*Exclusive News*
The D&C Auto Sales Company from Laurel, DE. is coming to the old McDonald's near Lake Street & Business Rt. 50. Yes, they're turning it into a Used Car Lot. Not for nothing but for some reason I have a feeling this is going to draw a ton of comments. Starting with, are they nuts? I mean, I welcome any business coming to the area that isn't X-Rated but a Car Lot, at that location?
One thing I did notice was the fact that there were no building permits exposed anywhere on this building?
Would put anything past Don A'quila. He is the owner of D & C Auto in Laurel. Guys a real peice of work. There are alot of things that we know are going on around Lake St. Maybe Salisbury PD should keep an eye on this one.
Don't need no stinkin permits.
I just drove by. Its in the window of the drive through? You can even see it in your picture? You feeling okay?
Wait until they get in the building and methane gas starts coming up through the floors like it did when McDonalds was open. When buying it Salisbury it's definitely a buyer beware situation.
Did anyone tell him WHY McDonalds is no longer there and not the excuse that they relocated.
Risky!! Vandalism is sure to be an issue!
Seems like a good place to collect insurance money.
If that property is ok to build on then why didn't the Salisbury Fire Department use that property? Looks like they would have much better access to a major thoroughfare. Something stinks here and it sure isn't methane gas?
ITS BOG HAVEN. Maybe he will be selling amphib. assualt autos.
Good to see a business go in there! I don't like to see vacant buildings deteriorate over a course of time. Good for the economy! Kudos to them!
There were no permits on the windows, nice try.
Permits-Smermits Who Cares?
hope hes gonna put a ten foot razor fence around the perimeter.maybe he can get the boys at the fire station to keep a peek on it after hours be nice to start earning back that 36 grand a month the taxpayers have to swallow
Just what that area needs is another dealer.
It will be a buy here/pay here rip off joint. Delaware doesn't have lemon laws maybe he thinks he can sell the same junk here in Maryland. Who will be doing his Maryland inspections? Keep an eye on that one.
Seems like a dangerous area. The 7Eleven has lots of problems late at night. The Exxon has theft issues as does the Super Soda. My understanding is that the new fire station has bullet-proof windows! Is this a rumor or truth?
On the positive, it is nice to see a business open up where an abandoned building has stood for a long time, for whatever reason.
On the negative, what a potentially bad set up this could, and will probably be. The neighborhood is one that will be buyers of used cars rather than new, typically, and will have to pay close attention when dealing with this organization. Buyers, Beware!
Do you remember the movie "The French Connection"? Drugs were hidden in cars for delivery to the dealers and customers. There's a reason that movie is a classic.
You would think being #1- Behind Salisbury's finest....# 2-Down the road from the "other" Salisbury's finest that it would be pretty darn safe.Tell me why PowerHouse Gym has their own "Security" car stationed right out front of the gym.Oh,and by the way ....NO PERMIT....is visible anywhere,for what it's worth.****Smokey****
A long time ago there was a local car dealer (still in business) that smuggled drugs like that. He'd send one of his employees to go pick the vehicle up unknowingly, stashed. He used his employees as the "Mules" and they didn't get squat except their regular pay.
why do they need permits, not like they will even pay taxes to fund the city services they will be gettin. Ever wonder why businesses leave the city after about ten years...cause thats when they have to start payin taxes for the services they get...they're like welp it's time to go
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