Jermaine S. Wright was featured HERE in this earlier article on Salisbury News. Today I received a call from a woman in Newport Virginia asking about more information on this man as they had become aware that he was now located in their area. Long Live The Blogs! Part of the details from that article said, "In 1992 he raped and killed a girl at one of the under 21 clubs in Ocean City. The dna evidence somehow became compromised so they had to let him go."
This woman is in the Real Estate business and wanted to make sure this information was circulated to ALL Real Estate Agents throughout the area.
good job, we should kill pieces of sht like this
hang em high!
Should that be Newport News, Viginia?
I am curious as to how she found out he was Virginia. Doesn't he have to report to a parole officer?
Poke his fuggin' eyes out with an ice pick then drag his ass down some railroad tracks.
NAH! That's TOO good for him.
Bad news guys and girls, he is still here in Salisbury, hanging out near the Thrift Travel Inn on Rt 13 and Elizabeth.
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