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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quote of the Day


Anonymous said...

Didn't Mr. Jefferson own hundreds of slaves till his dying day? And do actions not speaks much louder than words?

Wymzie said...

Yes, and that very issue was part of his inner turmoil.
He also knew that the hate and resentment of the two races would probably never be settled, hence his spearheading the formation of the nation of Liberia. He believed that there should be a country where all Africans free or slave could go and live in peace without ever being bound to a law or order instituted by a white man.
Jefferson, was one of the first white public figures who brought the issue of slavery to the forefront of American politics, having been unable to settle the issue within himself he felt it should be something that the people as whole would determine, not just a few.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Jefferson fan, but as great as his contributions and legacy are, they could have been much greater had he chosen to sacrifice his creature comforts and free his slaves as some others who knew slavery was an abomination did.

Of course Jefferson couldn't force his will on an unready nation, but he could have set an example. His excuses for not doing so were weak and unconvincing.

If one reads Jefferson's letters, it's clear that he would have joined the Confederacy had he been born 60 years later, not for the right to keep slaves; but he was willing to sacrifice emancipation for the cause of state's rights.

anonymous 12:29