders from BPT! After Joe's blog creates enough attention, she orders Chief to make a show out of cleaning up prostitution (or drugs, or graffiti or whatever). This is so she can brag about how SHE cleaned up Salisbury. And if you think I am joking, I am not. This is why I remain anonymous!

Notron said...

living in the newtown area i get a chance to talk to many people who live and work around salisburys little red light district. They are all sick of what goes on here and say the major culprits are the two motels and the super soda parking lot due to the fact that the employees and owners of all three will not kick people off thier premisis. Luckily the problem hasn't spread to my neighborhood yet (that i know of) but if everyone keeps hounding the powers at be to clean up this town of the obvious problems they might actually do it. And it better be before the SU students come back into town. SPD loves busting their parties instead of worring about the real crime becaue college kids won't shoot at them. Thats my theory anyway.

Anonymous said...

Nick you aren't a big deal, neither are the rest of the people on this site, myself included. You think you are a big deal and make great changes by sounding off against the establishment. If you think that the police do something just because it is written on this blog then you are kidding yourself.

Anonymous said...

People can be so stupid. Seems to me the ones posting all these comments on how to clean up crime should go do it if they know how. It is not against the law to BE a prostitute in Salisbury or anywhere but it is against the law to engage in the ACT of prostitution. Prostitution is a vice crime and although everyone is well aware of what they are up to, an officer can not merely walk up to one of these "ladies" and place them under arrest because they ARE a prostitute. Undercover details must be organized which are labor intensive and require a great deal of manpower, which the City is deprived of. Everyone wants something done but no one wants to get involved. When they are convicted, they are thrown back out on the streets with a slap on the wrist. Your outrage is misdirected and you are beating the wrong dog.

Nick Loffer said...

Anon 7:46

You're missing the insights. If no one sounds off in a noticible way nothing will ever get done or things get changed for the better. If no one notices or knows then how can a community organize to improve the area through grassroots or political pressure?

We all have to start somewhere and a little old blog to invoke some vigor and public outrage at situations that benefit no good standing citizen is a better start than letting everything not be in the public eye.

It is just time for Salisbury to start getting things together. Anon 8:04 is right and hopefully everyone being aware of this crap and seeing it first hand might change some minds and get people active.

It is easier to solve a problem with 1,000 people than just a handful!

and the Anchorman comment was a joke towards anon 3:18

off to relax...

Anonymous said...

Bluto how do you know they are having unprotected sex? Just like Wymzie saying they aren't on welfare, how do you know? Even drug addicts are aware of HIV/AIDS they also know they can get bags of condoms free from the health department. Don't be so quick to assume. You know what they say about assume.

Anonymous said...

I am both 7:46 and 3:18 but I will get a username shortly. I am not missing the insights, I don't agree with them. I understand that people need to make noise about what they feel is wrong but I don't agree with you that Joe's letter and this blog are something that drives the police to act. I just don't feel it is that powerful. Yes there are several hundred, or even several thousand hits a day but many of them probably don't even live or vote in the city. Many of them probably don't even go by this area that is being spoken about. To think that a letter or topic published on this blog can get the government to act is not realistic, in my opinion. Also, I didn't get the joke about the anchorman.

Chimera said...

I don't know whether they are using protection or not-I am simply going on facts-not assumptions or judgements.People engaged in ANY risky behaviors,which includes prostitution,are more likely to contract STD's.Simple as that-and my concern is that STD's are spreading unchecked to harm innocent people,including unborn children.Condoms do not always prevent herpes,for example, and a HSV infection in a pregnant woman can do bad things to a fetus.It isnt just an unsavory crime,prostitution is also a threat to public health of any community it is in.

Anonymous said...

"It isnt just an unsavory crime,prostitution is also a threat to public health of any community it is in."

But it's more fun then daytime TV.

Anonymous said...

you're all a bunch of hypocrites. Don't you think these women would rather have a nice job and a nice home, friends and family than the life you all assume they have?
We all would, but for the grace of God, we aren't walking in their shoes.
In the quiet NICE neighborhoods of Salisbury, people are cheating on their spouses, using drugs, stealing fuel from the land fill and cheating on their taxes.
The only difference between the NICE people and the girls at the Thrift INN is publicity.
How many of you would stop and find out if they need help? None of you!
Stop beating your chests and bragging how righteous you are. Maybe these girls need more than your scorn, maybe they just need help.
If you find fault with them, maybe it's time to look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

10:02's kinda obvious that they're having unprotected sex if they're pregnant. The blonde is not the first pregnant hooker I've seen out there, there was a really young black girl a couple years ago - her mother took the baby and from what I hear, she's preggo again.